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Press Releases from Lead to Market (2 total)

Back-office Outsourcing for Dummies

The smooth running of your back-office plays a major role in determining the success of your business. Thinking of outsourcing your back-office functionalities — why is it a good idea? – Reduce your overheads – Allows you to focus on core activities of your company – Staffing flexibility – Incremental progression and risk management The 4 primary steps involved in implementing an outsourced back-office operation: 1) Determining the scope 2) Defining the outsourcing process 3) Designing the solution — what technologies should be

Why Outsource Business Process or Function to a 3rd Party?

Outsourcing lead generation & demand generation allows for the company to focus on the core details and outsource the more simple functionalities. It is imperative that if a company does decide to outsource, that they evaluate the options and outsource correctly. LEAD TO MARKET'S OUTSOURCING ADVICE Determine whether you are an outsourcing candidate. You may outsource any process that is not the main focus of your business. In additions, ask the question

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