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Press Releases from Straight Talk In Limited (7 total)

Straight Talk In The Community

Straight Talk In Limited have delivered a message to local communities in the Northwest to recognise today's youth for their values in their own right, creating an awareness that all youths are asking is to be seen as credible! This is despite a spate of thefts of Credhedz cards, since they were launched in August 2006. The Liverpool based greetings card publisher, a private organisation, have been doing a lot

Newsagents Are Reporting Credhedz Cards Theft

Distributors of a Liverpool publishing company are feeling the pinch, as reports of thefts are coming in, from its Liverpool Newsagents, after publicizing the identity of Credhedz. Managing Director John McNulty of Straight Talk In Ltd, the Fairfield-based publisher, says that, \"Even though the public might see Credhedz as the \'must-have\' birthday card, because of its associations with kudos and credibility, anyone who steals them has no credibility. Credibility is


All Credhedz Go To New Birthday Cards as the UK high street is seeing the race to launch a line of birthday cards with a difference. Credhedz Cards introduce a more lively approach to communication, say Liverpool-based Company Straight Talk In. The cards range from Popular Cult Icon and Cred-o-Meter to Olympic range. Marketing manager John McNulty explains, “Credhedz cards are sent on Birthdays. They say something about the receiver that conventional

Straight Talk In Generation

U.K. branded birthday card publishers, Straight Talk In, have launched a global brand of Birthday card, “designed to get youngsters talking.” The Company says that the Credhedz card avoids the sentimentality of usual Birthday cards and provides a way for both males and females to get straight to the point with their relationships. Promotional teams have been hanging out on the streets, spreading the word to the heart of the community.

Liverpool’s Birthday Credhedz cards pass on a positive message to today’s yo …

October 9th 2006, Liverpool, U.K. Liverpool-based greetings card publisher Straight Talk In Limited have introduced a new range of Birthday cards that put forward a positive message to young adults. Their Birthday Credhedz range honour people on their birthday for what it is that makes them credible in the eyes of others. The new and innovative range are accompanied by a golden envelope and their own individual card stand, the Birthday

A Credhedz Birthday

Capital culture city Liverpool, UK, has seen its recent release of Credhedz Cards. The September launch of Liverpool’s Straight Talk In Limited’s relationship-based greetings cards have been designed to keep youths and young adults on their toes. Formed in March 2006 the greeting card publishing company makes a true departure from the traditional greeting card format of fitting words and images with types. It avoids boring young people with cards


Liverpool-based greetings card publisher Straight Talk In Limited have announced the introduction of a new range of Birthday card that honours credibility, encourages people to pay more attention to their relationships, and, more importantly, that put the words back into the mouth of the consumer. It looks at that one and only time in the year when the chance is rife, to focus on what it is that is respected

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