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Press Releases from trac-x Transport Capacity Exchange GmbH (10 total)

Volkmar Müller Appointed new Managing Director of trac-x

Leipzig, 10 September 2009 – trac-x, the Leipzig-based European trading platform for gas transport capacity, today announced that it has appointed Mr Volkmar Mülller (52) as new managing director as of 2 September 2009. The chartered engineer has been the head of the contract implementation department of one of the leading German Transmission System Operators, the Leipzig-based ONTRAS VNG Gastransport GmbH since 2006. His extensive background in IT process development

trac-x Trading Results August 2009

On the European platform trac-x transport capacity trading totalled 574.65 GWh/h in August. This includes 140 MWh/h traded in the day-ahead section of trac-x, where 14 out of the 1,910 (67.634 MWh/h) offered day-ahead entries were successfully sold. At the cross-border point Bunde/Oude Statenzijl (entry) the average price for traded day-ahead capacities amounted to € 8.00 per MWh/h per day. In the long-term section of the platform a total of 574.51

trac-x Trading Results in July

Leipzig, 5 August 2009 – In the day-ahead section of the European trading platform trac-x a total capacity of 410 MWh/h was sold in July. Overall, 33 out of 2,537 (93,959 MWh/h) day-ahead procedures offered on the platform were successfully sold. At the cross-border point Bunde/Oude Statenzijl (entry) the average price for traded day-ahead capacities amounted to € 8.00 per MWh/h per day. At the network point Steinitz (exit) it

trac-x Trading Results in April

In the Day-Ahead section of the European trading platform trac-x a total capacity of 13,580 MWh/h was sold in April. Overall, 360 out of 1,740 (69,949 MWh/h) day-ahead procedures offered on the platform were successfully sold. At the cross-border point Bunde/Oude Statenzijl (entry) the average price for traded day-ahead capacities amounted to € 9.88 per MWh/h per day. At the cross-border point Eynatten/Raeren (entry) it amounted to an average of

WINGAS TRANSPORT Expands Cooperation with trac-x

Leipzig, 5 May 2009 – The German network operator WINGAS TRANSPORT GmbH & Co. KG has expanded its cooperation with the trac-x Transport Capacity Exchange GmbH. Since 1 May 2009, secondary long-term capacities in the grid of WINGAS TRANSPORT GmbH & Co. KG can be traded on trac-x. In trac-x’s day-ahead section, next-day usage rights in the WINGAS TRANSPORT grid have already been tradable at the cross-border point

trac-x Trading Results in March

Leipzig, 6 April 2009 – Day-Ahead trading of natural gas transport capacities on trac-x has reached a new record level in March. With a volume of 36,585 MWh/h the highest amount for any month so far since the launch of day-ahead trading in May 2008 was sold in March. Compared to the previous month, the platform experienced an increase in traded day-ahead capacities of about 80 per cent. Overall, 935 out

trac-x Trading Results for January and February

Leipzig, 3 March 2009 – The German trac-x Transport Capacity Exchange GmbH has reported positive trading results for the first two months of 2009. In February alone, day-ahead trading reached a record high with an increase in traded day-ahead capacities of about 55 percent compared to the previous month. January In January, 302 (13,250 MWh/h) out of 653 (25,050 MWh/h) day-ahead auctions offered on the platform were successfully sold. At the cross-border

trac-x Increases Number of Tradable Day-Ahead Network Points

Leipzig, 2 February 2009 – The European trading platform trac-x has again increased the number of tradable network points in the day-ahead section of their platform. From 02 February 2009, day-ahead capacities can be traded at the additional cross-border points Ellund (D-DK), Emden NPT (D-N), Emden EPT (D-NL), Bocholtz (D-NL), Medelsheim (D-F), Oberkappel (D-A), Vreden (D-NL) and Wallbach (D-CH) as well as at the German interconnection points Steinitz, Drohne and

trac-x to Cut Prices of their Long-Term Section

Leipzig, 29 January 2009 – The German trading platform trac-x has announced that it will cut the prices of their long-term section by 40 per cent. From February 2009, the price for placing a long-term search or keyed procedure on trac-x will be reduced by € 2,000 to € 3,000. Moreover, the € 50 minimum fee for auctions and buy-it-now’s will be waived. The transaction fee for successful auctions and

trac-x Welcomes EEX as New Interest Holder

Leipzig, 19 December 2008 – trac-x has announced that the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) has become a new interest holder of the European trading platform. The German Federal Cartel Office has approved EEX’s acquisition of a 19 percent interest in trac-x. Thus, the contract of sale and assignment, which had already been concluded in spring 2008, has now become effective. The 19 percent high interest in the platform was

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