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Why use RSS-Feed?

In contrast to common HTML websites, the RSS-Feed displays content by producing an XML file, from which you can easily copy content and use it elsewhere. There are basically two uses for the RSS-Feed:

1. Receive our news via RSS-Reader

RSS offers a convenient alternative to the common email newsletter - it is entirely anonymous and free of spam. All you have to do is either use rss-services on the web or download an RSS Reader, for instance: RssReader. Simply enter the URL of our Feed ( into your reader and the Feed function will automatically be set up.

1.1 Categories

Of course you can also select single categories to be displayed via RSS Feed:

2. Use our current news on your website

All you need for integrating our current news onto your website are the following small PHP codes:

$rdffile = ""; //UTF-8 Format
$content = implode ("", file ($rdffile));
preg_match_all("/<item>(.*)<\/item>/Uis",$content, $items);
for ($i=0;$i < count($items[1]);$i++)
  	$pat = 	"<title>(.*)<\/title>.*<description>\s*<\!\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]>\s*<\/description>.*<link>(.*)<\/link>";

	preg_match_all("/".$pat."/Uis", $items[1][$i], $regs);

	echo "<a href='".$regs[3][0]."'>".$regs[1][0]."</a><br>".strip_tags($regs[2][0])."<br><br>\n";

The result you get may look like this - though probably much neater, since the formatting is entirely in your hands. It is as easy as that - no wonder this format is called "Really Simple Syndication" ;-)

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Please note, though, that it is not permitted to copy texts without linking them to the articles on our website.
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