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Press Releases from Palkoo (2 total)

Top 20 Twitter default avatar

Twitter contest comes to an end. We are impressed by the great number of entries. Many designers all around the world, from the Saudi Arabia, Japan, Malaysia to US and Canada answered to our challenge and joined the contest. Lots of creative and interesting concepts have been submitted. Many designers started from the Twitter’s elements: the bird or the egg and developed funny, personalized and smart perspectives. Others built new scenarios,

Challenge for creative designers: what would you draw on the default Twitter ava …

About a month ago Twitter released its third avatar: the drawing of an egg, which has crossed the entire world with skepticism and questions. So Palkoo decided to launch a contest to explore the worldwide creativity! We ask designers: how should the default Twitter avatar look in your opinion? Or maybe they should have a gallery of thumbnails people may choose from? What would you draw on the twitter default

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