There is no better way to increase the visibility and the success of your business than by attracting the attention of the media. But how can you do that? – By having a media kit. These kits are meant to grab the attention of the media and make them want to conduct an interview or write a story about you. Essentially, a media kit is a one-stop shop that gives reporters all of the information that they need about it.
A media kit is pretty simple and straightforward: it’s a document that contains information about your, your business, the products you offer, or your events. They are primarily given to the media at a launch or an event so that they can have easy access to all of the information they need to write a great story.
A media kit is supposed to grab the attention of a journalist and make him or her want to conduct an interview with you, or write a story about you. It used to be that media kits were presented to reporters in folders; however, today, most media kits are made available in PDF formats that can be attached to an email or downloaded from a website, making it easier for reporters to gain access to the information they contain.
Given the fact that a media kit is such a valuable tool, you want to make sure that you get your kit right. Not sure what to incorporate in your media kit? Here’s a look at some of the essentials that you are going to want to make sure it contains.
What is a Media Kit?
First and foremost, you want to make sure that your media kit contains an introduction to yourself and to your business. This is your opportunity to explain who you are, what it is that you do, and the purpose of your business. All of this might be easier said than done because writing about yourself can seem like a really difficult task. If you are finding that you are caught up on writing your professional bio, seek the services of a professional copywriter. Sometimes, it’s easier to have an outside source write about you because they are more objective and can successfully highlight the important points without all of the layers of self-consciousness.
The introduction is often referred to as the pitch. This is where you make your first impression and either grab or lose the attention of the reader. Obviously, you want the former to be the case, so make sure that your introduction is highly polished, captivating and lets the person reading it that you are available for interviews and questions. Also, don’t forget to include your contact information!
The Mission of Your Company
Sometimes referred to as a manifesto, this is where you want to make the mission of your business known. It’s where you should differentiate your business and set it apart from the competition. This is extremely important because people have so many options to choose from. By making your business stand out and clearly establishing your mission, you will be able to give yourself a leg up.
Information About Your Company
Here, you should include all pertinent information about your company. Include the history of your company, its profile, and the profiles of any key players, such as the CEO, senior management, and anyone who holds a stake in the business. If it seems appropriate, include bio sheets on these individuals.
Products, Services and Other Offerings
Of course, you want to let people know what it is that your company has to offer. You can do that by highlighting the products and services, and anything else that your company offers. Include testimonials and performance reviews, too, to let editors know what other people are saying about your business and what it has to offer. Include some fact sheets and/or brochures that contain pertinent information about your products and services, too.
List of Clients
It is important to remember that a lot of the people you are reaching out to have never worked with anyone in your industry before. They are going to want to be assured that they are making the best decision possible. If they don’t know anyone that you’ve worked with in the past, make sure you provide them with a list of people who have worked with you. In your testimonials, include client names, their reviews, and if applicable, contact information so that your prospective customers can reach out to them and ask questions, if they choose to do so.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re constantly being asked the same questions over and over again, include a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section in your media kit. Doing so can help to prevent some of the back and forth that comes along with prospective new clients.
Press Publications and Articles
Include copies of any recent press coverage that you have received, too. This is important because what other media outlets have done in the past will be helpful to the media outlets you are currently trying to target. Include anything from reprints of articles to printouts of press coverage you have received online.
Your Process
If you have a specific process that you follow every time, you should make it known in your media kit. Listing these processes will help new customers understand how you do your work and why you follow the processes that you do. They’ll also understand why your processes are an important part of your business.
Any Stats
If there are stats that are of particular importance, you should seriously consider including them in your media kit. Examples include any important blog or website numbers, as well as social media stats. If you can, include a customer or reader surveys, too.
Your Contact Information
And last but not least, you want to make sure that you include your contact information in your media kit. Obviously, you want those you are sending it to contact you, and they won’t be able to do that unless they have your contact information.