Address by President H.E. Mr. Islam Karimov at the festive ceremony dedicated to the 2700th anniversary of the Karshi city
President Islam Karimov at the festive ceremony dedicated to the 2700th anniversary of the Karshi city
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished guests!
This day is an unforgettable day and grand celebration in the life of Uzbekistan. People of Kashkadarya, our entire nation are celebrating with profound joy the remarkable date in the history of our unique Homeland – the 2700th anniversary of ancient Nasaf – the ever-young city of Karshi.
On the occasion of this joyful holiday I am happy to congratulate you from the depth of my heart my dear fellow countrymen, in your persons the people of Kashkadarya, entire Uzbek nation and express to all of you my respect and sincere wishes.
Availing myself of this opportunity, allow me on behalf of our magnanimous and hospitable nation to sincerely welcome our dear guests, who have arrived from near and far, the UNESCO organization personnel, ambassadors of foreign states, representatives of international organizations, and foreign mass media.
Dear fellow countrymen!
Our people and all of us are rightly proud of famous cities and sites, invaluable monuments of material and spiritual heritage, located on the soil of our mother Uzbekistan, each and every span of which is sacred, that have made themselves known to an entire world with their age equal to the centuries and millennia.
The location on the generous land of Kashkadarya alone of such cities as Shakhrisabz and Karshi with their 2700-year-old history and recognition gained from the prestigious international organization of UNESCO also is a vivid evidence of how deep and how ancient our historical roots are.
Ancient city of Karshi, named for over the span of its long and rich past either Nikshapa, or Nakhshab, and later Nasaf, is dear and sacred as the cradle of unique civilization and culture for the history and mankind, and the homeland for many great personalities, outstanding scholars, as well as holy saints.
During its history what people this land has had to witness, what tough and difficult tests, storms and upheavals it has had to go through. What people had come here. The city of Karshi has been repeatedly destroyed and turned into ruins as a result of invasion by Alexander the Great, attacks of Sassanids, Arab occupation, Genghis Khan’s bloody campaigns, and natural disasters. What khans’, amirs’ and tsarist invasion’s oppressions and tyrannies this land has had to experience.
We still do remember how in the recent past, during the time of colonial regime the people of Kashkadarya, who reside on this unique soil, have had to go through and suffer of profound torments such as repression of the nation, who has fully realized its dignity, placing it under oppression, pouring various false and lies over it, and trampling down its honor and pride.
However, it will be not be a mistake if I say that despite any carnages and tragedies the fact that this oasis and everlasting Karshi city have reached these bright days, by surviving through the tests of life and time, confirms the solid will and the strife of our ancestors, who lived on this land, and the current generation towards the freedom and liberty.
At the moment, the city of Karshi being not only as an ancient historical site, but also an ever-young modern and developing city able to attract the attention of any person is a practical proof of an incomparable might of our sovereignty as well as creative potential of our people.
Dear friends!
Ancient city of Nasaf occupies a special place in our history not only thanks to its glorious centuries-old monuments, but also its distinguished sons, who have enormously contributed into the development of science, handicraft, literature and art, holy religion of Islam, and the Islamic philosophy.
The fact that it was mentioned in historical sources as Medina, meaning one of the eight cities with a status of a sacred town in the Muslim world of its own time, is a vivid evidence of the aforesaid.
Especially, thanks to great culture and scientific-spiritual atmosphere, nourished at this sacred site, hundreds of scholars, who have gained fame by the pen-name of Nasafiy, had emerged from here and spread the glory of their Homeland all around the world.
Among those unique personalities we mention with respect and reverence the dear names of connoisseur of science of khadeeth Abu Turob Nakhshabiy, outstanding poets and scientists Ziyovuddin Nakhshabiy, Muyididdin Nasafiy, Sayido Nasafiy, scholar of legal science Najmiddin Nasafiy, a distinguished figure of science of word Abul Muyin Nasafiy, philosopher Aziziddin Nasafiy, skillful architects Ali Nasafiy, Olim Nasafiy and many others. It is a duty and obligation for each and every one of us to comprehensively and thoroughly study their enormous scientific and creative activity and heritage, deliver this invaluable wealth to the forthcoming generations.
Unfortunately, when the aggressors and colonial regimes, the tyrannical ideology, aimed at annihilating our values, reigned on our soil, many ancient and unique monuments were destroyed with an aim of depriving us from outstanding cultural heritage, spiritual wealth, of our self, religion and honor, as well as shattering the national pride of our people. And some of the survived ancient architectural sites such as Abdulaziz and Qilichbek Madrassahs, as well as Odina Mosque were turned into prisons. They were given horrendous names of “Ardom” and “Domzak”.
Therefore indeed it is noble and good to comprehensively and thoroughly study our great history, to act, while learning a lesson from it, in other words, act upon the lessons of the past. As now we live freely in the days of peace and tranquility, I would wish we never forget those dismal days of the near past, as much as their lessons.
Dear fellow countrymen!
We celebrate the 2700th anniversary of Karshi city along with the 670th jubilee of our forefather Sakhibqiran Amir Temur, our great ancestor, prominent statesman and commander, who occupies a unique place not only in our national history, but also in the history of development of entire human civilization. Certainly, there is a profound symbolic meaning and original historical correlation.
Since it is impossible to imagine without the city of Karshi the life and activity of Amir Temur, who embodies the intellect and wit, magnanimity and devotion to the Homeland, persistence and creativeness, peculiar to our nation, to our people, as well as his struggle for national freedom, building sovereign and powerful state.
We shall tell the truth if we say that this land of Karshi bestowed a strong wing to the great dreams, intentions, and aspirations of Sakhibqiran in liberating our people from the Mongol evil, uniting the split peoples and nations, establishing dignity and justice, enhancing science, education and culture.
Our ancient history witnesses that being blessed by the holy man piri murshid (‘master of apprentices’) Shamsiddin Kulol, the native of the land of Karshi, Amir Temur made his initial steps along his noble intentions, and thanks to wise policy and efforts of Sakhibqiran this city had turned into one of the big political, economic and cultural hubs of Movarounnakhr.
For almost seven centuries the interest in the immortal name of Amir Temur, his unfading glory and creative activity is ever growing all over the world.
Also this can be seen by the examples of several scientific conferences and educational forums dedicated to the anniversary of our great ancestor, held this year alone in such countries as Spain, Belgium, France, and in particular, the recent publication in Paris of the fundamental work, namely “Travel to Samarkand - the period of Amir Temur” by renowned scholar Lucien Keren.
In short, the unique life and activity, bravery and example of Amir Temur, who was a great person and invincible hero of his epoch, true leader of the nation and extraordinary great figure, instill the confidence in our bright future and attach an unlimited power, determination and valor to achieve the set goals.
Dear guests!
May we say it is a fate or provender that an integral and unforgettable part of my life was spent on the land of Kashkadarya. Therefore, preserving in the depth of my heart the sense of love and kindness towards this beautiful land, I always gratefully recall those years spent with rigorous hard work, dreams, intentions, and aspirations.
Recovering the disastrous situation, then prevalent in Kashkadarya Province awashed with grave problems in those difficult years, I believe that the joint efforts we have taken with you, my dears, along the way of bettering this land, our successes in implementing our goals and objectives will always remain a brilliant moment in our memory.
Personally I will never forget that the most exciting, restless and happy periods of my life I spent at the Kashka oasis, where I learned the lessons of life and great experience, and by sharing your joys and troubles – saw the kindness and mercy.
After many years, by gaining independence and taking our destiny onto our own hands we were able to restore the ancient history and great prestige of the Kashka oasis, and above all, through the labor of generous and courageous people, residing on this land, to transform Karshi into one of the country’s most beautiful and glamorous cities, as well as a large industrial and cultural center.
Funding worth nearly UZS 50 billion, spent for over the past two years alone for construction, capital reconstruction and refurbishment carried out at numerous sites, vividly manifests the enormous scale of the accomplished work.
While speaking about this, above all, the restoration of the historical sites at this ancient city, and particularly, the old town area, Registan Square, tens of architectural monuments, which were fully reconstructed and repaired, acquiring new magnificence and grandeur, gives satisfaction to all of us and naturally instills confidence to continue these creative works, which raise the spirit of our nation.
At the same time, we can see the modern look of the city of Karshi in the example of the Independence Square, Central and Children Parks, Amphitheater Square, many new places of residence, medical and cultural institutions, broad and smooth streets, abundant bazaars and splendid boulevards.
Especially, the modern lyceums and colleges, new schools, sporting college of Olympic reserves, athletics manege and indoor pool, new central stadium, women’s sports complex, which contribute to our greatest objective of raising the healthy and accomplished generation, are of a great importance not only for this province, but also for entire nation.
Dear friends, fellow countrymen, at this exciting moments I will continue by the words of Sakhibqiran Amir Temur, filled with profound pride and dignity, and say the following: anyone, who wants to see our might, decisiveness of our nation, and its ability to accomplish great endeavors, let them come and see our creative works in this city of Karshi and throughout entire Uzbekistan.
My dears, many of you know well that the word “Karshi” means “palace, castle”. on this joyful day on behalf of myself and entire Uzbek people I express sincere gratitude to the skilled constructors and workers, engineers and architects, contractors and sponsor organizations, ministries of the Republic and authorities of khokimiat (‘mayor’s office’), who have diligently worked days and nights, as well as all other people, who had contributed to this noble cause of turning the ancient city of Karshi into a palace-like beautiful city.
Availing myself of this opportunity, I congratulate, embrace and express the best wishes from the depth of my heart to the hardworking and diligent dekhqans (‘peasants’) and all workers of the Kashka oasis, who harvested nearly 700,000 tons of grain, over 435,000 tons of cotton and celebrate today’s festival with the sense of an accomplished duty.
My dear and distinguished fellow countrymen!
I am confident that the young generation, forthcoming descendants will become worthy successors of the works, we have started, and will always live proud of our Homeland, our invaluable history, great ancestors and ancient cities. Deriving strength and spiritual support from them the younger generation will radiate the glory of Uzbekistan all around the world.
I congratulate you once again on the sacred anniversary of beautiful city of Karshi and wish to all of you health and happiness.
Let our Homeland always prosper and be filled with much blessing!
Let the Creator save our land and people!
Let the city of Karshi and the people of Kashkadarya be always safe!
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