Press Releases from AA Marketing (173 total)
Starscope monocular review 2022: Detailed Explanation.
If you ever want to improve the way you see things, natural creatures and others. This starscope monocular review is for you. The idea is great and the possibilities are endless. It is trending in the United Kingdom and other countries, The review is prepared to give detailed information about this highly engineered optical device.
No doubt, Technology is in a constant state of forward motion, leading to varieties…
Laundry Masher Review, honest Laundry Masher Grenade Reviews(2022)
No doubt, laundry detergents have been the most popular laundry solution over the years. Truly, they are very effective and affordable, though it depends on where you are buying it and the company you are using. It is really universal.
Despite their popularity, there are serious concerns about their toxic nature. Research has it that most detergent powder contains many chemicals that are dangerous to our health and our environment.
BlxBuds Review: Truth About BLX Buds Earbuds Reviews.
Recently people are switching from headphones to wireless earbuds style headphones. There is a lot of reasoning behind that. Though some still prefer headphones. Even though most people still switch to earbuds, I don't think they can one day replace headphones totally even though they offer a lot of advantages.
Years back, people were using this kind of wired earphones. No doubt, it works fine, some come…
Shadow X Drone Review: Things You Must Know Before Buying.
Shadow x drone is taking the United Kingdom by storm, the idea is great! Many are now believers. It is one of the best low-cost drones in the United Kingdom. Recently there have been a lot of plaudits coming its way from both drone experts, and drone novices. see more down the page!!
Read shadow X drone review for other countries here!!
See also TACTICAL X DRONE, one of the best in…
SoloForce Power Bank Review 2022: Urgent Update! Read SoloForce Reviews To see M …
SoloForce power bank review 2022: Searching for information on the best solar power bank you aren't alone and can never be. Considering the brands in the market, it is not easy to pick the best . Peruse the SoloForce power bank reviews and get all the necessary information about this power bank.
Our phones, smart watches, and our Earbuds are becoming so relevant nowadays that we can't imagine life…
Miracle laundry detergent sheets review 2022: Is miracle detergent sheets the be …
Miracle laundry detergent sheets review: Clothes are among the fundamental human needs, there are needs to cover up our body. There has been an incessant need to make sure the clothing materials are kept in a neat and clean
condition. In other words there is a need to wash them when dirty.
I hope you've heard about the one of the world's best selling detergents. "Miracle Laundry Detergent Sheet" if you haven't…
Is BarXStop The Best Antibarking Device? Read BarXStop review first!!!
BarXStop is an Ultrasonic, Anti-barking Dog training device. It is specifically designed to produce signals that only dogs can hear. So your cats and other pets are free and safe. It is used to correct some dogs' unruly behaviours. It has proven to work for all breeds of dogs irrespective of weight, color, and other defining parameters.
Years back, Ivan Pavlov, a Russian Physiologist proved that dogs can learn certain…
Shadow x Drone review 2022: Truth About Shadow x Drone Uk
Shadow x Drone is one of the newest additions in the drone industry. Without doubt, the market is expanding day by day and there's no sign of stopping for a moment. Simply put, the needs for drones can never be over emphasized. Starting from taking beautiful pictures, recording quality videos to a means of having fun.
Taking quality pictures has been a challenging task most especially…
PicoBuds Pro reviews: don't be fooled! Read first!!!
picoBuds pro reviews:
While some hearing loss cannot be cured, hearing aids can help in such situations, says Dr. Timothy Teague. Truely, hearing aids have attracted positive reviews from customers. It comes in several styles that fit on your ear in different ways, including behind the ear, in the ear, in the canal and completely in the canal.
Indeed, there are many hearing aids available and expect to see More in the…
Portable Airwarmer Reviews 2022: What you must know before buying air warmer!!
Portable Airwarmer reviews 2022.
Getting yourself warmed this winter might have caused a few problems. Truly, there are many portable space heaters to use, don't be surprised to see more in the future. Coats, jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves are must-haves. Think of electric heaters, do you have one? Luckily, you have come in contact with us today. Airwarmer might sound new, of course it is relatively new in the…
Hulk heater reviews 2022, Read first don't be fooled!
Hulk heater reviews 2022.
Getting yourself warned this winter has been a task that must be done. Coats, jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves are must-haves. Think of heaters, do you have them? Don't worry, the hulk heater is there for you to grab. Let's get details From the Hulk heater reviews first.
Hulk heater is a portable, compact, cordless, efficient, and wall outlet space heater. It is specifically made…
Burst Audio earbuds reviews: Don't be fooled! Peruse the burst Audio earbuds rev …
Burst Audio earbuds reviews 2022:
Burst Audio mini wireless stereo earbuds are the new model Bluetooth headphones. It uses the advanced Bluetooth version 5.0 to deliver a fast, stable and more secured wireless connection with lossless low latency, high quality sounds and offers an extended range of connection.
This is really true wireless headphones. The reviews are quite impressive and this is one of the best earbuds available based on…
Ultraluma lights reviews: Avoid fake solar powered outdoor lights!!!
Ultraluma lights reviews.
Ultraluma is a versatile, multicolored , automatic and lightweight solar powered outdoor light that instantly transforms your house into a mini-paradise. It can be used in the garden, pathways, patio, outdoor pools, hot tubs, fountains, just think of any place that needs an intelligent splash of color. It can change the way you see your home immediately and make you proud to call it your apartment. In this…
Safeview video doorbell Reviews, Read this before making any decision
The positive impact of technology in the development of our planet can never be over emphasized. It is true that there is some negativity attached but the truth remains that it has changed the way we see things. What seemed impossible a few years ago is now the new normal.
Security challenge has become an issue and is something we must solve no matter the constraint that may be involved.…
Shadow x drone Review: what makes this your smarter choice?
Technology is in a constant state of forward motion, making things not possible a few years ago one of the normal ways of doing things now. Drones are one of those things researchers and engineers keep working on and recently have been one of those things an average person should have talked more of a photographer or a hobbyist. In this drone Review: shadow x drone Review we are…
Blxbuds Review, Is This Really One of The Best Wireless Earbuds? Check out
Recently, most people shift From wired to wireless earbuds. headphones are still popular even though they come at high price. While considering the look and amazing Sound quality you get, headphones seem to be the best deal, but wait, there is this thing called Blxbuds Earbuds, it seems cheap, Compact and light when compared to headphones. In this review, Blxbuds review, we are going to detail some of the…
Kore 2.0 Reviews, is Kore 2 smartwatch really good?
Overall, Kore 2.0 has attracted positive feedback from users. In this review ( Kore 2.0 reviews) we are going to run down everything you need to Know regarding this product. The pros and cons to using this popular smart watch fitness tracker so you can find out whether it will benefit you or not. We will also show you how to use it and it's relevant features, do and…
Critical Illness Insurance Trade Group Releases Claims Stdu Report
One third (34%) of new critical illness insurance claims by male policyholders in 2010 began prior to age 55 according to the 2011 Buyer & Claimant Study conducted by the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance (AACII) and Gen Re. The remainder of claims started at ages 55 or older.
New claims by women began at older ages the study found. Nearly three-fourths (71%) of new claims by female…
Free Insurance Sales Training Launched By Critical Illness Insurance Trade Group
There's really no explanation why critical illness insurance sales continue to lag in the U.S., declares Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance According to Slome, the protection first introduced in 1983 now sells well in 54 other countries worldwide.
"There are over 65 million Americans between the ages of 30 and 49, creating an enormous opportunity for the sale of critical illness insurance…
Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Deductions Increased
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced increased deductibility levels for long-term care insurance policies purchased in 2011.
"For taxable years beginning in 2011, the limitations have been increased," explains Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, the industry's trade association. “Tax advantaged long-term care insurance remains one of the few remaining significant tax-savings benefits especially meaningful for small business owners."
The deductible limits under Section…
Free Long-Term Care Insurance Cost-Reducing Guide Offered By Trade Group
The nation's leading health and aging experts predict that the number of individuals needing the type of care categorized as long-term care will explode in the next decade.
"You have 76 million baby boomers who are just starting to turn 65," explains Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, the leading industry trade organization focused on educating Americans on how to plan for the looming…
Long-Term Care Insurance Expert Advises Consumers What To Look For
The cost of long-term care insurance can vary by as much as 40 percent for virtually identical coverage according to a talk delivered today by Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.
Slome was addressing a group of consumers attending an educational workshop today in Los Angeles. The focus of his talk was what to look at when considering long-term care insurance protection.
"Each company sets…
2011 Long-Term Care Insurance Price Index Reports What People Pay For Coverage
A 55-year-old couple purchasing long-term care insurance protection can expect to pay $2,350-per-year (combined) for about $338,000 of current benefits ($169,000 each) which will grow to about $800,000 of combined coverage for the couple when they turn age 80.
The data comes from the 2011 Long-Term Care Insurance Price Index published by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance that analyzed rates for 11 long-term care insurance policies. …