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Press Releases from BuyProperty4Less (8 total)

Off Plan Property - Property Investment Made Simple?

Over the past 5 years several property investment companies have sprung up offering naive property investors the chance to share in the growth in the UK property investment industry. some companies offer excellent advice and resources but the majority of them have jumped on the property investment bandwagon and offer nothing more than slick marketing without any substance or very little experience. Damian Qualter, MD of, states " The Property

Property Investment - Glasgow Off Plan - The Price is Right

"Glasgow has seen a major investment in the regeneration of its city centre over the past few years. Areas which were "out of bounds" are gradually being improved and more popular for new homes" states Damian Qualter MD of one of the UK's leading Property Investment Companies. "Property Investment, especially in the off plan property arena is becoming big business for investors often who are based in the South. They

Property Investment UK - Buying Off Plan Property Advice

"Property Investment - How can we do that?" "Many of our clients are first time investors who want to jump on the Property investment bandwagon. Most have ailing pension funds and need someone who can just guide them in the off plan property maize to make an informed decision based on facts and potential of the investment NOT based on how much commission the sales person can make "rail-roading" unsuspecting

Investment Property - Is Off Plan Property Still Viable?

"Investment Property Off-Plan still offers a great deal for Investors - Many people believe the off-plan bubble is about to burst" Damian Qualter MD of states "BUT the demographics and economic factors state otherwise. BuyProperty4Less and our investors believe that off plan property investment still offers excellent potential returns. Where else can you control 100% of an investment for only 5% and get a discount of over 15%? Many

Off Plan Property - 7 Principles to Success

In less than 3 year Damian Qualter MD of has built a personal property investment portfolio of over £5.5m. Damian now helps investors build up their own portfolios "There are so many seminar companies around charging clients £000's to attend 2 and 3 day workshops that give you a wash of information and in most cases that it is not relevant to their personal circumstances. Buyproperty4less is working with clients

Property Investment - The Seven Secrets to Off-Plan Property Success

"Property Investment is Probably one of the best mid-long term investment vehicles" states Damian Qualter managing director of one of the UK's leading property Investment companies. " Although there are risks for the novice investor" "Until recently Property Investment was only for the upper classes. Now we have a broad spectrum of investors ranging from Bus Conductors to Chairmen of top PLC's. They are all looking to get involved in

Off Plan Property -The Property Investment Goldmine?

Off Plan Property is when investors buy property that is yet to be built in order to leverage their small deposits and make capital gains during the build process. BuyProperty4less one of the UK's leading Off Plan companies have been selling this type of investment for around 5 years. Damian Qualter MD of BuyProperty4Less told us recently " Off Plan Property has all the benefits from investing in property without actually

Bulgarian Property Off Plan - Will The Bubble Burst?

Bulgarian Property off plan has recently been in the spotlight as one of the World's most attractive investment hotspots. ""Off Plan" means that investors purchase property before it is built and in many cases offer high rewards by the time the property is completed which can be anywhere from 3 months to several years Is the Growth set to continue? With the economy currently growing at 4.8% over the last 5 years

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