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Press Releases from LTA Lufttechnik GmbH (11 total)

AC 6000 CIP – compact, automatically cleaning, long life

The AC 6000-CIP is an automatically cleanable air filter of compact design. Due to its special design, the air filter AC 6000-CIP is perfectly suited for direct machine integration. The aerosol-containing exhaust air flows through a double-stage electrostatic air filter. During this process, the particles (aerosols) contained in the air are charged, diverted by an electrical field between the collector plates and precipitated. The voltage

Industrial Environmental Protection Through Energy Efficiency

In industrial applications, environmental protection often has to give way to commercial interests although both interests may be connected by means of targeted improvements in the fields of energy efficiency. This definitely makes sense not just for technical reasons but also since the number of norms and standards is rocketing upwards. LTA pursues two strategies pertaining to the suction of machine tools in close cooperation with the machine and plant manufacturers. For

Bulk order received from Opel Szentgotthard, Hungary

LTA Industrial Air Cleaning has received a bulk order from Opel Szentgotthard (Hungary), for delivery of suction systems for two crankshaft-lines, three block- and two cylinder head lines in the engine production. While doing this the scope of supply from LTA contains the building of the total devices from the projecting, delivery, building site management, installation, start-up, training and measurements of the suction devices. The project comprises 11 high-duty filters

Energy-Conserving Suction of Aerosols & Smoke at a Dörries Scharmann Machining …

The Alstom Power Service company in Berlin is active in service, maintenance & repair of turbines for power generation. At a Dörries Scharmann machining center, a lot of emulsion mist and smoke escaping through the not 100% capsuled machine cover is produced during the turning/milling processes due to the large size of the parts. It was LTA's task to prevent just that. An LTA air filter type AC 3061 was

Suction of Release Agents of Hot Forming Presses

Description of project & system: On the 1st expansion level, an LTA air filter type AC 8002 with a suction output of approx. 10,000 m³ sucks the release agent vapors of 3 presses The aerosols are separated from the contaminated air and stick to the collector surface or condense partially and are drained towards the bottom. Once per day, the offline cleaning cycle is started. For this purpose, the system is

Suction of Polluted Air of Inductive Lacquer Drying Ovens

In an inductive lacquer drying oven, packing belts from steel wetted with water-soluble lacquer are dried. The air contamination thus generated is sucked off. During this process, the sucked air first flows through a high-capacity cyclone filter which takes care of the pre-separation and extraction using its centrifugal force by filtering out coarse particles. The pre-cleaned exhaust air then flows through a double-stage electrostatic filter of the AC 8002

Safety Technology

In the metal-working industry, large quantities of cooling lubricant are used especially in cutting processes. These cooling lubricants predominantly are non water-soluble oils having the characteristic to form explosive mixtures with air. Heating them up above their flashing point produces explosive vapor/air mixtures. This can be prevented by selecting cooling lubricants with a rather high flashing point. However, the formation of aerosols due to atomizing or spraying processes cannot be

Small, compact, cheap - the new airfilter AC 500 of LTA!

The new filter AC 500 marks through its ultra-compact design. This compactfilter can be mounted directly on the machine, the recirculation of the separated medium happens directly in the machine, too. As its “big brother” of the series AC 3000 are the pre-filter integrated in the housing. The advantage for the customer are the completely washable filter-cells – no throw away filter! The filter cells are constructed universal and as well for

Automatic Cleaning - New Cleaning System by LTA

The large modules starting from the type AC 800X size versions may now optionally be equipped with an innovative cleaning system. With this system, the individual filter levels are cleaned via installed nozzle fittings with appropriate full-cone nozzles. Such cleaning may only be made with the system stopped so that the logical interconnection with the production line must be taken into account. In order to minimize any carry-over of the

New LTA-airfilter AC 8000 – Big power on small space

The solution for group- or centralsuctions The new filter AC 8000 marks through its robust construction. It provides as optimal solution for group- and central-suction of oil- and emulsion-mist at machines and machining centers or whole factory buildings. By its modular construction it can be custom-made on all needs. As all filters from LTA are the pre-filters integrated in the housing. Further advantage for the customers are the completely washable filtercells –

External Central Suction System for Oil Mist

An LTA customer manufactures sawing blades for various applications which are ground using oil. The oil mist produced during the process is sucked off and fed to an air cleaning system through pipes. As the previous air cleaning was insufficient a new system was purchased. The customer decided for a product by Messrs. LTA who delivered the perfectly adapted filter AC 20001 from the modular large-module series introduced in 2008.

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