Getting media attention is the process of piquing the interest of reporters, editors or other decision makers within the media industry; therefore getting exposure for a company or product. When it comes to getting media attention, there are lots of different ways that you can go about it. What the media reports on is often difficult to pin down. However, there are some fairly certain ways of getting media attention, including methods that don’t cost money at all.
Media attention is the process of getting your company or message to people using conventional or new media methods. Since there are thousands and thousands of media outlets, it is definitely possible for your message to go out among tho
Cheap Ways to Get Media Attention
One of the best ways that you can get media attention without it costing anything at all is through the press release. Press releases are informational documents that are released to various media outlets in the hopes that one or more of them will run the story. Press releases are not very effective these days due to the simple reason of numbers; every startup and internet company that thinks that they have something newsworthy to report sends out a press release. As a result, most of them go unread. In fact, if you are not a recognized company, the chances of your press release actually being read by a major media outlet are disappointingly low.
For example, one current viral hit at the time of this writing is an edited-together version of a script released by Sinclair Media that was required reading on-air by local news anchors across the country. Deadspin put these script reads together into one video and it went viral, subsequently being picked up by almost every major media outlet out there.
Why Media Attention Matters
You definitely want to attract media attention if you are a company trying to get your products and services out in the public eye. Unfortunately, there are only a few tried-and-true tested ways to get media attention – usually by doing something exceptionally good or by doing something exceptionally bad; the latter being the most common method.
But why is this so important? Media attention is free advertising. If you can create a story that is newsworthy involving your company in some positive way, you could get millions of dollars in free advertising by being featured on cable or national news stations. This is nearly impossible to do, but if you can accomplish it, your success is almost guaranteed. Media attention matters because it is one of the best ways to get exposure for your company, product or service.