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Press Releases from GoSee4Me (7 total)

Amateur Photographers Scout Locations for Independent Media Productions

Directors of Independent Film, Television, and Print Photo Shoots See Benefits to Using Amateur Photographers for Location Scouting - Location scouts serve a vital role in media and entertainment productions. They identify venues for movie scenes, television shows, commercials, magazine spreads, and print advertisements. For major motion pictures and other media projects with large budgets, location scouting is performed by trained professionals. However, independent films and other

Amateur Photographers Assist Businesses to Expand Operations

Businesses are Using Amateur Photographers to Help Find Suitable Locations for New Restaurants, Retail Stores, and Other Facilities - Selecting the optimal location for a new retail store or restaurant is so crucial that it can make the difference between success and failure. As the ownership of these types of businesses has shifted from private entities to large corporations, the art of selecting sites has evolved from an entrepreneur’s

Billboard Advertisers Desire Enhanced Proof-of-Performance

Advertising Agencies Seek Additional Monitoring and Independent Verification of their Billboard Campaigns – The industry standard for proof-of-performance reporting in billboard advertising is the American Association of Advertising Agencies’ guidelines, which state that photographic evidence of the placement of an advertisement is to be provided to the buying agency within five business days of the initial posting of an ad. Since the emergence of the Internet and digital photography, many billboard

Companies Embracing New Methods to Gather Business Intelligence

A New Breed of Web Services Allow Businesses to Obtain Information on Customers, Suppliers, and Competitors – Ever since the late 1990’s, businesses have been leveraging the Internet to obtain information about potential customers, competitors, and suppliers. In many cases, valuable information can be found simply by visiting the web site of a particular company of interest. However, the information found on company web sites is invariably self-serving

Technology is Turning Average Consumers into Freelance Photographers

Inexpensive Digital Cameras Along with Innovations on the Web Allow the Average Joe to Make Some Money on the Side - Not long ago, the qualifications to be a freelance photographer were to own an expensive camera and possess the technical knowledge to manipulate shutter speeds and aperture settings in order to take good pictures. Although commercial quality images are still captured by professional photographers, the advent of inexpensive, sophisticated

Satellite Imagery is Now Commonplace – So What’s Next?

Businesses and Consumers Desire Ground Level Images of Objects and Structures Seen in Satellite Photos – Viewing detailed satellite images of objects on earth was once the province of government agencies, but it is now commonplace. Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can look at satellite photos for free using services like Google Earth and Yahoo Maps. However, when zoomed in too close, these images

New Web Service Provides Photos of Any Object or Physical Location from Any Angl …

Irvine, Calif., November 6, 2007 – A new web service called GoSee4Me allows registered members to obtain an image of anything, anywhere, from any angle, right through their Internet browser. Here is how it works. Let\'s say that a member wants to see something in another city, another state, or a different country. It can be an object, a structure, or anything else the member knows exists in a

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