Press Releases from ABICOR BINZEL (2 total)
ABICOR BINZEL offers active health protection with the xFUME VAC series
Professional fume extraction during welding is becoming increasingly important
The inhalation of welding fumes is a health hazard. Professional extraction of the fumes produced during welding is important not only to protect the welder, but also all other persons in the same area. Efficient extraction is now even mandatory in certain countries, and the research findings are increasingly linking weld fume inhalation to higher cancer risks as well as other ailments.
ABICOR BINZEL: New Managing Director Marketing and Sales – Jens Schleicher
Jens Schleicher has joint the ABICOR BINZEL group as new Managing Director Marketing and Sales since mid of November 2016. The business graduate is taking over this function from Prof. Dr. Emil Schubert, who had held overall responsibility for both divisions, marketing and sales well as research and development, before.
Prof. Dr. Emil Schubert is continuing as chairman of the managing board and will now be focussing more on the…
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