Press Releases from DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (23 total)
DEAG reports about 2015 marked by non-recurring effects and gives a positive out …
• Sales revenues after consolidation jump significantly to more than EUR 200 million
• Non-recurring expenditure has also burdened the earnings during the full year, as expected: EBIT EUR -17.8 million
• Successful setting of the strategic courses in Live Entertainment und Ticketing
• Market share of myticket continues to grow
• Clear operation in the black anticipated for 2016 – current forecast might be outperformed
Berlin, April 15, 2016 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN: DE000A0Z23G6 | symbol: ERMK)…
DEAG AGM approves amendment to the bylaws and all other agenda items with a larg …
Berlin, June 25, 2015 – The shareholders of DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6/WKN A0Z23G) have approved at today’s Annual General Meeting in Berlin, which lasted just under 100 minutes, all agenda items with a large majority. The amendment to the bylaws was adopted with 100 %. It concerns the extension of the object of the company by adding the distribution and marketing of tickets. All other agenda items were…
Board complete: Kai Ricke, COO of MyTicket AG
The longstanding head of distribution of STAGE Entertainment transfers as second member of the Board to the DEAG subsidiary
Berlin, February 26, 2015 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) continues to expand its direct distribution platform
Kai Ricke (49) becomes a new member of the Executive Board of Hamburg-based As an excellent distribution pro in the entertainment industry, he has been appointed by the Supervisory Board of Myticket…
DEAG is ahead of plan after nine months and anticipates strong full year 2014
Ad hoc announcement in accordance with § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act)
• Sales revenues 3.4% and EBITDA 3.5% higher
• Own ticket distribution successfully launched
• Positive outlook for the full year 2014 and the new year 2015
Berlin, November 28, 2014 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft, Potsdamer Strasse 58, 10785 Berlin, (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6/WKN A0Z23G), listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, has continued its positive development of sales revenues and…
DEAG launches own ticket distribution,
Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act)
• is launched on November 14, on time for the Christmas business
• Extension of the value chain opens up incremental result potentials for DEAG
• Minority participation of two leading media groups in progress
Berlin, November 14, 2014 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft, Potsdamer Str. 58, 10785 Berlin, (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6/WKN A0Z23G), listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, launches…
DEAG re-organizes ticket distribution
Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act)
• Long-term distribution agreement with Ticketmaster
• Sale of Ticketmaster Germany stake
• Launch of DEAG’s own ticket distribution in progress
Berlin, November 13, 2014 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft, Potsdamer Str. 58, 10785 Berlin, (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6/WKN A0Z23G), listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, has optimized its ticket distribution with a view to a sustainable increase in results within the…
DEAG continues to grow in 2013 and increases the result in a clearly disproporti …
Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act)
• Group result from continued operations increases by 33.3 % to 3.6 EUR million
• Executive Board proposes a 50 % dividend increase to 0.12 EUR
• Sales revenues and result are to continue to grow in 2014
Berlin, March 27, 2014 – According to preliminary figures for fiscal 2013, DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) has continued its profitable growth and further extended its…
DEAG continues to expand Family Entertainment
- DEAG and Circus Roncalli produce new Show “Salto vitale”
- Agreement on two-year special tour with Bernhard Paul of Circus Roncalli
- Tour starts in late August 2014 - advance tickets on sale from March 13 onwards
- More than 500,000 visitors expected during the coming two years
Berlin, March 12, 2014 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) continues to expand the strategically important Family Entertainment segment with its subsidiary Grandezza Entertainment GmbH, after the outstanding…
DEAG extends Executive Board and plans sales revenues of more than EUR 250 milli …
• Detlef Kornett appointed as Member of the Executive Board in charge of marketing and the international business
• Corporate growth to be pushed across the board
• Moritz Schwenkow becomes Vice President in charge of the “local business”
Berlin, November 08, 2013 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) extends its Executive Board in line with the company’s dynamic growth. The Supervisory Board has appointed Detlef Kornett (50) as an additional member of the…
“BILD Tickets”: Event ticket sales on in cooperation with DEAG
Launch of the new online sales site for event tickets on Friday, October 18, 2013 – more than 1,000 concerts offered on tickets.bild .de
Berlin, 17 October 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6), Ticketmaster and agree on marketing cooperation in the field of online ticketing., Germany’s largest news and entertainment portal will provide its 14 million users with the opportunity to buy event tickets simply and quickly on…
DEAG and Sony Music continue their successful collaboration at DEAG Classics
• Professor Peter Schwenkow extends his contract as CEO of DEAG Classics ahead of schedule
• DEAG Classics preparing to enter classical market in other countries
Berlin, October 09, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) and Sony Music Entertainment have announced key developments regarding their partnership at DEAG Classics AG, which they entered into four years ago. Professor Peter L.H. Schwenkow, CEO of DEAG and DEAG Classics, has agreed to extend…
DEAG makes market entry in Austria – setting up of the joint venture BLUE MOON …
Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act)
DEAG makes market entry in Austria – setting up of the joint venture BLUE MOON ENTERTAINMENT
• Joint venture with promoter Katrin Edtmeier
• Consistent expansion of event activities in Austria
• Ticket sales of top acts such as David Garrett, Riverdance and Rock meets Classics in Salzburg, Innsbruck and Vienna already started
Berlin, September 16, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6)…
DEAG: Martina Bruder appointed as a new member of the Supervisory Board...
DEAG: Martina Bruder appointed as a new member of the Supervisory Board/ Increased focus on digital strategy
Berlin, September 05, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) announces the appointment of Martina Bruder as a new member of the Supervisory Board of DEAG. Mrs Bruder succeeds to Christine Novaković, who resigned from the Supervisory Board after six years, to focus on other professional priorities.
With Martina Bruder DEAG has secured…
DEAG acquires a 75.1% stake in Wizard Promotions
Ad hoc disclosure in accordance with §15 WpHG (Securities Trading Act)
• Boosting of tours by international superstars
• Consistent strengthening of the content base and stepping-up of added value
• Founder and Managing Directors of Wizard Promotions with a continuing long-term commitment to the company
• Financing by combined increase in cash and capital in kind
• Positive impact on sales revenues and earnings per share of DEAG
Berlin, June 18, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) takes…
DEAG strengthens market position in Switzerland
• Cooperation agreement entered into with ABC Productions AG
• Business expansion mainly for Rock/Pop, Family Entertainment and Corporate Events
• Executive Board expects more than doubling of results versus prior year for 2013
Berlin, June 03, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) strengthens its market position in Switzerland through a cooperation agreement between the Good News Group and ABC Productions AG. This cooperation agreement regulates the joint approach of the two partners at…
DEAG with successful fiscal 2012/Executive Board proposes doubling of dividend
• Strong fourth quarter: Sales revenues +72 %, EBIT +83 % and Group result +76 %
• Consolidated sales revenues with a 21.4 % rise for the full year
• Earnings per share increase in 2012 despite growth investments to EUR 0.22 per share
• Dividend proposal of the Executive Board: 8 cent per share
• Further rise in sales revenues and result for 2013 expected
Berlin, March 28, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment…
DEAG earnings per share EUR 0.15 during the first half year 2012 – Strong outl …
• Ergebnis nach Minderheiten im 1. Halbjahr auf Vorjahresniveau
• Vorverkaufseinnahmen per 30.06.2012 steigen um 56 % gegenüber Vorjahr
• Finanzergebnis verbessert und Minderheitenanteile reduziert
Berlin, 28. August 2012 - Die DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (WKN A0Z23G) hat im 2. Quartal 2012 mit einem Ergebnis je Aktie (EPS) von 0,11 Euro die eigenen Planungen übertroffen. Im Halbjahr summiert sich das Ergebnis je Aktie damit auf 0,15 Euro und erreicht somit - wie das…
DEAG enters into cooperation with Cruiser Entertainment
• Intensification of the existing successful cooperation
• Synergies in the fields of marketing, sponsorships and A&R
• New media as a further focus of cooperation
• Shareholding of DEAG in Cruiser Entertainment possible
Berlin - June 20, 2012: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) has entered into a long-term cooperation agreement with Cruiser Entertainment GmbH, which involves the DEAG subsidiary DEAG Music. The companies build on an already proven cooperation in various projects. For DEAG, the…
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG with a successful first quarter 2012
- Sales revenues rise by 14%
- Earnings per share of EUR 0.04 despite high advance payments for future concerts
- Minority shares further reduced and financial result improved
- Foundation for further strong quarters created – outlook positive
Berlin, May 30, 2012 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN code DE000A0Z23G6) has continued its growth course during the first quarter of fiscal 2012. Sales revenues rose during the seasonally rather weak period by 14%…
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG and Detlef Kornett launch Verescon AG consulting …
Berlin - April 26, 2012: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6), one of Europe’s leading entertainment companies, and Detlef Kornett, longtime CEO of Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) in Europe join forces to create the consulting company Verescon AG.
The name Verescon stands for Venue Research Consulting. The Verescon activities are offered to venues, its owners and operators and focus on consultancy and support in the areas of operations, content, re-positioning,…
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG plans warm-up dividend of 4 cent
Berlin - April 2, 2012: Both Executive and Supervisory Board of DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) will propose the payment of a warm-up dividend for FY 2011 of 4 cent to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 22, 2012. Despite the aspired further growth shareholders are to benefit from the significant profit rises of the company and receive a dividend for the first time in company history.
During fiscal…
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG increases Group result 2011 by 91% and plans divi …
- Earnings per share rise from EUR 0.11 to EUR 0.21
- Executive board proposes dividend payment for the first time
- Positive outlook also for 2012
Berlin, March 22, 2012 – DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6), listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, continued to consolidate its leading market position in fiscal 2011. Despite an altogether challenging market environment, the company succeeded in pursuing its growth course…
DEAG increases Group result after nine months by 128 percent
• Group result increase to EUR 2.0 million after EUR 0.9 million during the prior year period
• EBIT rises to EUR 5.7 million (EUR 3.6 million)
• EBITDA grows to EUR 6.5 million (EUR 4.4 million)
• Sales revenues increase to EUR 93.9 million (EUR 83.3 million)
Berlin, November, 25, 2011 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6) has continued its growth course with a significant, disproportionate rise in Group results during the first nine months of…
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