Press Releases from Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) (20 total)
Calling Aid & Development Innovators in Africa – Enter Innovator of the Year C …
The Aid & International Development Forum is currently accepting nominations for the Innovator of the Year Award. This competition celebrates individuals, who have introduced game-changing initiatives, created research or inventions that have made an impact on the humanitarian aid and development sectors in Africa over the past year.
The aim is to recognise individuals for their inspiring leadership, forward thinking, creative problem-solving and implementation of innovative programmes that have helped…
Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Congress: Innovations, Partnerships and Financi …
Climate-smart agriculture has a profound impact on Kenya. The country is incredibly vulnerable to crises from extreme weather due to the reliance on climate-sensitive natural resources. The agriculture sector is a major contributor to the national GDP, which also leaves Kenya’s economy weak during periods of flooding or drought.
The World Bank has recently approved a $250 million USD investment to the Climate-Smart Agriculture Project in Kenya. The investment comes…
Aid & Development Africa Summit Brings Technology to Close Healthcare Access Gap
Access to healthcare in Africa differs greatly from region to region. The distance one lives to an urban centre determines the access they have to medical services, and is frequently a barrier. Africa holds a quarter of the world’s disease burden yet it is home to only 2% of its doctors. This gap is slowly being filled by innovations and mixed reality technologies that support health SDGs.
While infectious diseases…
[infographic] Disaster Preparedness and Prevention
Disaster preparedness methods and prevention infrastructure have been proven to mitigate the impacts of catastrophes on citizens around the world. As shown in the infographic by the Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF), every euro spent on disaster prevention efforts is predicted to result in €4 savings that would go towards response efforts. In 2016, the European Commission released a report of its planned investments for the countries in the…
Impact of Climate Change & Exposure to Disasters
In the nearly twenty years between 1996 and 2015, there were 7,056 disasters recorded worldwide, which is double the number of disasters that happened during the previous two decades from 1976-1995. According to the infographic by the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF), 91% of these disasters were attributable to climate or weather-related events. This also coincides with the dramatic increase in annual average temperatures marking previous decades. This trend…
Disasters & Climate Change: Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees
The number of forcibly displaced people has grown from 33.9 million in 1997 to 65.6 million persons in 2016 due in large part to conflicts in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. The rise in conflict globally has resulted in the occurrence of 20 displacements per minute last year and a new record high for the total number of people affected by displacement. As shown in the infographic by the…
Hear from FEMA, World Bank, World Vision and UNHCR at Global Disaster Relief & D …
World Population Day, 11 July, brings population-related issues to the forefront of international discussion. Thirty years since the observation of the Day of Five Billion in 1987 the world is filled with 7.6 billion people, demonstrating the need for further consideration of environmental and development challenges.
The mortality rates in the U.S. will increase by 5.4 per 100,000 for every rise of 1°C in average temperatures and could cost 1.2%…
Humanitarian Leaders To Gather At Aid & Development Asia Summit Next Week
More than 250 high-profile representatives from NGOs, businesses, government and UN organisations are set to convene at the Aid & Development Asia Summit in Nay Pyi Taw next week to exchange innovative and sustainable solutions for improving aid delivery and development strategy in Southeast Asia.
Hosted on the 14th and 15th June 2017, the 3rd annual Aid & Development Asia Summit offers unparalleled opportunities for cross-sector collaboration and debate to bring…
Myanmar Ministry of Health to speak at Aid & Development Asia Summit 2017
Marked on 7th April, the World Health Day highlights the importance of ensuring health and well-being for everyone, at every stage of life. Despite significant progress made over the last decade to meet health related targets, 130 million people in South-East Asia (SEA) do not have access to basic health services. The region also has the lowest density of health professionals with a deficit of 6.9 million health workers.
Strengthening the Effectiveness of Aid and Development Delivery
Next week in Washington D.C, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) 2011 will be assisting the humanitarian community to identify gaps and strengthen response effectiveness.
Attended by decision-makers from UN, NGOs, Government and intergovernmental organizations involved in the delivery of aid relief and development programs, the Aid & International Development Forum which is now in it 11th year, provides a unique platform to build relations, address aid delivery issues…
Disaster Accountability Project: Week governance equates to poor recovery in Hai …
London, 7 February 2011 – The lack of a strong and unified government post-Katrina has resulted in a drawn-out and debilitated reconstruction of Haiti, despite a global outpouring of contributions.
According to a report released by Disaster Accountability Project, entitled “One Year Follow Up Report on the Transparency of Relief Organizations Responding to the 2010 Haiti Earthquake” only half the funds raised by aid agencies including the American Red Cross have…
A clean bill of health? How humanitarian agencies can remedy approaches to healt …
When any disaster strikes, a variety of international organizations offer relief to the country affected but they all have different objectives, expertise and resources to offer. Provision of aid on a large scale must be managed appropriately to avoid further chaos and confusion both during and after the disaster.
Experts from various NGO’s and governmental departments will come together on the 22nd July 2010 at the Aid &…
UN OCHA’s Hansjoerg Strohmeyer to open global aid and development event
Chief of Policy and Development Branch at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), Hansjoerg Strohmeyer, will be addressing attendees at this year’s Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C. on Thursday July 22.
This is the second time that Mr. Strohmeyer has attended AIDF. Speaking at last year’s event, he said: "I am surrounded here…
Comms 2.0: Why Aid and Development’s use of media needs a reboot
According to the Institute of Fundraising, 60% of charity websites were ineffective in getting their message across. Poor access to information makes the user less inclined to make a donation. Over the last two decades, use of the internet as a means of communication has overtaken other media. Yet it seems that adequately addressing the point in this digital age to donors and other stakeholders needs a rethink.
In spite of…
New Experiential Zone to demonstrate services and solutions effective in scenari …
The annual Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) returns to Washington D.C. and for the first time, will include an Experiential Zone providing visitors with the unique opportunity to experience elements of relief and development that can have a crucial effect in disaster situations and those of ongoing poverty. The exhibition takes place at the Walter E. Convention Center on the 22 and 23 July from 9am – 5pm.…
Do the MDGs oil the wheels for sustainable transport solutions?
The sustainability of transportation in the aid and development sectors is something that has been overlooked, says Natalie Teperdijan, of Fleet Forum. Visitors and speakers to the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) will have the opportunity to examine this on Thursday 22 July, 2010.
In the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Review on Transport and Logistics, Teperdijan of Fleet Forum, the first independent knowledge center focused on humanitarian fleets within…
Financial collapse stymies progress for Millennium Development Goal
July 07, 2010
The global financial crisis is still being felt not just in the West, but also in developing countries. As the worldwide economy makes tentative steps towards stability, progress in poorer countries is slower due to drops in funding for trade and development: fewer jobs available and lower wages for those who do remain employed.
Despite this, the World Bank has recently claimed that plans are still on track to…
Global Partnerships for Development: the centre of the MDGs?
July 07, 2010
The UN, USAID and NGOs prepare to come together on building a global partnership for development.
In the build-up to the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals in September, talk on achieving the goals abound. The eighth goal, “Develop a global partnership for development” is central to achieving the other seven. But how can it be done?
To some the involvement of the private sector is essential, to…
Financial collapse stymies progress for Millennium Development Goal
The global financial crisis is still being felt not just in the West, but also in developing countries. As the worldwide economy makes tentative steps towards stability, progress in poorer countries is slower due to drops in funding for trade and development: fewer jobs available and lower wages for those who do remain employed.
Despite this, the World Bank has recently claimed that plans are still on track to meet the…
How not to make a drama out of crisis management
Among the startling images from the Haiti earthquake earlier this year, a massive humanitarian effort was – and still is – taking place. In such a crisis, it is the cooperation of a Crisis Management Team (CMT) that brings together the necessary aid such as food, shelter and healthcare to those affected.
Maggie Burke is the director of Management Services for Africare. Burke says that “the problem with many organizations is…
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