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Press Releases from Messe München (20 total)

EXPO REAL 2007 holds Careers Day and – for the first time – a Jobs Forum

Careers Day for students and graduates on 10 October 2007 at EXPO REAL • Jobs Forum: 20 companies put on a presentation to budding entrants to the property profession EXPO REAL is doing its bit for young entrants to the property business, by organising a Careers Day and – for the first time – a Jobs Forum. At this 10th International Commercial Property Exposition, students and graduates of property-related subjects can come along…

EXPO REAL 2007 – More new services for visitors

NEW: Pre-fair bookings function for organising meetings between exhibitors and visitors, at: • NEW: Meeting Centre for meetings with customers • NEW: Hotel shuttle service • Electronic exhibition guide for the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) EXPO REAL, the 10th International Commercial Property Exposition, is expanding the range of services it provides for visitors. The aim is to maximise the business benefit to visitors from the event. The EXPO REAL database of participants ( now features…

EXPO REAL 2007 – Spotlight on exciting property markets

Leading international property experts come together at EXPO REAL in Munich, from 8 to 10 October • Real Estate Investors Guide: from Great Britain, France and Italy to the Baltic, Turkey, the US and India • Cross-border property investment to reach record levels in 2007 Cross-border property investment is set to reach a new record level in 2007. According to estimates by DEGI Research around 390 billion US dollars are to be invested directly in…

EXPO REAL 2007: Even Bigger and More International

New exhibitor record: 1,740 companies from 41 countries • 20 percent more area: EXPO REAL 2007 on 63,000 square meters • Further increased interest from foreign countries • High demand from the United Arab Emirates and Russia From 8 to 10 October 2007, 1,740 companies from 41 countries will exhibit at EXPO REAL 2007 (as of August 2007). There were 1,638 companies from 40 countries at the previous fair. That is 100 companies more…

IFAT CHINA 2008: Tracking Down Pollutants

Sources of pollutants can only be discovered and processes made more environmentally compatible using a reliable data. There is an enormous need for setting up corresponding measurement stations in China. The environment trade fair IFAT CHINA in Shanghai from 23 to 25 September 2008 provides international manufacturers with the chance to become familiar with the (in part) difficult framework conditions of this market segment and establish important direct contacts. Approximately 750,000…

EXPO REAL 2007 Opens with the Topic "Sustainability in Real Estate Business"

Experts discuss the demands for more sustainability in urban development and real estate business at EXPO REAL from 8 to 10 October • What does this demand signify for project developments investors? What costs will they have to bear, and how profitable will real estate investments be then? EXPO REAL 2007 is opening at 10:30 a.m. on 8 October 2007 with the current industry topic "Sustainability and Investments – Burden…

transport logistic China 2008: China as Global Growth Engine for the Booming Log …

Globalization and logistics form a symbiosis, in which both sides profit from one another. Transport and logistics are the foundation for networking global markets. Globalization provides the industry with a \"road map\", in which new markets are canvassed for companies and which also shows the respective key figures of individual markets and their attractiveness for those involved in specific industries. Whoever wants to enter the Chinese global market today needs…

EXPO REAL 2007 - Big changes in the European hotels market

6th Hospitality Industry Dialogue on 8 October 2007 • Investment hits new record • Stronger focus on central and eastern Europe 2006 was a record year on the global hotels market. Around 72.5 billion US dollars were invested in hotels in the year – that´s 63 percent more than the year before. And the boom is continuing in 2007. Where developments are headed next will be analysed by experts at the 6th Hospitality Industry Dialogue…

EXPO REAL ASIA moves on from Macau

Successful concept for this international property conference continues in a new market Despite the success of the last EXPO REAL ASIA in December 2006 in Macau, Messe München has decided to move the event on to a new location. Because of its flourishing property sector, Macau was the right venue in 2006. But unlike Europe, where the EXPO REAL property fair has an established location in Munich, the EXPO REAL…

EXPO REAL 2007: More Eastern European Participation than Ever Before

Exhibitors from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe occupy 40 percent of the international area at EXPO REAL 2007 • Expansion of EU creates incentives for investments • Approx. seven billion euros invested in real estate in Eastern Europe in 2006 Bulgaria and Romania became members of the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2007, and Brussels is also negotiating with Croatia and Macedonia. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia are considered as additional potential…

IFAT CHINA 2008 – Water is big business

The environmental problems facing China arising from the country´s economic expansion and rapid urbanisation are leading to a surge in demand for water and waste-water treatment technology. The environmental trade fair IFAT CHINA, which takes place from 23 to 25 September 2008 in Shanghai gives international technology suppliers the opportunity to present their services and products in this growth market. In the Chinese cities, 90 percent of the surface water and…

‘Wetten, dass..?’ meets transport logistic 2007

A popular German TV game show teams up with transport logistic on Friday, 15 June. ‘Wetten, dass…?’ features all kinds of wacky ideas for daring stunts. Ahead of the fair, DHL and Deutsche Verkehrszeitung (DVZ) gathered suggestions for original stunts on the subject of transport and mobility. The show´s celebrity host Thomas Gottschalk and his brother Christoph will be presenting the three lucky winners and their ideas on Friday. All…

transport logistic 2007 highlights perspectives for the European rail freight ma …

On 1 January 2007 the rail freight services market across Europe was opened up to competition. European transport policymakers are hoping this will create a more competitive situation and help further expand the market share of rail freight in the transport network. Policymakers, associations, logistics professionals and freight forwarders will be reviewing progress so far at transport logistic 2007 in Munich. Between 12 and 15 June 2007 service-providers and decision-makers in…

transport logistic 2007 - German inland ports' association calls for intelligen …

‘Inland ports – logistics inside’ – this is the motto of a presentation being put on at transport logistic 2007 by Germany´s association of public inland ports, the Bundesverband Öffentlicher Binnenhäfen (BÖB) and 22 co-exhibitors, among them external partners like the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center (SPC). transport logistic 2007 takes place from 12 to 17 June 2007 in Munich. At its stand the BÖB is putting on a programme…

German Transport Minister Tiefensee opens transport logistic 2007

Germany´s Minister of Transport Wolfgang Tiefensee will officially open transport logistic 2007, the 11th International Trade Fair for Logistics, Telematics and Transport in Munich on 12 June 2007. In his opening address, he will comment on Germany´s new framework plan for investment in transport infrastructure through to 2010. Messe München also expects a range of other high-ranking international politicians to attend. The Ministry of Transport´s new infrastructure plan envisages investment…

transport logistic 2007 - Bundesvereinigung Logistik identifies global solutions

Globalisation and the increasing demand for flexibility are presenting great challenges to the logistics industry. Germany´s biggest logistics organisation, the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), is taking up these themes in a series of trade forums at transport logistic 2007, the 11th International Trade Fair for Logistics, Telematics and Transport. These events, which take place between 12 and 15 June 2007 in Munich, will focus on logistics strategies and networks. As a…

transport logistic 2007 opens with the hot topic of ecology and logistics

The warm winter, a dry month of April and heavy storms have fuelled the public debate in Germany about climate change. Can initiatives like city tolls, emission limits and speed restrictions really stop the greenhouse effect? These are important topics for the transport and logistics industry, whose commercial success depends on mobility and economic growth. The opening event at the trade fair transport logistic 2007 will therefore be looking at…

International Tank Container Organisation puts on a presentation at transport lo …

2007 will be the third time the International Tank Container Organisation (ITCO) has taken part in transport logistic, the leading European trade fair for logistics, telematics and transport. transport logistic 2007 takes place from 12 to 15 June 2007 in Munich. 34 ITCO companies will be putting on a joint presentation in the ‘Tank Container Village’, showcasing an extensive range of services and equipment for the chemicals industry. The idea for…

EXPO REAL expands again in 2007

More space – six halls totalling 63,000 m2 of exhibition space • More interest from central and eastern Europe, the Russian Federation and the Middle East • More end users The 10th International Commercial Property Exposition, EXPO REAL 2007, is expanding again – this year by an entire exhibition hall. “Demand for space is so strong that in 2007 EXPO REAL will grow from five to six halls, to provide a total of 63,000 square…

bauma 2007 – Broad range of machinery on show for stone extraction and process …

Stone is an integral part of building in all its forms – it is used in its natural state in garden and landscape design, and in building construction for façade claddings, staircases, cornices, flooring etc. And of course it is used as an aggregate in mixing concrete or cast stone. Stone is in high demand. According to a recent survey the quarrying side alone within the EU has reached a…

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