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Press Releases from GBP INTERNATIONAL (2 total)

Dr. Mahathir was taken out of context - Rafidah Aziz on Malaysia and world affai …

Tan Sri Rafidah is known in Malaysia and beyond as veteran politician with decades of experience in various government administrations and chairman of Air Asia X. In an interview with Volker Friedrich the CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL she shares her thinking on current political and economic affairs in the Asian region, China, Europe, and USA. The interview is full of thought-provoking quotes and Rafidah is very outspoken on missing leadership in

Interview with Dr. Mahathir of Malaysia

Two-time Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir of Malaysia in an exclusive one on one interview with Volker Friedrich – CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL The CEO of GBP INTERNATIONAL Mr Volker Friedrich was granted an exclusive interview with Tun Dr. Mahathir of Malaysia. In an engaging 45 min talk conducted via internet call Dr. Mahathir was questioned by Volker Friedrich on the management of the Corona crisis in Malaysia and his

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