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Press Releases from CosmoCode GmbH (4 total)

WikiMatrix Adds Consultant Marketplace

Inspired by the success of Wikipedia, more and more Wikis are set up for internal and external enterprise communications and are revolutionizing companies knowledge management. For more than two years now, the WikiMatrix [1] portal is helping decision makers with choosing the right product. Because wikis are still an emerging technology it can be hard to find professional support when needed. Now a new feature was added to the WikiMatrix site.

Blog comparison site WeblogMatrix launched

The German IT company CosmoCode just released WeblogMatrix [1] - an open informational web platform about different available weblog (aka. blog) systems. Blogging became quite popular during the last years and many different applications were created to give bloggers their tool of choice. Because blogging is so widespread today blogging tools are used in many different environments, from personal diaries, over corporate blogs to podcasting and video blogs. Each domain has

The Wiki comparison portal WikiMatrix turns one - new features added

The WikiMatrix website celebrates its one-year existence tomorrow, November the 24st. The popular portal created by the German company CosmoCode allows comfortable comparison of more than 70 Wiki products and grew to be the most important help in choosing a Wiki software today. Inspired by the success of Wikipedia, more and more Wikis are set up for internal and external enterprise communications and are revolutionizing companies knowledge management. The choice for

CosmoCode releases Wiki Information Portal

The german IT company CosmoCode just released WikiMatrix [1] - an open informational web platform about different available Wiki systems. The Wiki applications available on the market have a huge diversity in their technical faetures, performance and usability. WikiMatrix is the first online platform to comfortable compare different systems with each other. All data is provided by the Wiki's developers themselves; the Wiki features can be discussed and rated in provided discussion forums. WikiMatrix

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