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Press Releases from Kuick Resarch (921 total)

Cancer Immunomodulators Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 202 …

Immune system has developed myriad of techniques for preventing progression and proliferation of infectious diseases in the body. Different immunocytes vary in qualitative/quantitative interaction with different components due to which variable immune reactions are produced. The intensity of these interactions could be modified with the help of immunomodulators. They could be natural occurring or synthetically derived molecule used for modulating activities of immune system. Immunomodulators have ability to augment or

Global Cancer Biosimilars Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report

Cancer incidences are escalating tremendously across the globe due to which burgeoning pressure has been created on pharmaceutical companies to come forth with viable products. Moreover, presently available drugs for cancer treatment are known for their superior pharmacological benefits along with their significantly higher prices. Most of the cancer patients are unable to afford them due to financial constraints. Simultaneously, they have also created lot of financial burden on healthcare

Global Stem Cell Therapy Market Future Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Re …

Stem cells are specialized cells that can differentiate into other cells without losing their identity. They have been found to be present in animals as well as humans and most of the work has been done on mice. Investigators have found that stem cells are part of repair system and helps in maintaining the normal bodily functions. They divide to give rise to two cells out of which one remains

US Breast Cancer Therapy Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report

Breast cancer is a type of malignancy that affects breast tissue and its incidences are increasing across the globe. It is also one of the most common cancers in American women which cause high morbidity and mortality rates. It affects both gender but most of the cases have been found to be related to females as compared to males. Data shows that the numbers of breast cancer incidences and death

US Blood Cancer Drug Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2015

Pharmaceutical companies have identified the opportunities to generate significant revenues from blood cancer segment in US. Escalating blood cancer incidences, high unmet medical necessities and demand for better therapeutics are some major factors behind growth of US blood cancer market segment. Higher investments have been made by pharmaceutical companies in order to come forth with better therapeutics for generating significant revenues. As a result, numerous therapeutic have been introduced in

Global Antibody Drug Conjugate Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Rep …

Pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop better therapeutics in order to overcome large unmet medical necessities. Currently available therapeutics suffers from various caveats like low specificity, low potency and severe adverse effects. This scenario has caused the pharmaceutical companies to develop therapeutics that can succeed these limitations. They have been able to overcome these problems and improve their medical conditions by commercializing ADC. They are rapidly gaining acceptance across the

Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Rep …

Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) are enzymes responsible for removal of acetyl groups present on acetyl lysine amino acid attached to histone. They are responsible for gene expression and regulation which is responsible for cellular functioning. It also helps in wrapping of histone over the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They are involved in cell growth and death which is responsible for maintaining steady state. Their involvement in diseases has been noted by investigators

Cancer CD Antigen Inhibitors Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Repor …

Pharmaceutical companies are continuously looking for better therapeutic options to effectively cure and prevent various malignancies. Several options for cancer treatment are available belonging to various classes of molecules. Different types of cancer have different pathophysiological characteristics due to which distinctive approach is required for effective treatment. Several molecules have been discovered out of which CD antigens have been found to play an important role in cancer progression and proliferation.

Global Cancer Vaccine Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report

The concept of vaccines dates back to1881, when Edward Jenner developed the first vaccine to treat small pox. Since then many technological advancements have been made, in modern times, vaccines have been developed as a new therapeutic for prevention and eradication of cancer. Currently, ranges of therapeutics are available in market to effectually combat cancer, but they suffer from several glitches like low effectiveness and high unspecificity. Researchers came up

Europe Biosimilars Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2020

Burgeoning pressure on healthcare system has caused the regulators across the globe to look for suitable therapeutic options. Biologic drugs are commonly used for treatment of various diseases but they are costly and their alternative options are difficult to find. Biosimilars have come forth as new modality having lesser cost with equivalent therapeutic efficacy like biologics. They are introduced in market after patent expiry of biologics and Europe became the

US Biosimilars Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report

Pharmaceutical companies benefited from the revolution in biotechnology that hit US market in 1980’s. Some of the blockbuster biologics have been introduced in market helping pharmaceutical companies to occupy major market shares. Their presence could be felt in every disease segment as they were improved with time. Over the years, biologics lost patent giving way to biosimilars. US is late entrant and its market is largely untouched by biosimilars resulting

US Generic Drug Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2020

Advent of generic medicine in US market is few decades old and its roots could be traced back to the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984. It is also known as Hatch-Waxman Act which paved the path for generic drugs in US. No proper guidelines were available in US before introduction of this law. Generic drug makers have to go through ordeal before this law was

Global Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 202 …

Dendritic cell first discovered in the early 19th century by Paul Langerhans and their further study and the role it plays in immune system conducted by M. Steinman in 1973, has only received the must deserved attention as a vaccine molecule, in general and as a cancer therapeutics, in particular in the recent past years. There was a widespread skepticism regarding its potential as a vaccine in the scientific community

Global T Cell Lymphoma Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report

Immune system consists of various cells that impart resistance to body against foreign entities. They also prevent the development of aberrant cells in the body to maintain its normal functioning. However, it has been noted that these cells are also liable for deterioration leading to diseases development. For instance, T-cell lymphoma is cancer causing unrestricted growth of T-cells leading to impaired immune system. Investigators have identified different T-cell malignancies that

Global Liquid Biopsy Market Sales Revenue Opportunity & Technology 2020

Biopsy is conducted to diagnose a disease, or to assess its progression so as to take an effective clinical action either by removing the affected site surgically or by drawing samples from the target tissue to conduct investigative studies about the disease. This technique is widespread and has been used since 12th century. The techniques involving solid biopsy have without any doubt, improved with advancement in scanning processes and surgical

Japan Generics Drug Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2020

Japan is a small island nation located in East Asia and it is known for its economic prosperity. It sports one of the largest pharmaceutical markets like US and Europe due to which immense commercialization opportunities are present. Unique demographic structure and presence of advanced technology is the main reason for the growth of Japanese pharmaceutical industry. They have one of the most advanced research and development facilities across the

Global Radiopharmaceuticals Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2020

Radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes having an unstable balance of atomic nucleus. Radioisotopes are produced either by using nuclear research reactor or by using cyclotron. These isotopes emit energy in the form of alpha, beta or gamma when changed to a stable nature. The gamma rays, thus emitted are used in Nuclear medicine, specifically in medical diagnostics. In this field, the radiation is used to provide diagnostic information about a

Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2020

Investigators discovered stem cells during their quest to find innovative cell therapy methods which could offer edge over prevailing modalities. These cells have ability to divide several times without losing their capability to renew again and again. This is very important because earlier, investigators believed that one type of cell is capable to giving rise to another kind of cell which means they can’t change. But their discovery changed the

Global Malignant Melanoma Drug Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Rep …

Investigators are trying to develop innovative therapeutics for the treatment of malignant melanoma with high safety and efficacy. Surgery has remained the corner stone of cancer treatment including malignant melanoma. Cancerous region and adjoining tissue is removed to prevent it growth. Radiation therapy is also found to be effective in melanoma treatment but it causes long-tern deleterious effects on body. Chemotherapeutics can prevent malignant cancer but it side effects decrease

US Transdermal Patch Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2020

The last two decades have witnessed multiple innovations and commercialization of new medical agents and drug delivery mechanism. These innovations in drug delivery systems have not only enabled the successful implementation of many of these novel pharmaceuticals products such as transdermal patches, but have also permitted the development of new medical treatments with existing drugs. The need of more innovation in field of transdermal drug delivery system is still huge

Global Cancer Immunotoxins Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report …

Immunotoxins are new generation chemotherapeutic agents innovated to include the specificity of monoclonal antibody and cytotoxicity of toxins extracted from plant or bacterial source. The targeting moiety carries the specificity of the antibody and is directed to the target where it either binds to the cell surface antigen, receptor or the ligand of the targeted disease. Cytotoxicity is mediated by the protein toxins, which maybe protein at times. Download Report: For Report

Global Cancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pi …

The global increase in the prevalence of cancer and the increasing recognition of the therapeutic and commercial opportunities offered by new oncology treatments has provided a major incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to pursue the development of new agents for the treatment of cancer. To tackle the ever rising global cancer burden, the cancer treatment is inclining towards the targeted drug therapy due to the numerous drawbacks associated with conventional

Global Peptide Vaccine Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2020

The outline of human vaccines had an incredible impact on global health system which resulted in intense reduction of mortality and morbidity caused by numerous diseases. Vaccines have led to some of the greatest public health achievements ever, including the eradication of naturally occurring smallpox from the globe and the near eradication of polio. This prophylaxis had a long journey through various roads and tunnels to become the humanities’

Cancer Angiogenesis Inhibitors Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Rep …

Cancer is ever fastest growing global epidemic and one of the leading causes of death in the developed countries. It was observed that year 2015 alone witnessed more than 10 million new cancer cases. The number of new cancer cases is predicted to rise to 22 million within the next two decades. More than 60 percent of the world’s new cancer cases occur in Africa, Asia, and Central and South

US Breast Cancer Drug Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2022

Around the corners of world, cancer has infused itself in every country, region and each habitable land present over earth. Cancer has become one of those nightmares which haunt every individual once in a life time this is because of the increasing incidence rates and no proper care available until now. Given the steady increase in global cancer incidence with its associated morbidity and mortality, together with the spiraling healthcare

India Cervical Cancer Screening Market Sales Revenue Opportunity Report 2022

Cervical cancer is an important area of action for any cancer control programme because of the burden of disease, and the potential for effective prevention through screening. Cervical cancer hardly presents any symptoms in its early stages and it highlights the importance of regular screening for the disease. Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help to find the cancer at an early stage.

Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 202 …

“Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022” report analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the oncolytic virus therapy market. Currently there are 2 oncolytic virus therapies commercially available in the market. This report analyzes the ongoing clinical trial of 48 oncolytic virus therapies in clinical pipeline and gives comprehensive clinical insight on various parameters associated with the development of the oncolytic virus therapies. Most of the oncolytic

Lung Cancer Vaccine Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2022

“Global Lung Cancer Vaccine Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022” report analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the global lung cancer vaccine market. Currently there are 3 lung cancer vaccines commercially available in the market. This report analyzes the ongoing clinical trial of 30 lung cancer vaccines in clinical pipeline and gives comprehensive clinical insight on various parameters associated with the development of the lung cancer vaccines. Currently there are

Personalized Cancer Vaccines Market and Clinical Innovation Outlook 2022

Oncological segment has gained a great momentum with the advent of modern technologies and the better equipped sequencing methodology. Over the past years, there has been gradual paradigm shift from traditional medicine and accelerated acceptance towards the precision medication. Physicians are opting for the personalization of the medicines according to the genomic makeup of the patient. Download Report: For Report Sample Contact: or +91-11-47067990 "Personalized Cancer Vaccines Market and Clinical Innovation Outlook

Biosimilar Insulin Market Opportunity Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Rep …

“Global Biosimilar Insulin Market Opportunity and Clinical Insight Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical issues involved with growth of global biosimilar insulin market. This report analyzes various aspects like rationale design of insulin molecule, mechanism of insulin in diabetes, engineering of synthetic insulin, global aspects of biosimilar insulins along with market overview, biosimilar insulin clinical pipeline insight and future trends for the development of

US Cancer Generics Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2022

“US Cancer Generics Market Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on the various indicators and trend analysis related to the emergence and integration of cancer generics drugs in mainstream pharmaceutical market in US. The report analyzes various clinical and non-clinical parameters responsible for the growth on cancer generics drugs in recent years. The introduction of generics has resulted in saving of billions of dollars for various stake holders involved US

Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2 …

“Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Market Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive clinical and non-clinical insight on various trends associated with the rheumatoid arthritis drug market across the developed and developing market. Report helps to identify the basic classification and molecular mechanism of action of rheumatoid arthritis drugs available in the market. The top 5 leading DMARDs (Humira, Enbrel, Remicade, Simponi and Otezla) have dominated the overall anti-rheumatics market with

US Antidiabetics Drug Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2022

“US Antidiabetics Drug Market Outlook 2022” report gives clinical and non-clinical insight on trends associated with the development of Antidiabetics drug market in US. Report helps to identify the diabetes epidemiology (Prevalence of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes) in the US market along with the associated economic burden and productivity loss. Download Report: For Report Sample Contact: or +91-11-47067990 "US Antidiabetics Drug Market Outlook 2022" Table of Contents Antidiabetics: Regimen for Diabetes Mellitus

Global Immune Check Point Inhibitors Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeli …

“Global Immune Check Point Inhibitors Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical aspects involved in the development and integration of immune check point inhibitors as main streamline drugs in the immunotherapy treatment. Report helps to identify the basic classification and molecular mechanism of action of immune check point inhibitors drugs available in the market and in the clinical pipeline. Currently there are

Global Transdermal Patch Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 20 …

“Global Transdermal Patch Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022” report discusses the ongoing clinical and non-clinical parameters with respect to development of global transdermal patch market. Report highlights the need for integration of transdermal patches in existing drug delivery methodology available to pharmaceutical companies. Currently there 40 transdermal patches available in the market and more than 70 patches are in clinical pipeline. Download Report: For Report Sample Contact:

Breast Cancer Predictive Genetic Testing Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pi …

“Global Breast Cancer Predictive Genetic Testing Market Outlook 2022” report analyzes the various aspects related to the emergence and development of breast cancer genetic test market across the globe. The current and future aspects of cancer genomics have covered a long path of advances and the journey is still ongoing. The technological improvements in genomic sciences had allowed parallel sequencing of both tumors and germline mutations and had provided the

Global Cancer Immunotherapy Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report …

“Global Cancer Immunotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical developments in the field of cancer immunotherapy. According to report, cancer immunotherapy has emerged as the new growth frontier for the pharmaceutical companies involved in the clinical research and development of cancer drugs and therapeutics. Currently there are more than 2000 cancer immunotherapies based drugs/therapies are in clinical pipeline. Majority of these are

Global CAR T Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2022

“Global CAR T Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2022” report highlights the ongoing clinical and non-clinical advancement in the field of Car T Cell Therapy. As per report findings, the promise of CAR modified T cell therapy derives from its combined immunologic benefits and include the specificity of a targeted antibody, the ability to expand the T cell population and the potential for long term persistence to

Global B Cell Lymphoma Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2022

Download Report: For Report Sample Contact: or +91-11-47067990 "Global B Cell Lymphoma Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022" Table of Contents 1. Introduction to B Cell Lymphoma 1.1 Outline 1.1.1 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1.1.2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1.2 Classification of the B Cell lymphoma 1.2.1 Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma 1.2.2 Follicular Lymphoma 1.2.3 Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Global Nano Chemotherapy Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 20 …

“Global Nano Chemotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022” report highlights the current development in the in the field of nano chemotherapy. Report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical parameters associated with the expansion of global nano chemotherapeutics market. The clinical and pricing insight on chemotherapeutics nanoformulations of approved drugs helps to understand the current market scenario of the nano chemotherapeutics. Download Report: For Report Sample Contact: or +91-11-47067990 "Global

Global Cancer Antibody Drug Conjugates Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipe …

“Global Cancer Antibody Drug Conjugate Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical parameters involved in the development of global cancer antibody drug conjugate market. In recent years antibody drug conjugates have emerged as new growth frontier for the companies involved in the research and development of drugs for the treatment of cancer. As per report findings, currently there are 243 antibody

Global Controlled Drug Delivery Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Re …

“Global Controlled Drug Delivery Market and Clinical Trial Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive clinical and non-clinical insight on the emergence and integration of controlled release technology in the drug delivery. Report highlights the ongoing development of more than 300 controlled release drugs in clinical trials and helps to analyze the existing clinical mechanism of 133 commercially available controlled release drugs in the market. The fundamentals and application of

Global Microcapsules Drug Delivery Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline …

“Global Microcapsules Drug Delivery Market Opportunity Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical aspects in the advancement and integration of microcapsule technologies in the ongoing drug delivery mechanism. As per report findings, microencapsulation has proven to be a valuable tool for the pharmaceutical industry from the past several years. Under the scientific revolutionizing arena, development of the microencapsulation turned out to be the favorable

Global Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trial Pipelin …

Global Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2023” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical advancements in the global dendritic cell cancer vaccine market. In recent years, dendritic cell cancer vaccines have emerged as new growth frontier for the companies involved in the research and development of drugs for the treatment of cancer. As per report findings, currently there are 53 dendritic cell cancer

Hepatitis Drug Market Sales Revenue Clinical Trials Pipeline Report 2023

“Global Hepatitis Drug Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2023” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical advancements in the global Hepatitis drug market. Currently, there are 321 Hepatitis drugs in clinical pipeline and 110 Hepatitis drugs are commercially available in the market. Hepatitis drug clinical trials landscape is dominated by Hepatitis C drug with 145 drugs in various phases of development and 25 drugs commercially available in

Brazil Wind Power Market Analysis

The wind power sector in Brazil has witnessed tremendous and very fast growth between 2006 and 2011. The cumulative installed capacity for wind power has multiplied by almost six times during 2006-2011. This growth is anticipated to continue in future also with overall installed capacity is estimated to cross 10 GW by 2016. This growth in installed capacity has been due a result of rising awareness in Brazil to switch

India Male Cosmetics Market-Consumer Insight 2012

The Indian cosmetic industry landscape has been witnessing a phenomenal transition from females focused product to male grooming product category. In recent years, male grooming business has emerged as the new growth frontier for cosmetic companies operating in Indian market. The consumption of cosmetics products by Indian male has witnessed upward trend driven by changing lifestyle and increasing rate of urbanization. In India, male consumers are now coming at par

UAE Power Sector Analysis

UAE is a rapidly growing economy whose electricity sector needs are anticipated to increase upto 50% in order to meet its growing demand for power, by the year 2020. UAE also has one of the highest levels of per capita power consumption across the globe. The electricity consumption in the UAE region is slated to cross 100 TWh by 2012, putting pressure on the supply side. In fact, the power

India Urban And Industrial Waste to Energy Market

The Urban and Industrial waste based power projects have been witnessing upward trend in recent years driven by increasing investments from private sector and ongoing government initiatives to promote generation of power from urban and industrial waste. The overall installed capacity of grid connected waste power projects surpassed 70 MW by end of 2011 as compare to more than 90 MW of off grid waste base power projects. Considering the huge

China Healthcare Market Analysis

Healthcare system in China is witnessing series of transformation driven by government backed reform process and increasing private sector participation. Although China healthcare market is fraction of the developed markets, it is actually witnessing double digit growth in recent years. However, within the Chinese healthcare market landscape,there still exists huge difference between the tier one cities and the rural areas. Within the city, there exist huge difference in the level

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