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Press Releases from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) (54 total)

Measurement technology in test stands, testing systems and in signal generators

The top combination of PCI-Express and analog output module by BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) Maisach/Munich. The implementation of measurement technology in the producing industries, no matter if ist production processes, test series or test stands, is an essential tool nowadays. To quote Luke Schreier (Director of Automated Test Product Marketing at NI) on this subject: „Based on the increasing technology confergences in recent smart devices, test stands and testing systems become

Understanding Environmental Processes with LAN Data Acquisition Systems by bmcm

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Measurement specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) presents PC measurement ideal for applications concerning environmental monitoring. Especially DAQ hardware recording measuring data via network (LAN) is extremely flexible and all-purpose. Environmental monitoring concentrates on measuring and observing environmental conditions, such as water, air, and soil quality. Another important part is the wide-ranged topic "healthy living" dealing with hazardous substances in building fabrics, indoor climate, mold infestation, electric smog, or noise, for

USB-AD14f + OR8: Powerful Team for Measurement, Monitoring, and Control

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Regarding the new USB data acquisition system USB-AD14f, measurement specialist bmcm has optimized universal use and price-performance ratio. Combined with the optocoupler and relay board OR8, it proves its real qualities being especially suitable for monitoring and control of machines. Continuous monitoring of machines and plants helps to avoid damages, manufacturing errors, or expensive breakdowns. With temperature measurements, for example, overheating of frictional parts can be detected early. Before the

Digital I/O System USB-OI16: Universal Highlight for Digital Measurement

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Highly-integrated and multi-purpose is the latest digital I/O device of measurement manufacturer BMC Messsysteme (bmcm). Isolated, digital acquisition and control of higher voltage or current makes the USB-OI16 particularly interesting for industrial applications. Multi-function counters complete the function range of the digital all-rounder. Monitoring of automated production processes, control of machines and systems, acquisition of quantities, and other test procedures often require a digital solution. The following few examples demonstrate

State-of-the-art Measurement Technology: Free Software Update for DAQ Hardware f …

Maisach/Munich, Germany. The measurement manufacturer BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) is announcing a new release of the bmcm Software Collection. Version 4.6 supports the currently available and the latest data acquisition systems of bmcm in particular. The NextView update is also free for holders of a NextView4 license. Continuous further development and sense for trendsetting technologies are decisive for a company to permanently compete internationally in the market. This is successfully demonstrated by

Meilhaus Electronic extends Range of Products by bmcm Measurement Technology

Maisach/Munich, Germany. With immediated effect, the company Firma Meilhaus Electronic GmbH, longtime specialist for PC measurement and interface technology, distributes the products of PC measurement manufacturer BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm). The family business Meilhaus Electronic GmbH is one of the leading European developing, manufacturing, and distributing enterprises in the field of PC measurement and interface technology. Since 1977, the company has been providing know-how, innovative developments, and customized, EMC-compatible solutions for industrial

LAN-AD16fx: Data Acquisition System with Safety Plus

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Measurement specialist bmcm, celebrating 20th anniversary, introduces DAQ with next-generation network technology at SENSOR+TEST 2014. With "PoE", the new DAQ system LAN-AD16fx features not just more flexibility but also increased safety for measuring. The question of safety and security is coming up everywhere today – no matter if in media, industry, politics, etc. So as well in measurement technology. In the field of measurement and control, safety and security do

On the Safe Side with LAN Measurement Technology by bmcm

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Breakdown monitoring, early fault detection, and quality improvement provide more safety. Measurement manufacturer bmcm faces the manifold demands in these fields by presenting reliable LAN measurement technology. The universal LAN data acquisition systems combined with the DAQ software NextView are ideal for mobile use or in rough environment. Safety has been a desirable state for people at all times, because it eliminates risks and dangers, which might interfere with

bmcm measurement technology for mechanical engineers at FMB 2013

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Themed "Take care of your business, we'll solve your measuring task", measurement manufacturer BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) presents robust, compact, and interference-proof measurement systems at FMB 2013, the supplier show for mechanical engineering, in November. Measurement and control technology is an indispensable field in mechanical and plant engineering. Particularly with regard to steadily increasing energy expenses, it considerable contributes to optimize energy efficiency. A power-saving machine pays quickly for itself. Permanent monitoring

Analog Backplane AP2a from bmcm for 5B Modules with Extended Functionality

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Measurement specialist bmcm presents the AP2a, a revised version of his analog 2-channel backplane. Besides 5B measuring amplifiers, also output modules can be integrated now. Pluggable spring terminal blocks simplify the connection of sensors or other measurement signals. Speaking of the so-called "measurement chain", a backplane represents the connecting element between measuring signal, signal conditioning, and data acquisition. It allows for easy connection of sensors and measuring amplifiers, and

Analog and Digital Measurement Technology by bmcm: All-in-one and Multifunctiona …

Maisach/Munich, Germany. Bmcm puts a focus on universal measurement and control systems for flexible and cost-saving use in analog and digital applications. The measurement specialist presents his latest developments at Sensor+Test 2013 in Nuremberg. The decisive advantage of multifunctional systems is versatility. As they can be used in a flexible way, they are suitable for a wide range of applications. Investment costs can be reduced and quick reacting to new requirements

Bmcm expands Sales and Distribution of Measurement Technology Worldwide

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), longtime manufacturer for PC measurement made in Germany, is expanding business relations by two new sales partners in Great Britain and USA. With the slogan "Innovative Measurement Technology", BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) has been providing hardware and software for data acquisition, signal conditioning, and analysis of measuring data for almost 20 years. Bmcm measurement technology is distributed directly or online, via the web shop of BMC Messsysteme

Bmcm Presents Measurement Technology in Practical Use

Maisach/Munich/Germany. A variety of application notes on the website is provided by measurement specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm). They show how measuring tasks can effectively be realized with amplifier technology and data acquisition systems from bmcm. PC measurement is about the acquisition and processing of physical quantities such as e.g. temperature, force, or pressure being recorded as analog or digital signals. They are digitized to be available in the PC for

Measuring Amplifiers MA-UNI/-UI/-U by bmcm: High-End Measurement

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The isolating 5B measuring amplifiers of BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) provide for optimum signal conditioning, effective noise suppression, and protection against high potentials. Precise and safe measurements are guaranteed. Measurement is not just measuring. The quality of the measurement setup is decisive for measuring data to be reliable. This can be considerably improved by the following points: • Avoiding ground loops If measuring signal, DAQ system, PC, and power supply have a different

Measuring, Recording, Analyzing made easy with NextView by bmcm

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The new NextView website features short tutorials introducing the handling of the software for data acquisition and analysis. Several examples demonstrate the great variety of applications possible with the user software developed by measurement specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm). A data acquisition software is a tool in measurement to visualize and analyze physical processes on a PC. To mention in this context is the measurement program NextView, a product of measurement

Backplane BP16 by bmcm: Flexible Signal Conditioning in Miniature Format

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Up to 16 miniature measuring amplifiers can be integrated on the amplifier board BP16 from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm). Sensor signals are adjusted to the current measurement task for each channel separately. In measurement technology, measuring amplifiers and converters are required for amplification, filtering, linearization, and conversion of an electrical variable. In this context we also talk about signal conditioning, which often makes a scanned signal only then usable. A backplane

Intelligent Measurement with NextView by bmcm

Maisach/Munich/Germany. NextView, the software for data acquisition and analysis by BMC Messsysteme GmbH, provides an ideal solution for long-term monitoring in the field of intelligent measurement – without any programming effort and long training periods. Nowadays in times of high competition pressure, it is more and more important to present meaningful results directly. System downtimes immediately produce high costs. Long-term monitoring of key parameters can help to recognize and diagnose problems

Monitor, Control & Automate in Measurement Technology with NextView 4 Script by …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. NV4SCRIPT, the extension for the data acquisition software NextView 4 by BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), allows the individual realization of measuring tasks as well as the event-oriented automation and control of measurement and test processes. For more than 20 years, the software NextView has made its mark in the field of data acquisition and analysis. The user software of the longtime specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) has been improved continuously

Amplifier Measurement System AMS42-LAN16f by bmcm: 1 System – 1000 Possibiliti …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The mobile tabletop unit AMS-LAN16f by the measurement manufacturer BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) combines 5B amplifier technology and data acquisition via network within a tight space. Due to the modular concept of the amplifier measurement system, different analog and digital measuring applications can easily be realized. A modular measurement system with individual equipment is versatile and flexible. The measurement specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) focused on this aspect when developing

Data acquisition from bmcm synchronized to real-time

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With LAN measurement technology, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) realizes professional measurement via network. The latest release of NextView 4, the software for data acquisition and analysis, synchronizes signals of different LAN data acquisition systems to real-time. PC measurement with external DAQ systems has established in measurement technology: Connect a DAQ device to the notebook, attach signals, and measure. Undoubtedly, the USB interface has stood the test of time being a

Measurement technology via network by bmcm at productronica 2011

Maisach (Munich) / Germany. Measurement and control via LAN is the central theme of BMC Messsysteme GmbH at productronica 2011, the international trade fair for electronics production. The data logger LAN-AD16f from bmcm uses the advantages of the network and makes signal acquisition at many places and across great distances possible – synchronous to real-time and interference-free. No doubt, the term "Network" resounds throughout the land nowadays. Whether social, global, local

USB-PIO-OEM: Digital Control and Acquisition via USB

Maisach (Munich) / Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) introduces a highly-integrated OEM version of the versatile I/O module USB-PIO. The USB-PIO-OEM can be used to equip devices with a modern and powerful USB interface. The USB-PIO of BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), longtime specialist for PC measurement technology "made in Germany", looks back on an impressive success story. Regarding its use, customers again and again prove to be amazingly creative. Whether as

BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) releases new Catalog for Data Acquisition

Maisach (Munich) / Germany. Under the title "DATA ACQUISITION", the manufacturer for PC measurement presents his current products in the field of data acquisition. With new LAN DAQ systems, bmcm is putting a focus on measurement and control via network in addition to the successful USB measurement systems and PCI(e) slot cards. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), long-time manufacturer for PC measurement technology made in Germany introduces his latest developments in the

Analog Backplane AP8a from bmcm: Connection Technology for 5B Modules and Sensor …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Measurement specialist, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), releases a new version of its 5B backplane for signal conditioning applications. Comfortable sensor connection, modularity, and ease of use are the key features of the AP8a. The compact AP8a board from bmcm provides eight slots for measuring amplifiers and converters in 5B standard. Due to the variety of available 5B modules, even the most specific measurement tasks can be realized simply and individually. -->

MA-UNI: Signal conditioning from bmcm for mobile use

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), longtime specialist for measurement technology "made in Germany" introduces the MA-UNI, a universal measuring amplifier in 5B standard, allowing the service technician to be well prepared for all eventualities. Technical interferences and damages in industrial environment can have a wide range of reasons. Breakdowns immediately produce high costs. To enable the service technician to quickly react on site, often measurements of the most different kind are

PCI-PIO: Digital I/O card from bmcm with quadrature decoder

Maisach/Munich/Germany. A digital I/O card, a counter card and an incremental encoder card have been integrated into a single PCI interface card by measurement and control specialist BMC Messsysteme GmbH. The PCI-PIO impresses by versatility. It almost seems to be inconspicuous at first sight. As the saying goes, however, "Still waters run deep": Behind the highly-integrated design of the PCI-PIO board from bmcm lies a multifunctional concept. CMOS/TTL compatible digital signals can

bmcm introduces isolated differential amplifiers in miniature format

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The highly compact isolation amplifiers of the MAL-ISO series from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) provide a cost-efficient solution for measuring voltage signals or current without interferences. The importance and necessity to measure with electrical isolation is not obvious to many people, especially since using isolation amplifiers for each channel incurs additional costs. However, who wants to make reliable statements about measurements, avoid unwanted interferences resulting from earth or ground loops, or

Analog control via PCI/PCI Express with electrical isolation

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the analog output modules MDA16-2i/-4i/-8i, the manufacturer of measurement technology BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) launches a module series for isolated, analog control via the PCI or PCI Express bus. If for the control of power supplies, frequency converters, or engines - potential differences between two circuits can lead to sudden discharges and cause heavy damages. Galvanic isolation is the solution here. With the new plug-on modules MDA16-2i, MDA16-4i, and MDA16-8i

PCIe and USB data acquisition systems: The future measurement technology

Maisach/MunichGermany. With a wide range of new data acquisition cards and measurement devices for the USB and PCIe interface, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) presents PC data acquisition for the next PC generation. Economic crisis as a chance: BMC Messsysteme GmbH, manufacturer for data acquisition and PC technology understands the present time as an important impulse for further development. Products with latest technology are required to meet the future demands. Provide competitive

meM-INC: Acquisition of pulses and frequencies at the PC

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the digital system for incremental encoders meM-INC from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), signal pulses can be counted and frequencies measured via the USB interface. Incremental encoders convert linear or rotating position changes into a digital signal. They are used as sensors for distance and angular measurements. Basically, their working principle consists in periodically arranged segments on a measuring stick or a disc producing electrical pulses during motion. The actual

Measuring via PCI-Express

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the PCIe-BASE, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) is one of the first few manufacturers of measurement technology to come out with a competitive data acquisition card for the PCI Express interface. PCI Express (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express), "PCIe" for short, is a PC interface allowing for the communication of peripheral components with the master processor of the PC. In the long term, PCIe will replace the PCI slots in

Fast data logger featuring remote access

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The autonomous data acquisition system meM-LOG-SE from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) impresses by multifunctionality, compactness and mobile use. The remote data polling via modem creates independence from local conditions and allows fast analysis of breakdowns. The service technician of a manufacturing company is on-call for the weekend. To minimize breakdowns and long downtimes, the machines of the factory are permanently monitored. Besides that, important parameters of the manufacturing process are

New distributor for bmcm in Germany West

Maisach/Munich, Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH, manufacturer for data acquisition and PC technology "made in Germany" continues its steady course of expansion. The bmcm sales team will be reinforced by Herbert Steffes, who has taken up the distribution "West" in Germany. Reports about economic growth of companies may be rare in these days, but crises, however, are always a chance, too. Since the product range of bmcm provides a genuine alternative for

Sensor technology at bmcm: Industrial sensors and strain gauges

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With more than 25 sensor types BMC Messsysteme GmbH, longtime manufacturer of measurement technology "made in Germany", considerably extends its product range in the sensor area. High-quality sensors for industrial applications and the special category of strain gauges were added. In PC data acquisition, the selection of a sensor is the suitable starting point for many, to solve a measuring task. Basically, a measuring task means to record a certain

Measuring in wind and weather with the ZU-PBOX

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The waterproof plastic housings ZU-PBOX-LAN and ZU-PBOX-PG from BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) optimally protect data acquisition systems and amplifier technology used in field applications and harsh environment against foreign substances and humidity. In most instances, measurement applications are not feasible under laboratory conditions. Humidity and dirt constitute a great challenge to the technician in measurement technology. Especially in long-term measurements, they can represent a serious danger to successfully carry out

Bmcm publishes updated version of their catalog for measurement systems

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Under the title "DATA ACQUISITON", BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) introduces a revised product overview of their data acquisition systems, measuring cards, data loggers and amplifier measurement systems in the field of PC-based data acquisition. In measurement technology, data acquisition (DAQ) is the area responsible for recording and processing a physical quantity (e.g. voltage, temperature, speed). The field of PC-based data acquisition uses the computer as a tool to start scans,

ePCII: Embedded PC Technology as Industrial PC or Data Logger

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the ePCII series, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), manufacturer for data acquisition and PC technology, introduces the second generation of embedded PC technology based on highly integrated and powerful ETX technology. It's like in a movie: A second version to be successful must feature something new and better without loosing sight of its basic characteristics. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) has put great emphasis on this aspect when developing the next

AMS amplifier systems in 19'' format (84TE)

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), manufacturer for innovative measurement technology "made in Germany", extends the product range of 5B compatible AMS amplifier systems by the AMS84 series in 19'' format. The 19'' amplifier rack AMS84 is excellent for installing in test systems. 16 slots to accommodate 5B modules are provided. With the optional add-on AMS-EXT8 this number can be extended by a package of 8 channels to maximum 32 channels. Because of

bmcm - The manufacturer of measurement technology announces positive development …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With great success BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) presented itself at SENSOR + TEST 2008, the leading measurement fair. Their products in the range of industrial PC data acquisition and embedded PC systems aroused much interest in the trade visitors. In spite of the slight drop in the number of visitors during SENSOR + TEST 2008 from May 6 to 8, 2008 in Nuremberg there were large crowds at the booth

measurement device USB-AD16f, a high-performance all-rounder

Maisach/Munich/Germany. A new benchmark in measurement technology is set by BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) with the latest measurement device USB-AD16f, a high-performance all-rounder, recording analog and digital signals with great accuracy. Technical products basically can be characterized by the following properties: performance, quality and price. If one feature is more pronounced, it is often at the expense of the others. A product, however, fulfilling all criteria to an extremely high degree, promises

Modular PCI data acquisition system PCI-BASE1000 for stationary acquisition of m …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), long-time manufacturer of measurement technology, proudly presents the PCI multi-function data acquisition card with a highly integrated and modular concept at an unbeatable price which allows the user to tackle any measuring task by assembling his individual measuring card. The brilliant idea of the PCI-BASE1000 is its modularity providing an enormous flexibility. With the selection of suitable data aqcuisition modules to equip the two module

Data acquisition systems USB-AD, USB-PIO: Where is the measurement device?

What some might consider as an incomplete delivery is the real clou: Customers, who order a USB device at bmcm for analog or digital measurement data acquisition, receive a red USB cable with an attached 25- or 37-pole Sub-D connector. That's supposed to be all? No, of course not! A "Software Collection" CD is included as well. Everybody who is not discouraged until now, and connects the USB cable to

bmcm publishes catalog for PC technology

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Under the title \"PC SYSTEMS\" BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) introduces its product series of PC technology which is especially suitable for automotive and industrial use. An embedded PC is generally understood as a modularly designed, extremely compact PC which is usually \"embedded\" in other systems. Unlike standard desktop PCs the embedded PC technology is used typically in special, mostly industrial applications. Therefore operation in extreme environment must be possible. When developing

BMC Messsysteme GmbH first-time represented at PRODUCTRONICA 2007

Maisach/Munich/Germany. The "bavarian measurement company munich" (bmcm), manufacturer for PC-based data acquisition and PC technology continues its course of expansion. Under the motto "From sensor to analysis" BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) presents itself for the first time as a direct distributor at the World’s leading trade fair for electronics production in Munich. Productronica comprehensively represents the market for electronics production and the special technologies used in micro-manufacturing at the highest international

Amplifier measurement systems AMS8/16 and AMS-LAN8/16: high-quality and compact …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Under the name of \"AMS\" (Amplifier Measurement System) the new product line of BMC Messsysteme GmbH offers up-to-date amplifier technology in 5B standard for individual requirements. In a solid, compact (½ x 19 inch) metal housing with the characteristic red frames of BMC Messsysteme GmbH high-quality measurement technology has been integrated in smallest space: the amplifier measurement system AMS8/AMS16 features 8 (AMS8) or 16 (AMS16) slots for 5B modules to

bmcm: The "bavarian measurement company munich" introduces itself

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the "PRESENTATION" catalog, a company profile of a special kind, BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) gives all interested customers the opportunity to get an impression of the longtime manufacturer for innovative measurement technology "made in Germany". Since more than 15 years BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) develops and produces measurement technology true to the motto "From sensor to analysis". The product range comprises the full bandwidth of industrial PC-based data acquisition:

Providing new views in the vehicle area with the automotive display aDP800

Maisach/Munich/Germany. Corresponding to the special demands in the automotive area BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) introduces the automotive display aDP800 of their product range for embedded PC technology. Particularly suitable for mobile use in research, test and development measurement data and signals can be visualized directly on-site. Owners of a notebook, hoping at a bright summer day to do their PC work outside, know the problem: in daylight conditions hardly anything can

NextView®4: Recording ARINC429 and analog signals synchronously at a standard P …

Maisach/Munich/Germany. With the support of the ARINC429 interface the professional measuring software NextView®4 of BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) makes data acquisition via the ARINC429 system bus possible, synchronously to other recorded analog signals. ARINC429, a generally accepted standard of the ARINC (Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated) company, is a communication protocol in avionics. Via the ARINC429 system bus measuring data of different aeronautical systems, like engine control or fly-by-wire systems, can be related

Digital sensors at bmcm - because data acquisition starts with the sensor

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH, manufacturer of innovative measurement technology "made in Germany", extends her product range in the sensor area by digital sensors. Measurement technology deals with the acquisition of physical quantities, like temperature, distances or speed, for example. Nowadays in industry it is an integral part of all development, manufacturing and optimization processes and is applied in the most different areas. Often measurements, monitoring and tests have to be conducted by

MAL Measuring Amplifiers and Converters: Signal Conditioning in smallest format

Maisach/Munich/Germany. BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) extends the range of MAL measuring amplifiers by the measurement converters MAL-FU (frequency to voltage) and MAL-U2I (voltage to current). In measurement technology measuring amplifiers and converters are used for the amplification, filtering, linearization and conversion of an electric variable. In this context we also talk about signal conditioning, which often makes a scanned signal only then utilizable. They almost look like the famous Danish building bricks

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