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Press Releases from Bouchard Fintech (11 total)

The Cultural Divide In The USA Is Holding Steady

Information researched and presented by Bouchard Fintech It has been seen, time and again, that the USA is a something of a house divided unto itself. To be sure, some of what is on display now is not entirely new. However, some of the intensity and the distrust between the competing camps appears to have reached new heights-or lows, depending on the perspective. In some ways, the USA has been divided

Bouchard Fintech

Information provided by Bouchard Fintech The US, at least this current administration, has mystified its European Union business and political partners. The EU represents one of the very largest economies on the planet. The EU is also very much a trusted ally of the US. The EU market continues to be a fertile ground for US exports. So, it was quite a surprise that the US seemed to be picking a

USA firms brace for major hit by retaliation tariffs

By Bouchard Fintech The likelihood that that USA would be imposing tariffs on China was clear for all to see. After all, China has a massive trade imbalance with the USA and exports far more products and goods to the USA than it imports. It was, however, something of huge surprise that the USA started to impose tariffs on imports from its closest allies and most trusted trading partners. The tariffs

For Corporations To Succeed They Better Emulate The Approach Of VCs

Business research presented by Bouchard Fintech Successful companies are constantly working diligently and assiduously. They are continually looking to improve their products, their services, their customer satisfaction levels, their sales numbers, their profit margins and their return on investment. In reality, companies really have a complex number of mission-critical objectives that they must successfully juggle in order to succeed. For many companies, as part of their path to success they have

China May Have Hurt Innovation But Not By Much

Material written by Bouchard Fintech It is well-known that for the past couple of decades China has acted as a factory to the world. It is also common knowledge that many manufacturing jobs in both Europe and the USA were lost to China. The deeply cheaper labor costs in China were simply much too difficult to compete with. In more advanced economies, there are minimum wage standards and worker benefits that

A new trade war is shaping up between the USA and China

Research, news and analysis by Bouchard Fintech The recent back and forth between the USA and China regarding trade and tariffs is disconcerting. What started as mere talk by the USA on china's trade practices escalated to threats of imposing tariffs on Chinese imports coming into the USA. Then, in early April, the USA announced that it plans to impose tariffs on over 1,300 different products that are imported from China.

Spotify Listing on NYSE - Quick Facts

News, research and market information provided by Bouchard Fintech The music streaming success known as Spotify is about to make its grand entrance onto the publicly traded space. The big splash is set for the coming days and the company will be listed on the NYSE. Spotify was started over ten years ago and is based in Sweden. The basic service is offered at no cost but the company also has

From Mexico To Brazil A Wave Of Populist Movements

From Bouchard Fintech Economic Analysts At one level the financial and economic situation in most of Latin America appears to be doing relatively well. After all, there is solid economic growth and there is a good financial outlook. On average--with some notable exceptions like Venezuela--there is a real improvement to the financial situations of both the population and the corporations. Revenues are up and profits are up too. However, as noted

From Mexico To Brazil A Wave Of Populist Movements

From Bouchard Fintech Economic Analysts At one level the financial and economic situation in most of Latin America appears to be doing relatively well. After all, there is solid economic growth and there is a good financial outlook. On average--with some notable exceptions like Venezuela--there is a real improvement to the financial situations of both the population and the corporations. Revenues are up and profits are up too. However, as noted

When A Company Founder Is Replaced - What Are The Outcomes?

Research and analysis from Bouchard Fintech For a variety of reasons, companies may choose to raise funds and seek capital infusion into their businesses. Some of those reasons include the need for capital investments, research, development, new equipment, and hiring of additional staff. At times the need for capital is urgent due to external market forces and where the infusion of added capital can be a make it or break type

How to explain to the older generation what is a cryptocurrency?

The company Bouchard Fintech believes that there are three points that can help explain some of the key questions about cryptocurrencies. We will look at what is a cryptocurrency, where does a cryptocurrency come from and how to explain these points to the older generation. When older people want to understand new technologies they ask questions. So, if they want to know how Blockchain works, the explanations given usually come

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