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Press Releases from Hannover Adventure Zoo (12 total)

Incredibly successful year for Hannover Adventure Zoo!

Inventory 2011: 3,374 animals from 229 species and new record with 1,619,186 visitors (species: homo sapiens) Just like every other company, once a year the zoo takes stock of its worldly and valuable possessions, in this case its animals and its visitors. The bipedal homo sapiens species makes life quite easy for our staff: they arrive throughout the course of the year under their own locomotion through a turnstile at the zoo

Sun lover or nightmare?

New primate arrives in Hannover Adventure Zoo – the red ruffed lemur The red ruffed lemur is one of the largest of the lemur subspecies and is generally a friendly character. Although not as slow as the sloth in the jungle house, they are also not as quick as the Syke's monkeys in the enclosure next door. They move at their own pace, which can change instantly when there's food in

Hannover Adventure Zoo is millionaire

Eight days earlier than in record-breaking year 2010, Hannover Adventure Zoo was pleased to welcome its millionth visitor on August 3, 2011. The guest of honor, Katja Seeliger from Rellingen close to Hamburg, entered the zoo at exactly 9.44 am and received a special welcome gift: a voucher for an annual ticket as well as a private audience with coaty Diego for all the family. For the 9th year

Treasures on the Zambesi at Hannover Adventure Zoo

Threatened Addax antelopes produce four calves Celebrations and jubilations at Hannover Adventure Zoo: the Zoo’s rare Addax antelopes have already produced four offspring this year, with a fifth calf due soon. The pale desert antelopes, also known as Screwhorns, are critically endangered. Only 200 – 500 Addax actually still live wild in the Sahara desert. The zoo breeding programme and an international project to reintroduce zoo-bred animals into the wild, co-ordinated

New in Hannover: The crossword antelope

Gnu in Zambesi The new arrival is known to all crossword fans: antelope with three letters? Gnu. Three of these nice antelopes have now moved into the Zambesi habitat at Hannover Adventure Zoo. Their long dark faces, curved horns and elegant blue-brown striped fur give them an impressive appearance. Especially fashionable: a dark beard under the chin – also worn by the females of the species. Prinz is a two-year old bull

Baby boom in Yukon Bay at Hannover Adventure Zoo

Fruitful Canada! Storks have been almost permanent guests during the last few weeks at Yukon Bay. Despite soaring temperatures, the stork has brought many new-borns and been working overtime: some packages have been small and light, others big and heavy. The stork’s favourites were probably the prairie dogs, which weigh a mere 15 grams at birth. The two young caribous, each between 4 – 9 kg, and a small wood bison

Cloverleaf with a snub nose at Hannover Adventure Zoo

Yukon Bay celebrates first Prairie Dog pups It was unusually quiet just before Easter amongst the normally playful and curious prairie dogs in Yukon Bay, the new Canadian theme world at Hannover Adventure Zoo. They disappeared underground more and more frequently for longer and longer periods. When they reappeared it was only to drag bundles of straw into their tunnel system. Now we know why. They're back, with

Stealing eggs to save a species

New conservation breeding programme at Hannover Adventure Zoo: North African Ostrich In a move to save the North African Ostrich from extinction, Hannover Adventure Zoo was able, thanks to international assistance, to collect 24 ostrich eggs from the Moroccan Souss Massa National Park and bring them to Germany for breeding – as part of the "Ark Zoo" genetic reserve. 15 chicks have hatched and are currently exploring their new home in

Prickly characters and lucky bags at Hannover Adventure Zoo

Barbary lion offspring and a dark secret on the banks of the Zambezi. Majestic eagles and clever coati in the Show Arena. Mini elephants taking part in mother-baby exercises in the Jungle Palace, a bag of surprises in the Outback: Hannover Adventure Zoo presents animal attractions in seven unique zoo worlds for the new season. Barbary lion offspring: royal prickly characters Prickly and stubborn, the royal offspring of the Barbary lion have

Zoo website now in nine languages

Stromhottebaas, Flodhäst, Nilpferd With the opening of the international Hannover Trade Fair, Hannover Adventure Zoo now welcomes its guests online in nine languages. About time! Hannover Adventure Zoo attracts more and more guests from abroad. They come from Great Britain, Russia, Spain, Italy, India, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Poland - and last year even from the Bahamas, Greenland and from the Vatican. For all of them, in order to prepare their

Two rare Barbary lions born

Big sensation at Hannover Adventure Zoo – hope for endangered species On February 24, 2011, lioness Binta (3) gave birth to two baby lions. "We are more than happy. The young mother is behaving perfectly", said zoo director Klaus-Michael Machens. In order not to disturb the inexperienced mother, the birthplace was only monitored by video camera. It quickly became clear that Binta was perfectly taking care of her two babies. She

Record-breaking year at the Adventure Zoo

1,602,257 visitors, 3,414 animals and 40 new jobs “2010 was the year we broke all the records at Hannover Adventure Zoo!” Director Klaus-Michael Machens proudly presented a year of superlatives at the annual press conference: 1,602,257 visitors (3,486,612 when calculated on the VDZ scale*), opening of the spectacular Canadian theme world ‘Yukon Bay’, a world record of five baby elephants in one calendar year, the birth of Hannover’s 50th giraffe, the

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