Press Releases from DEMIRA Deutsche Minenräumer e.V. (4 total)
DEMIRA - Current situation of medical care in Libya
Munich, 02/08/2011. The German non-governmental organisation DEMIRA e.V. is in Benghazi assessing the supply situation on the ground in order to organise a further shipment of aid. On the 29th July DEMIRA programme manager Marcia Hamzat accompanied a medical aid delivery which was then distributed from the central medical storage facility to hospitals and clinics in the area. Our DEMIRA staff member was able to gain a first-hand overview of…
DEMIRA - Medical Aid Shipment to Benghazi
Munich, 29/07/2011. The longer the NATO operation “Odyssey Dawn” and the international sanctions against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi drag on, the more precarious the humanitarian situation in Libya becomes.
In association with the official visit by delegates of the German-African Business Association, led by Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Economics Ministry, Hans-Joachim Otto, DEMIRA's Emergency Response Unit delivered relief supplies to Benghazi.
On 27th July 2011, DEMIRA programme manager Marcia…
DEMIRA - 100 Days after the Disaster in Japan
Munich, 18.06.2011. DEMIRA is continuing to provide assistance to the affected people one hundred days after Japan’s triple disaster. On the 11th March an earthquake followed by a Tsunami caused widespread damage in northern Japan. The disaster claimed more than 15,400 lives and a further 8,100 are still missing. It is estimated that as many as 90,000 people are still residing in emergency shelters three months after the disaster.
DEMIRA - Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Operation
Munich, 30.03.2011. An earthquake measuring 9.0 shook the north-east of Japan on 11th March 2011. The resulting powerful Tsunami destroyed hundreds of kilometers of the east coast of Japan. Dozens of cities were either totally or partially destroyed. The death toll is still largely unknown, however, the figures already lie far above the 20,000 mark and hundreds of thousands are homeless.
A nuclear catastrophe is taking place around the area…
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