Press Releases from 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH (15 total)
SECUPRODUCT: Legally binding counterfeit protection for mechanical and plant eng …
Nottuln, Germany, 3 March 2014. A counterfeit protection system must be quickly and cost-effectively integrated into existing production processes – this is the motto under which 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH presents its industry solutions at the Hannover Messe 2014. The focus is on the counterfeit protection SECUPRODUCT®, which enables the direct security of products, parts and components in mechanical and plant engineering as well as in the automotive and…
PrintStars 2013: Bronze Award for 3S' security label
Nottuln, Germany, 17 October 2013. 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH received the Bronze Award in the "Packaging and Labelling" category at this year's PrintStars 2013 award ceremony. This prize was given to 3S in recognition of its outstanding OTF security label specifically developed to protect high security devices and premium packaging used for quality products and food. The security label also protects online terminals used for cashless payment transactions as…
Fight against product piracy: 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH at FachPack 2013
Nottuln, Germany, 5 July 2013. Legally binding counterfeit protection for the entire packaging process chain - this is the theme for 3S Simons Security Systems' product exhibition at FachPack 2013. The OFT security label is one of the innovations presented by the German specialist for counterfeit protection solutions. It allows users to protect their security-relevant devices and high-quality packaging against manipulation and plagiarism. 3S has developed the industry solution SECUPACK®,…
Legally binding counterfeit protection for the logistics and packaging industry
Nottuln, Germany, 13 July 2012. 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH will be presenting its products and industry solutions for legally binding counterfeit protection at FachPack 2012. 3S industry solutions designed for the packaging, logistics and manufacturing sectors will take center stage at the trade show.
In Germany alone, product and brand piracy has caused economic damage of €20 to 30 billion according to information provided by the Association of German…
SECUDOC®: Legally binding documentation
Nottuln, Germany, 29 June 2012. The industry solution SECUDOC® by 3S enables forgery-proof documentation of entire distribution channels. Transport documents, such as delivery notes, shipping documents and papers for customs or other authorities are unambiguously identifiable as originals and can be attributed to a distinct delivery. Certificates, reports and security papers, contracts, plans, signatures and business letters as well as credit cards and ID cards can also be protected against…
SECUDATA®: logistics plus counterfeit protection
At FachPack/LogIntern 2010, 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH presents their industry solution SECUDATA® at the special show „market place for innovative logistics solutions“ organised by the German Institute for Distribution and Trade Logistics (IDH).
On the basis of the worldwide smallest and legally binding micro colour-codes SECUTAG®, 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH has developed SECUDATA®: an industry solution for the continuous security of the entire flow of goods and material. 3S…
3S Simons Security Systems with SECUPRODUCT at Hannover Messe 2010
Product and brand piracy assume more and more alarming proportions. The worldwide economic harm amounts to between 200 and 300 billion US dollar, among which 30 billion in Germany. Therefore a legally binding protection of the entire product portfolio is of particular interest to companies from all sectors.
With SECUPRODUCT, 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH offers a technology that ensures the direct marking of all kinds of products from all…
INGUN secures packaging with SECUTAG® colour-codes
The use of counterfeited test probes can result in unexpected damage. If the test probes are not of highest quality, this can lead to errors in circuit board inspection. Every single circuit board, whether applied in mobile phones or cars, is inspected for errors before installation through contacting with test probes on different soldering points. With counterfeited test probes, the functioning of the circuit boards and thus of the final…
3S Simons Security Systems GmbH with SECUPACK at Scanpack 2009
3S Simons Security Systems GmbH present their new industry solution SECUPACK® for the first time at Scanpack 2009 at the stand of Heino Ilsemann GmbH, manufacturer of innovative packaging solutions and packaging lines. Both companies hereby establish an interesting and pioneering symbiosis for packaging and counterfeit-proof solutions for the industry.
With SECUPACK®, 3S has developed a solution especially for the packaging industry offering legally binding counterfeit protection of primary and…
3S at The Brand Protection Show: legally binding product security with colour-co …
At The Brand Protection Show from 16th to 17th September in London, 3S Simons Security Systems presents its micro colour-code system SECUTAG® and its tailor-made concepts for counterfeit protection as well as the cross-industry system solutions for anti-counterfeiting and traceability.
On the basis of the worldwide smallest micro colour-code particles SECUTAG®, 3S Simons Security Systems offers companies from all industries reliable and legally binding counterfeit protection. The colour-codes are accepted as…
3S at Hannover Messe 2009: counterfeit-proof and traceable at once
From 20th to 24th April 2009 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH presents tailor-made concepts for counterfeit protection at Hannover Messe 2009. 3S also presents their cross-industry solutions for anti-counterfeiting and traceability in the competence centre Industrial Identification & Vision, on the joint stand for Product Protection.
With SECUTAG®, 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH offers reliable counterfeit protection for products of all kind, a system which has proven to be forgery-proof for…
EPAL EUR-box pallets with counterfeit-proof control seals
Inferior material quality and neglected safety standards of counterfeited EUR-box pallets evoke enormous risks. Therefore the European Pallet Association EPAL secures its EUR-box pallets with special control seals that are made counterfeit-proof by the worldwide smallest micro colour-code particles SECUTAG®.
EUR-box pallets are one of the most important logistic loading equipments. They must comply with certain material requirements and are especially suited for the transport of goods that are not or…
Industry solution for pharmaceutical companies
The European Commission, organisations, associations and pharmaceutical companies all agree on the fact that a uniform solution for the security and traceability of medicinal products needs to be found in the very near future. The damage for companies and consumers caused by counterfeited drugs is immense. The German 3S Simons Security Systems GmbH now offers a tailor-made solution for the pharmaceutical industry. The combination of micro colour-code particles SECUTAG® and…
Traceability goes anti-counterfeit
For the first time, product security and traceability are united in one single system solution. Product piracy being the cause of more and more losses and risks for producers and consumers, both the protection and the traceability of products are topics not to be ignored.
Nottuln/Germany, 27.03.2008. The worldwide smallest counterfeit-proof micro colour-code particles SECUTAG® protect branded products against forgery. Barcodes, RFID or data-matrix codes have established themselves in the area…
Counterfeit motor vehicle components are dangerous to life
Product piracy is everywhere. More and more automotive suppliers are finding out that their intellectual property rights are being violated. While counterfeiting safety-relevant motor vehicle parts can cost manufacturers hundreds of millions of dollars, it also causes a major safety risk to consumers. Effective anti-counterfeiting solutions are required to protect the products. Now, the counterfeit-resistant micro colour-code system SECUTAG® also secures motor vehicle supplies.
Nottuln/ Germany, October 4, 2007. U.S. Motor…
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