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Press Releases from Sundoor Solar (3 total)

Connecticut Businesses Should Consider Solar Energy Before 2011

The Recovery Act authorized Treasury to make direct payments to companies that create and place in service renewable energy facilities beginning January 1, 2009. Funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), the program will provide direct payments in lieu of tax credits in support of an estimated 5,000 bio-mass, solar, wind, and other types of renewable energy production facilities. Solar stimulus is ready, set and … ending soon.

Solar Tour in Connecticut - Get On Board With Solar Energy

The solar inductry looks forward to your participation in the single largest public demonstration of solar technology for homes and commercial buildings. The National Solar Tour is organized nationally by the American Solar Energy Society ( and promoted in Connecticut by Solar Connecticut (, a non-profit organization dedicated to building a solar community in the state. The Connecticut Solar Tour is held on October 2nd, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00

Connecticut Business Owners Find $3MM available for Solar Energy - CCEF acceptin …

CCEF will reopen its Commercial Solar PV Program for applications to deploy the $3.0 million dollars of ARRA money allocated for solar PV. We expect to announce the start of this program shortly. Applications for public, not for profit and for profit installations will be accepted. ARRA requirements will apply. A countless number of small and mid-size businesses have gone solar, too. This growing commercial demand may in part explain why

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