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Press Releases from NSNRP (2 total)

Rosa Nice Featured in FABUPLUS

Rising super-star Rosa Nice continues her plus-size modeling career with a four page feature in the number one print magazine for curvy women, FABUPLUS, in their Spring 2021 edition. The article includes never before seen photos of Rosa Nice as she poses with an Albino Python, in lingerie, and in a formal mermaid gown and tiara. Rosa Nice, a sultry songstress, recently celebrated 100,000 streams on the new application LÜM

Rosa Nice: 10K in 1st Week!!

Congratulations are in order to singer, songwriter, and now director for an outstanding release of a new music video entitled “Like A Lady.” The video, which released on Valentine’s Day 2021, is her first release since 2019, and has captured the hearts of viewers. Rosa brings you into an LGBTQP+ fantasy date night with both polygamy and monogamy mixed with deserts, steamy romance, and lots of flowers. Rosa Nice is

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