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Press Releases from European Sensory Network (7 total)

Olive Oil in Context: TDS uncovers complex interactions

December 2012 - Using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method, the tasting experience that develops over a longer period can be traced. In this way it is possible to comprehend aspects that are not reflected in static sensory profiles. In a recent study on olive oil, Italian researchers demonstrated the advantages of TDS. Good quality olive oil is a basic foodstuff in many countries encompassing the Mediterranean Sea. In the

What’s New? Smell and taste memory is tuned to novelty detection

February 2012 - The memory of tastes and smells functions fundamentally differently than visual memory. To better understand the characteristics of memory for food, European Sensory Network researchers have developed experimental designs that are essentially different from the traditional recognition experiments. Witnesses are often asked whether they can recognize a particular person. When the same person is presented, it is much easier for them to come to a correct decision than

Deciding At First Glance - Tracking eye-movements reveals what grabs the consume …

Despite the overabundance of offers on today’s grocery shelves, most consumers decide whether or not to buy a product within seconds after glancing at the assortments. To be successful, a product must grab the consumer’s attention as quickly as possible, and at the same time be persuasive. To see if this is the case, eye-movement registration and tachistocopic research can be used. Irouchka Moyersoen of the Belgian Sensory and Consumer

European Sensory Network invites industries as partners at the cutting edge of s …

Since its foundation, the key aims of the European Sensory Network (ESN) have been to improve sensory and consumer research methodology for the benefit of industry and to promote the application of sensory analysis methods in the industry. To help support these aims, the ESN is now offering a direct ESN-Industry Network Partnership with the express purpose of collaborating more closely with industry in the research and development of innovative

New Members from Europe and the Middle East: The European Sensory Network welcom …

January, 2008: The European Sensory Network (ESN), an international association of experts in the fields of sensory and consumer research, has accepted two new members into its ranks. The firms of ROGIL (situated in Heverlee, Belgium) and ANALYST (from Hamam St. Rehovot, Israel) have passed the admission requirements with flying colours: their sensory and consumer research methods and methodology was shown to be of the highest quality. The two companies presented

The Right Product for the Right Moment

Bridging the gap between objective product qualities and the consumer’s complex desires and needs It is becoming more and more difficult to develop successful new products. Solutions that are optimally tailored to consumer needs and desires are the only ones that have a chance of market success. The demands of the buying public often differ significantly, depending on the context. Researchers from the European Sensory Network members\' institutes ISI, Germany,

50 years in search of the consumers' true motivations

The European Sensory Network is celebrating the 75th birthday of its co-founder and scientific advisor Egon P. Köster, sensory expert and Professor emeritus of Experimental Psychology. Den Haag, September 28, 2006 – People only eat what tastes good to them and only buy what they like. Yet the question of what is accepted by whom is not easy to answer. Consumer sensory research attempts to get to the bottom of this

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