Press Releases from Dr. Laurie Pappas (7 total)
9-11 Anniversary - Dr. Laurie Pappas Believes Terrorism Can Be Turned Into Oppor …
All human beings naturally believe what they see. Yet what they see is not fact, as all human beings actually see only what they believe they see. If the tragedy of 9-11 is seen from a perspective based on separation, discrimination or political agendas, it would appear to be an event that separated the entire world into two camps - those who seek to kill and destroy against those who…
Martin Luther King Remembered: Dr. Laurie Pappas Believes The Power To Create Ch …
Racial segregation and racial discrimination are issues that have plagued American society since the beginning. All of us are still affected by these issues nearly every day, even in this age of enlightened thought. Today a new memorial stands in honor of Martin Luther King, who offered the US a new vision based on dignity and mutual respect. Dr. Laurie Pappas shares in and supports King's vision, but believes he…
Panic And Anxiety In The Financial Markets - Dr. Laurie Pappas Offers Practical …
Every tick downward in the financial marketplace creates a corresponding uptick in the anxiety levels of investors worldwide. Bleak scenarios, often fueled by gossip or the media, only serve to increase our fears. Dr. Laurie Pappas offers practical advice on overcoming anxiety in her new book, 'The Loving Heart: Navigating the Journey from Conflict to Peace'. She is now offering a limited number of no-charge consultations.
"It is so easy," stated…
High Achievers Like Amy Winehouse Who Crash And Burn - Dr Laurie Pappas Offers P …
Amy Winehouse is but the latest example of a highly successful person who came to a tragic and unexpected end. Not all these situations end in tragedy. For many highly successful people, the emptiness they feel manifests instead as depression, lethargy, dissatisfaction, helplessness and hundreds of other debilitating, life destroying conditions.
"When we witness a tragedy such as that of Amy Winehouse," stated Dr. Pappas, "many of us can’t help but…
Happiness Begins With Forgiveness: Dr. Laurie Pappas Offers Powerful Resources I …
Many people feel that forgiving others is often not possible or perhaps simply not deserved. Dr. Laurie Pappas, author of ‘The Loving Heart: Navigating The Journey From Conflict To Peace,’ teaches that forgiveness is a necessary and significant step on the road to happiness. She offers Elizabeth Smart's ordeal as an extreme example of the transformational power of forgiveness
Everyone knows the story of Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped and raped…
Mississippi Flooding: Dr. Laurie Pappas Offers Real Hope In The Midst Of Tragedy
Natural catastrophies take a serious toll on those of who must suffer through them - serious injury, the death of loved ones, loss of homes and possessions, businesses destroyed, the displacment of families, financial ruin, the cost of rebuilding - the list goes on and on. These challenges can easily overwhelm even the strongest of us. Yet, amidst this chaos, there is another way of looking at such events. Dr.…
Peace Is A Choice: Dr. Laurie Pappas Offers A Practical And Effective Approach T …
The extremes of human experience have been clearly demonstrated in the events making headlines over the last few weeks - the death of Osama Bin Laden and the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. On one hand, the world celebrates death; on the other, love. Dr. Laurie Pappas puts forth the idea that the future of our world depends upon the choices made by every individual.
"The death of Osama…
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