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Press Releases from Pat Chalfant (9 total)

Pat Chalfant, Certified Care Medium, To Offer Psychic Readings As Christmas Gift …

Pat Chalfant is a Certified CARE Medium who gives psychic readings and teaches mediumship classes. For the 2017 Christmas Season, she will be offering psychic readings to members of the public who wish to give them to others as Christmas gifts. Pat is offering a special holiday reading of 15 to 20 minute for $25 which she calls a Mini-Reading. She expects it to join the ranks of her regular

Miraculous Visions And Miracle Healings Are Common Occurrences For Pat Chalfant, …

For most people, miracles in the forms of healings or visions are extraordinary events. For Pat Chalfant, they happen frequently. So much so that she has incorporated these kinds of events into her work and her life. Pat is a Certified CARE Medium who now gives psychic readings and teaches mediumship classes. Pat recently related several of these events. "Dr. Brumet had barely finished his final comments," Pat stated, "in the

Life After Death Can Be Proven Says Pat Chalfant, CARE Certified Spiritualist Ps …

While many of us believe there is an afterlife, for most it is just that - a belief. But where is the proof? The proof will not be found by science; it will instead be found in experience. CARE Certified Medium and author Pat Chalfant knows, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the afterlife exists. For Pat and many of her students and clients, the proof lies in the

Proof Of Life After Death Offered By Pat Chalfant, CARE Certified Spiritualist P …

Most of us believe death is the end. We dread the mention of the subject. It is our greatest fear and so it comes as no surprise that we look for ways to deal with it. Not surprisingly, many of us believe in an afterlife or, at the very least, hope there is an afterlife. But where is the proof? CARE Certified Medium and author Pat Chalfant knows, beyond any shadow

Proof Of The Afterlife Is Not Available To Science, But Exists Nevertheless Says …

All of us experience death. It might be the death of a spouse, the death of a family member, the death of a child or a close friend. It is the most devastating experience any human must endure. Not surprisingly, many of us believe in an afterlife or, at the very least, hope there is an afterlife. But where is the proof? Finding proof of the afterlife is no easy task.

Certified Medium Pat Chalfant Announces Psychic Readings, Psychic Medium Classes …

Certified Spiritualist Medium Pat Chalfant has announced psychic readings and psychic medium classes are now available at her new website. Pat Chalfant's amazing psychic gifts have helped hundreds of individuals worldwide. Pat has written a column on parapsychology and interviewed Hollywood stars and the psychics who read for them for a national newspaper. Other topics she’s taught and written about are: past life therapy, death and dying, the Edgar Cayce work, the Cathars,

Mediumship as a Doorway to Christ: Pat Chalfant's Newest Video Demonstrates that …

Certified Spiritualist Medium Pat Chalfant has announced the release of a video that demonstrates that electric voice phenomena (EVP) and near death experiences (NDE) can both serve as the doorway to Christ. Regardless of which terms we use to describe the reality that lies beyond the veil of bodily perception, we have come to accept that this reality can break through on occasion through various means. Real mediums (as opposed

Mediumship Is A Doorway To Christ: Pat Chalfant, Author Of 'Spirit Lights' Cites …

Pat Chalfant says Spiritualist mediumship is literally a doorway to Christ, as Jesus actually directs the work of Spiritualists here on earth. This is according to Silver Birch, the famed spirit guide who lectured at the Hannen Swaffer weekly séances in London for many years. This claim comes from 'A Voice in the Wilderness,' one of a series of Silver Birch books describing the trance mediumship of

Mediumship As A Doorway To Christ: Pat Chalfant's Newest Video Demonstrates That …

Pat Chalfant, a CARE-certified medium, knows that mediumship is one doorway to Christ. It is not the only one, however. The near death experience, a relatively recent phenomenon, serves as another. She recently developed a new video, now available to the public, that helps people who wish to "roll away the stone". In her words: When Dr. George Ritchie, M.D., was a 20-year-old college student hospitalized with pneumonia, he was dead

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