Press release
DEAG AGM approves amendment to the bylaws and all other agenda items with a large majority
Berlin, June 25, 2015 – The shareholders of DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6/WKN A0Z23G) have approved at today’s Annual General Meeting in Berlin, which lasted just under 100 minutes, all agenda items with a large majority. The amendment to the bylaws was adopted with 100 %. It concerns the extension of the object of the company by adding the distribution and marketing of tickets. All other agenda items were approved with majorities between 85 and 99.9 % of the voting capital.Professor Peter L.H. Schwenkow, CEO of DEAG, informed the shareholders about the positive development of the company and DEAG’s own ticketing platform, He confirmed the growth course of DEAG with a medium-term planning of sales revenues of more than EUR 250 million p.a. and an above-average increase in consolidated profits.
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG
The Executive Board
About DEAG
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG is an integrated Entertainment Content company and a leading provider of Live Entertainment in Europe. With affiliated companies in the G/S/A countries (Germany-Switzerland-Austria) and the United Kingdom, DEAG currently promotes around 2,000 concerts and events per year in the fields of Rock/Pop, Festivals, Classical music, German hit songs and Middle-of-the-Road music as well as in the high-growth segment Family Entertainment, and sells more than 3.5 million tickets per year at present. As an integrated Entertainment Content company, DEAG covers the entire value chain in Live Entertainment comprehensively with its 360 degree approach: from concerts via record sales, rights exploitation, sponsorships, merchandizing to ticketing through the direct distribution platform of DEAG subsidiary
The DEAG shares (ISIN code: DE000A0Z23G6 - ticker symbol: ERMK) are listed in the Prime Standard segment on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Further information available at
Contact for further information:
Axel Mühlhaus, edicto GmbH
Eschersheimer Landstraße 42, 60322 Frankfurt
Tel: +49-69-90 550 552
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