Press release
WikiMatrix Adds Consultant Marketplace
Inspired by the success of Wikipedia, more and more Wikis are set up for internal and external enterprise communications and are revolutionizing companies knowledge management. For more than two years now, the WikiMatrix [1] portal is helping decision makers with choosing the right product. Because wikis are still an emerging technology it can be hard to find professional support when needed.Now a new feature was added to the WikiMatrix site. It gives users an easy way to find support and consulting for deploying and running a wiki. The new WikiMatrix Consultant Marketplace [2] lists companies which provide general wiki consulting, offer training or can help with setup, configuration or customizing a wiki engine.
Consultants can tie their service to up to five of the 99 wiki engines listed at WikiMatrix currently. This makes it easy for business people to find support for the engine of their choice. Available supporters can additionally be filtered by country to quickly find local service providers.
Companies and individuals providing wiki focused services can add their details in a basic listing for free. Premium entries featuring the company logo and a short description start at 5 Euro per month.
WikiMatrix which is operated by the German company CosmoCode [3] is dedicated to help finding the right wiki application. It allows you to compare multiple products based on their features. It displays more than 100 cataloged aspects in comfortable side-by-side tables and provides easy to use filter mechanisms. A choice wizard helps newcomers to narrow down the broad range of listed products. Forums and a documentation wiki complete the experience.
Wiki consultant services are tightly integrated into the product comparison matrix. The number of available supporters is shown for each wiki and can be used to search and compare different applications.
Andreas Gohr
Telefon: +49 30 2809 6200
CosmoCode GmbH
Prenzlauer Allee 36
10405 Berlin
CosmoCode is a German software company, providing services in all information technology related areas with a focus on Internet services and web development, especially in the fields of Content Management Systems (CMS) and Wikis.
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