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Press Releases from WILDE GALLERY (5 total)

EVOL - New Work at WILDE Gallery

Exhibition from May 1 - May 30 Opening reception at May 1th, 7pm EVOL's interests have focused on the overlooked and the refuse of urban society, offering visual comments and thoughts that remind us of the failure of modernism and its visions of an architectural utopia. EVOL draws our attention to the collective memory of places, a memory that is open ended, but in it’s decoding always seems to remain strangely personal.


WILDE Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of Kenno Apatrida, his first with the gallery on Friday March 27th. Apatrida’s works were recently displayed at SCOPE New York Art Fair, gaining great report and attention with the American public. Kenno Apatrida, originally from South America has spend the last 18 years in Berlin as an involuntary resident, goes against the tide of contemporary thought by unleashing works of art

Cartoon - Exhibition by Stephen Andrews

Stephen Andrews was born 1956 in Sarnia, Ontario. He lives and works in Toronto. Cartoon was curated by Doina Popescu, Ryerson Photography Gallery and Research Centre, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Cartoon is an animated adaptation of a car commercial and is a companion piece to The Quick and the Dead another animation based on footage of two soldiers in Iraq. Together they provide two very different takes on the current political situation.

OFF THE WALL – From Vandalism to Urban Art

Since its early beginnings as an art form in the 1970’s, Street art, Graffiti – or Urban Art has been considered a transgression. Graffiti writers, who usually were not schooled in classical arts and didn’t adhere to the confines of the classical picture plane and its white cube dwellings became visible through the cracks of a society then desperately trying to re-define itself from the burden of modernity. Graffiti

INSIDE - Michael Luther

Michael Luther’s painterly world is that of the minutely intimate. The main sources for his pictures are found in his most immediate surroundings such as his studio, or even more in extreme close-up, the actual source for making pictures, namely the paints and art materials themselves. For WILDE Gallery, Luther has created a series of paintings depicting the very spaces in which they are to be shown. These are paintings

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