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Press Releases from JM Digital Marketing (77 total)

Houston web design company Jeremy McGilvrey selected as one of the top web desig …

Houston web design company Jeremy McGilvrey announces the company has been selected as one of the top web designers in Houston, Texas by DesignRush, a B2B marketplace for businesses to find, hire and rate digital marketing companies. Jeremy McGilvrey, a top-rated Houston web design company, announces the company's selection as one of the top web designers in Houston due to the team's proven model, superior client experience and decade-plus track record

Tatyana Moshchenkov - 5 Common Online Business Models Simplified

Tatyana Moshchenkov (Business Consultant & Strategist) - Most beginners who are new to online marketing tend to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of ways one can make money online. Unfortunately, all money-making methods are NOT made equal. Survey sites, performing microtasks for pennies, etc. are mostly a waste of time and effort. Whereas other methods such as affiliate marketing, arbitrage, product creation, etc. are very lucrative. Knowing which business model to

Tatyana Moshchenkov - What Do You REALLY Need to Build a Successful Online Busin …

Tatyana Moshchenkov is a Business Consultant & Strategist - As per Tatyana "Building, an online business can seem like a convoluted and arduous process." There are so many moving parts and you need to get them all in alignment and running smoothly to start generating profits. While there is some truth to the scenario mentioned above, the truth is that to build a successful online business requires only 5 components.

Tatyana Moshchenkov shared tips for creating the website of your dreams

Have you always wanted to design a website but never known where to start? Do you want to get your business online, but can't afford to hire someone to help? This article will be a great start for you, as it contains many great ideas to aid you in creating the website of your dreams! Use ALT tags whenever possible. These helpful tags describe an image to a viewer, assisting the

Learn With Tatyana Moshchenkov How To Use Newsletters to Jack Up Revenues

The main use of a newsletter is to distribute information to your readers about your site including product announcements, site updates, news, and more. For business or affiliate websites the newsletter becomes a tool to remind your visitors about your site in order to bring them back or make a sale. Returning visitors are more focused on what your site has to offer. Also, the more your visitors come back,

Tatyana Moshchenkov - Is email still a reliable vehicle to deliver your marketin …

"Permission Email Marketing", is the only way to market your business via Email without getting yourself into trouble and giving you the ability to stay in touch and build an ongoing relationship with your customers and subscribers. The only question is... is email still a reliable vehicle to deliver your marketing messages to your potential customers and/or subscribers? With the rising concerns of SPAM, Blacklisting, Email Filters, and CAN-SPAM laws, it's getting

Quick Introduction to Squeeze Pages with Tatyana Moshchenkov

Tatyana Moshchenkov "Before you begin to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a quick introduction to list building with Squeeze Pages." List building is not a new marketing strategy. It was being used way before the internet was ever invented. The power of list building lies in the ability you have as the marketer to contact your leads over and over

Tatyana Moshchenkov shared the most inexpensive and effective way to promote you …

Email marketing has proven very successful for those who do it right and become the most inexpensive and effective way to promote your Internet Marketing Business. Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail or email is a method of composing, sending, and receiving messages over the Electronic Communication System. The enormous development of the Internet has enabled emails conveying useful information, to be transmitted simultaneously to several recipients worldwide in a matter of seconds. The

Jeremy McGilvery - Retargeting is a sure way to supercharge your marketing ROI

Today Jeremy McGilvery is sharing What is Re-targeting and Why You Should Be Doing It. As we all know Jeremy McGilvrey is the CEO of Houston's top-rated digital marketing agency and award-winning digital marketing consultant. It goes without saying that your marketing funnel, which is the process that guides a prospect, taking them from stranger to customer, is one of the most important, and effective assets in your marketing arsenal. So, if

Jeremy McGilvery - How To Engaging Your Readers and Delivering Exactly What They …

Jeremy McGilvery, Houston Texas - Now that you’ve built up your mailing list, you’ve got to deliver on the promises you made to the individuals who signed up. These promises consist of both the promises you explicitly made (“sign up and I’ll email you a free report”), as well as the implicit promise you made to provide them with the information they’ll find useful and valuable. Here are Jeremy Mcgilvery's tips

Jeremy McGilvrey - Your First Steps to Setting up a Mailing List

Jeremy McGilvrey, Houston, Texas - For many businesses, their email marketing lists can be the single most valuable asset they own. Here are some tips for helping you get your first mailing list up and running. Select Your Service Provider - The first step in setting up a new mailing list is to make sure you have the infrastructure in place to handle it. This will almost always mean that you’ve selected

Jeremy McGilvrey - How to Win Back Customers Who Quit Your Membership Program

Jeremy McGilvrey, Houston, Texas - It’s going to happen. As much as you think it won’t because your membership site is going to be so great that no one will want to leave – rest assured, some of them will quit. This is par for the course when running a membership site. Having a low attrition rate is great, but even at 1 or 2 percent attrition, you’ll still be losing

Important Tools You Will Need to Build a Successful Membership Site

Jeremy McGilvrey Dec 8, 2021 - Building a membership site may seem like an onerous, monumental task that’s not for the weak of heart marketer. This is a misconception that many beginners and even intermediate marketers have - and it’s far from the truth. With some study and application, even a newbie to online marketing can build a relatively profitable membership site. Of course, reaching a 4 to 5

Jeremy Mcgilvrey share Daily Tasks to Complete When Running a Membership Site

Jeremy McGilvrey, CEO of Jeremy McGilvrey Digital Marketing Agency, Houston Texas - Running a membership site is a relatively hands-free process once you have all your automation and deliverables in place. However, even with automation, there will be a few tasks that will require daily monitoring and action. If you are a beginner and want to Start Your Own Membership Site? Read This First! Support enquiries/tickets - If you have a successful

Jeremy McGilvrey - Should You Use Single or Double (Confirmed) Opt-in?

Jeremy McGilvrey, Houston, Texas - It should be fairly apparent that your approach to email marketing should only involve sending e-mails to individuals who have signed up to receive them. This might be done as a sign-up on your website to receive your newsletter, an autoresponder series, or some other type of information. Avoid any temptation to send unsolicited emails under any circumstances. I know I probably don’t have

Jeremy McGilvrey Shared Examples of Conversational Marketing

Jeremy McGilvrey, Digital Marketing Agency, Texas - In a recent talk Jeremy McGilvrey discussed "What is conversational marketing, and benefits of conversational marketing". Today Jeremy McGilvrey is sharing examples of Conversational Marketing. Isn’t it interesting how all old things become new again? In the old days – before phones or computers – when you wanted to sell something, you went to where your customers lived and talked to them in

Jeremy McGilvrey - Benefits of Conversational Marketing

Jeremy McGilvrey Digital Marketing Agency, Houston, Texas - Conversational marketing is a feedback-oriented marketing approach that increases engagement, drives customer loyalty, and grows your customer base through listening to the customer. When you think about online marketing, especially content marketing, it’s easy to note that in many ways it’s like having a conversation with your ideal customer. You post a blog; they can post comments. On social media, discussions can

Jeremy McGilvrey's Beginner’s Guide to Conversational Marketing

Jeremy McGilvrey, No. 1 Digital Marketing Agency, Houston, Texas - As markets diversify, consumers have more options than ever before. It’s getting harder and harder to exhibit services and products as marketers struggle to keep up with changes in the marketplace. As per Jeremy McGilvrey "Today, a company’s success doesn’t just depend on its products; its marketing plan also plays a role." The most successful sellers have kept up with the

Jeremy Mcgilvrey - Building Email Marketing Highly Targeted Opt in List

Jeremy Mcgilvrey (Digital Marketing Agency, Houston, Texas) Are you successful with your Internet business? Better yet, do you think you are successful with your online business? When most online executives are asked these questions, they often brush it off. This is because most of them, who have not yet realized the right way to succeed in Internet Marketing, continue to believe that the mere fact that they have a website

Jeremy McGilvrey shared one marketing method that often results in a lot of sale …

Jeremy McGilvrey, Digital Marketing Expert, San Antonio Texas - Email Courses And Autoresponders - Offering free things to your website visitors is one marketing method that often results in a lot of sales. Free courses that are delivered via email are very popular, and people sign up for such courses on a regular basis to learn more about a topic of interest to them. These courses are best maintained and

Jeremy McGilvrey - Your Key To Effective Email Marketing

Jeremy McGilvrey, San Antonio, Texas - You know what an optin is right? You know, that little box that pops up on many sales pages that offers you more information or a free newsletter if you become a registered member or some like that. Well, it may seem annoying and like a waste of valuable time and space, but let me change your thinking on them right now. It is

Jeremy McGilvrey's 10 Steps to Make the Most of Autoresponders

Jeremy McGilvrey, San Antonio, Texas - So you've worked hard in creating your website, regularly adding content to it, and building links, and increasing search engine placements. The next step, that many overlooks, is to capture your visitors by using an autoresponder. Here's a scenario for you to consider. A visitor finds your site through one of the many ways that you have been carrying out to generate traffic, and finds

Jeremy McGilvrey's Tips On How To Get Better At Web Design

Jeremy McGilvrey, Digital Marketing Expert, San Antonio, Texas (Open PR) Most of us do not have the time, money, or skill to build custom cars or choppers. But we all have the tools necessary to design custom websites. As long as you can grasp how web design works, you will be able to design stunning pages that attract people instantly. If you want to know more about web design, read

Jeremy McGilvrey's tips that take the design of your site to the next level

Jeremy McGilvrey, San Antonio, Texas (Open PR) Designing a website that promotes your business in the best way possible is all about the design. You don't need a degree in web design to make effective websites, you just need the right information to know what works well and what does not. Keep reading for these Jeremy McGilvrey's tips that take the design of your site to the next level. If you're

Jeremy McGilvrey - Web Design Elements You Should Avoid Having on Your Site

Jeremy McGilvrey, San Antonio, Texas - As a web designer, you should design your websites to give your visitors the greatest ease of use, the best impression, and most important of all a welcoming experience. It doesn't matter if you had the greatest product in the whole world -- if your website is poorly done you won't be able to sell even one copy of it because visitors will be

Jeremy McGilvrey - Do Your Potential Customers Forget About You?

Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow-up? Learn with Jeremy McGilvrey about What follow-up method really works Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your website, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying

Learn The Bare Basics Of Squeeze Pages With Jeremy McGilvrey

What is a squeeze page and why do we need a squeeze page for business? These are the question in your mind while you start an online business. Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant Jeremy Mcgilvrey is giving all the answers regarding squeeze pages. What is a Squeeze Page - Squeeze pages are basically one-page websites that offer you something in exchange for filling in your contact details. The page will also contain (at

Email Marketing - The Lifeline Of Your Internet Business

Discover the 'secret' of successful online marketers with Jeremy McGilvrey. It is not unusual to have a high ranking at the Search engines yet see low conversion rates. In fact, someone else whose ranking is lower than yours may be making a killing online with his products. How could that happen? With all other things being almost equal, good web design, good sales copy, quality products, it is highly

How To Create A Video Squeeze Page - Jeremy McGilvrey

A video squeeze page is a great way to start building relationships with your customers and potential customers right from the get-go, even before they enter their contact details. While a standard text squeeze page with a compelling headline will work just fine if done correctly, a video is sure to draw your visitors in before they even start to read your page. The video that you add to your

Jeremy McGilvrey : The Importance of Email Marketing Metrics

One of the great benefits of email marketing is that it delivers measurable metrics. To run a successful email marketing campaign, you need to monitor and understand email statistics such as Open Rate, Click-Through Rate (CTR), Bounce Back rate etc. Understanding these metrics will allow you to improve your email marketing campaign and achieve better results. 1. Basic Email Metrics you should evaluate in each email campaign: Open Rate – that is

Jeremy McGilvrey's Tips for Staying in Constant Contact with Your Clients - Effe …

In this article, Jeremy McGilvrey shared one of the most underrated steps in building a successful email marketing campaign: the sign-up form. Email marketing is an extremely powerful and effective marketing technique. It is also the most cost-effective way in existence today, to contact prospects and customers. If done incorrectly, by sending unsolicited emails, it is called spam and gets you blacklisted and hated by the ones you were trying to

Jeremy McGilvrey - How To Build A Huge Opt In List Of Hungry Subscribers

An opt in list full of hungry subscribers are the soul and spirit of any online business existence. But how do you build it so that the subscribers will respond to every offer that you introduce them? First, we will take a look at what makes an online business and the techniques of getting hungry subscribers into your opt-in list. Every online business provides great service to generate satisfaction among their

Jeremy McGilvrey's Award Winning Tips For How To Create An Email List For Your O …

Jeremy McGilvrey is a Harvard-educated No. 1 bestselling author and award-winning Digital Marketing Consultant. In a recent talk, Jeremy McGilvrey shared Digital Marketing tips about "How To Create An Email List For Your Online Business" For any business whether offline or online, you need customers. It's much easier to get potential customers into your online store, or business website, by a number of different means, search engine traffic, adverts of

How To Build A Power List of Loyal Subscribers to Earn Money Online

Jeremy McGilvrey is an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Expert. In an interview with Jeremy McGilvrey, he shared tips for "How To Build A Power List of Loyal Subscribers to Earn Money Online Over and Over Again". Building a power list of loyal subscribers that are willing to gobble up anything you throw at them is the key to maintaining and expanding an online business. This list will be the main focus

Jeremy McGilvrey - How Direct Email Marketing Keeps You Linked To Your Customers

San Antonio, Texas-based "Jeremy McGilvrey" is an Award-Winning Email Marketing Consultant and recently he shared "How Direct Email Marketing Keeps You Linked To Your Customers" Direct Email Marketing is the solution to a very big problem for online retailers. Ask anyone looking at the traffic reports for their online store and they will tell you that nothing drives them crazier than getting someone to their site (either naturally or

Jeremy McGilvrey's 8 Steps To Irresistible Email Copy Every Time

Jeremy McGilvrey is an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant and shared Steps To Irresistible Email Copy Every Time. Step #1 - WHO DO YOU THINK YOU`RE TALKING TO? Before you sit down to write your email sales letter, you`ve got to determine exactly who your audience is. This is a master key to getting results from email marketing. Ask yourself these questions: - What do your prospects/customers want? - What frustrates your prospects/customers most? - Who else

Jeremy McGilvrey - What Is So Great About An Email Follow Up?

If you are in business, any kind of business then it is important for you to learn how to make the customers and clients happy. The first rule of doing this is to make them feel listened to and appreciated and the easiest way to do that is to use an email follow-up every tie you get a message from one of them. This can be done in one of

Jeremy McGilvrey - How Do Autoresponders Work?

Have you ever received an email telling you that the person you emailed is on vacation and will not be answering his email for the next week? What about a company that answers with an email thanking you for your interest and that they would get back to you in a day or two? Or even an email saying that the email you tried to send could not be delivered? Each

How Email Marketing Software Helps You Keep Track of Your Marketing Campaign

For an advertising or marketing campaign to run smoothly and effectively good organization is required; for larger emailing campaigns this usually requires some kind of email marketing software. However, email marketing software has a lot more to offer than you would probably imagine. Prospect Finder Finding prospects can be a very time consuming activity. Some email marketing tools allow you to collect targeted email addresses from visitors to your web site. Creating

Jeremy McGilvrey - Design an email newsletter for Viral Marketing

The term viral marketing was originally referenced in Greek Athenian histories, to be finally coined in the late 1990s by venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson. The term viral marketing is commonly defined as network-enhanced word-of-mouth. Viral marketing is considered to be very similar to network marketing. It is proven that the typical Internet user is very vocal about their online experiences. So in this way, for each person you reach, you

Jeremy McGilvrey - A Healthy Dose Of Trust Works Wonders With Your Email List

While the rest of the world has developed many barriers and protections to keep their email accounts spam-free, there are also those that sign up to receive emails that promote various products, and services, and their sites. This is mainly because these opt-in subscribers wants to know more about what these sites are offering and can be beneficial for them. They expect to be kept posted on what they are

Jeremy McGilvrey - Does Everyone Ignore Your Newsletter?

As Internet marketers, we all know how important it is to have a successful newsletter to help us keep in touch with our customers. But it can be pretty frustrating to spend all those hours developing content and campaigns only to have the program flop. Open rates can dive into the single-digits and click-through rates can fall to mere fractions of a percent. So if this happens, what do you

Don't Leave Your Email Naked - Jeremy McGilvrey

No matter how high-tech the world becomes, there are still many old-fashioned problems regarding communication. With email, you face the same challenge as you do with regular mail -- convincing the recipient to open the message (or envelope). Many email recipients delete messages without ever opening them. How do you avoid ending up in the electronic equivalent of “File Thirteen”? The answer is: by using a good

Jeremy McGilvrey's Email and Online Marketing Copy-writing Secrets

Use these proven tips properly and your results will skyrocket. Jeremy McGilvrey and his copywritters have written hundreds of breakthrough responses, money-making emails, and online marketing promotions. Here’s what we’ve found works best. Use these tips properly and your results will skyrocket. 1. Your email “from” sender line should be your brand name or company name and stay consistent. Use your own personal name only if that is your brand

Jeremy McGilvrey Introducing the Power of Autoresponders

Do you ever reach the point when you become exhausted with replying to the endless amounts of emails you receive day-on-day? Then you are ready to learn about how autoresponders can save you hours of valuable time. The problem with email is that those sending them expect replies instantly, whereas you'll probably feel that this is very tiring when you have 101 other things to do with your day. So what

How to Build A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List

We've all heard it that in order to stay in business online you need to build a Targeted 'Opt-In' list. Well... I truly have to agree with that simply because this is where you'll always have a consistent source of FREE Targeted traffic (also referred to as 'Sticky Traffic') to promote your offers or related information for years to come. It just makes sense, wouldn't you say? And, we all know that 'Email'

Always collect an email address - Jeremy McGilvrey

The power of collecting an email address is amazing. As I mentioned in a prior article, you can expect between 1 and 10 percent of visitors to make a purchase on their initial visit to your website (conversion rate) and between 10 and 33 percent to give you their email address (signup rate). Often visitors weren’t intending to buy any product but were after more information on your subject. Studies

Autoresponder Services Improve Your Profits - Jeremy McGilvrey

Perhaps you, like me, have web hosting that includes, free of any extra charge, unlimited autoresponders. That being the case, you might be inclined to balk at any suggestion to start paying for them. Recently, however, I made the switch to paying a monthly fee for unlimited autoresponders. Am I rich (with money to burn)? Have I lost my mind? Actually, I consider this move to paid autoresponders to be a wise

Jeremy McGilvrey's 6 Eye Grabbing Subject Lines for Email Campaign

Your subject lines play a crucial role in any email campaign ads whether you're using safelists, autoresponders, ezine solo ads, or any opt-in list where email is involved. Your subject line will make or break your return on your investment so make sure you get their attention first. Here are six headlines that have worked for me in the past which I'm sure will work for you too. Technology will

Jeremy McGilvrey's Creative and Profitable Ways to Use Autoresponders

As per Jeremy McGilvrey "Autoresponders are remarkable, versatile programs that do so much more than just automatically answer your email." Here are a few ideas that will help you to creatively and productively use your autoresponder to transform the casual. An interested visitor who has been strolling through your site has finally come to just what she is looking for and is about to make a purchase. It's a sunny afternoon,

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