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Press Releases from apsdmembers (4 total)

Getting the “High End” Home Staging Jobs in 5 Easy Steps

When I first started staging, I was an active real estate investor, so my first client was me! I really did not know what I was doing, but I knew that I had to fill my homes for the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time, and I thought the best way to do that was by making my house look better than any other similar homes. It

Combine Creativity with your Home Staging Business

The number one request that I get from all of my clients, whether they are from my Home Staging Training Company, Marketing and Networking Business, one of my Speaking Clients…all of them, are always looking for a way to be more creative, or at least add more creativity to their marketing efforts and effectively combine it with business. For some reason, we have been conditioned that the two don’t go

Successful Planning Tips

As I was reordering my Day-Timer inserts for 2011 (yes, I prefer the good old fashioned kind you can still write in), I noticed a little card that was included with my order and it was titled “Tips for Success…” well you know I HAD to read it and they were so good I wanted to take the time to share them with all of you as my way of

Getting things done in your Home Staging Business

Everyone always asks me how I am able to do so much. Well, there are 2 secrets: 1) Leverage other people’s time by being a good delegator 2) Get very organized. I know what you are thinking… “Well, Karen you are probably already hyper organized right?” Wrong. By nature I am an insane perfectionist. I like everything a certain way, I

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