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Press Releases from Vision Strike Wear (25 total)

USS Winston S Churchill DDG-81 Receives Shirts for their Goat Loacker and USN Ch …

It needs to look good, build morale and above all things must have the level of detail and originality needed for the Goat Lockers. When it comes to United States Navy custom designs whether it be for a command, squadron, warship, squadron or in this case a US Navy Chief’s mess then one comes to expect a razor sharp professional, cutting edge design of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com. The Chiefs expect and wouldn’t have

USS Connecticut SSN-22 Receives Shirts for their Crew Today

The United States Navy Dolphins deserve the best when it comes to their crew shirts and Vision-Strike-Wear.Com was requested to design their shirts. When it comes to United States Navy custom designs whether it be for a command, squadron, warship, squadron or in this case a US Navy Submarine crew then one comes to expect a razor sharp professional, cutting edge design of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com. The Dolphins expect it and wouldn’t

Navy Chief Design Grabs the Bull BY The Horns since 1893

It needs to look good, build morale and above all things must have the level of detail and originality needed for the Goat Lockers. When it comes to United States Navy custom designs whether it be for a command, squadron, warship, squadron or in this case a US Navy Chief’s mess then one comes to expect a razor sharp professional, cutting edge design of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com. In the case of the Navy Chief

USMC Spartan Helmet Coin Holds Rank with Incredible Artistry and Detail Released …

Marines know since the release of the movie 300 that there has always been a relationship to the warrior ethos of Sparta and the US Marine Corps. How many copies of the movie 300 were taken on deployment over the years while US Marines went to Iraq and Afghanistan? Too many to count. The numbers are incredible and so is the relationship between warriors of different battles and period of time

Cold War Veterans Honored At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com

Veterans of the Cold War receive a designs for shirts and apparel at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com today. The Eagle and the Bear match up once again. Over many decades the screech of the American eagle and the growl of the Russian Bear could be heard over cold and quiet distant battle fields. The Cold War was fought with strategy at the highest political offices down to the Private in the Fulda Gap in

Hail To the Chief US President Donald J Trump Coin Released

Just For the record as US Veterans we support the role and mission of the POTUS and respect the duties of the office of Commander In Chief. As a business Vision-Strike-Wear.Com was not in the business of developing some of the most beautiful, original and highly collectible coins when the first 44 Presidents rolled into office. Many people ask them why they never did a President Obama coin, a President

USMC F-18 Multi Role Fighter Shirt Blazes Off the Design Desk Today and Into the …

The F-18 multi role fighter jet in the USMC arsenal is as bad ass as it gets and when it comes to a shirt displaying this fine bird it has to be. The air wingers through contacted VSW through its Facebook page and requested a design be made showing the awesome capabilities of this USMC fighter. The F18 is easily identified as one of the most lethal aircraft in the USMC

USMC Tun Tavern Alumni Bottle Opener Coin Debuts Today At Vision-Strike-Wear

When a bottle opener and coin are created for our beloved US Marine Corps it has to be good. There are no exceptions and no second place ribbons. It has to be good not only to snap the top of any drink you care to put in front of it but it has to have lasting design, detail and original art or the US Marines wouldn’t have anything to do with

Marine Corps 0331 Machine Gunner Receive New Military Shirt Designs Today

When US Marine Machine Gunners want bad ass t-shirts for their MOS they tap the shoulder of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com Take a machine gun and out it into the hands of a Grim Reaper is what the design team at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com received when a US Marine Corps unit wanted shirts made. They got this on a napkin sketch and were asked to draw it up, make it bad ass then put it in

Vision Strike Wear Presents The Best Military Designs of 2017

The Best Military Designs For 2017 has already started with completely new and different, highly detailed, colorful and professional looking military artwork for both active duty US Military as well as reserve units, ships, commands, squadrons and units. As new military designs arrive on the scene they are placed here so that out United States military can both see what has been recently designed but also to see designs they

US Navy Chiefs at SLF Norfolk Receive Their Navy Dolphin Shirts

When the Navy Chiefs at SLF Norfolk wanted the best in shirts for their Sailors they turned to Vision-Strike-Wear.Com The US Navy surface fleet like its big boys need constant protection from threats above and below the surface. The Mater Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Chiefs of the United States Navy know this. When they searched the web they found a company whose primary focus was custom US Navy design and illustration.

USS Leyte Gulf CG-55 Get Their Custom US Navy Shirts Today

When the Engineering Division aboard the USS Leyte Gulf wanted the best in shirts for their Sailors they turned to Vision-Strike-Wear.Com Put the US Leyte Gulf center stage. Add lighting, stormy seas, a ghost fleet and add marquis signs around the primary design with words and phrases like repairs, auxiliaries, propulsion, electrical and the statement arrayed for victory the Snipes aboard this grand US Navy warship got the design they wanted. For

RSO Oceana FCPOA Get Their Custom US Navy Shirts Today!

When First Class Associations want the finest in shirts they turn their creative goals to Vision-Strike-Wear.Com Whether it’s a perched crow atop the Liberty Bell, an F-18 screaming off the deck of a carrier for the FCPOA that are associated with these ships and commands or possibly it’s the location like NAS Oceana the FCPOA does want the best when it comes to their custom shirts. At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com they get it.

The USS Tornado PC-14 Crew Receives Their Custom US Navy Shirts Today

The United States Navy Ship USS Tornado deserve the finest and at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com they get it! Custom military shirts designed and printed and delivered to your USN Warships! For over 9 years the United States Navy has turned to VSW to have cutting edge, razor sharp military graphics developed for their needs. Whether in support of a CPO365 program, a 5K run, CrossFit challenge or simple something for wear when working

Damn the Torpedoes Full Steam Ahead Launches New US Navy Shirt Designs at Vision …

Entering into the fray and casting all doubt to the side has been the US Navy at its finest ever since Admiral Farragut uttered these famous words. And the US Navy has never looked back. With a variety of US Navy nautical elements such as the crossed boarding axes, a skull with its long and historical connection to the Jolly Rogers and the pirates of old and the sleek and

Military Shirts Custom Designed for US Navy Chiefs!

The United States Navy Chiefs and their Messes deserve the finest and at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com they get it! Custom military shirts designed and printed and delivered to your Goat lockers! For over 9 years the United States Navy Chiefs and their messes have turned to VSW to have cutting edge, razor sharp military graphics developed for their needs. Whether in support of a CPO365 program, a 5K run, CrossFit challenge or simple

Military Shirts Custom Designed and Printed for You

Without question the world is not filled with illustrators like it used to be but not the case at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com we know that amazing military artwork is the key to printing and having a great t-shirt made for the men and women of the United States military. It about moral. It’s about professionalism and ultimately it is about creativity blended with a military spin that produces uncompromising military art

Military Shirts Custom Designed for US Navy Sailors

The United States Navy deserves the finest and at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com they get it! Custom military shirts designed and printed and delivered to your submarine! When the USS Columbia SSN-771 asked for a custom design for their Dolphins they knew they wanted the best. What did they have in mind? Unique. Original. Hand drawn original artwork with cutting edge detail that other companies simply would not provide. At Vision-Strike-Wear.Com they received exactly

USS Fort McHenry Receives First Custom Design For 2017

A shirt without a great design is just a shirt. A great custom Navy designs makes it way more! The Best Military Designs For 2017 has already started with completely new and different, highly detailed, colorful and professional looking military artwork for both active duty US Military as well as reserve units, ships, commands, squadrons and units. As new military designs arrive on the scene they are placed here so that

“Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” Coin Takes To Sea

With a title like this you know the coin had better be damn good! For the last few years a new leader in military challenge coins and manufacturing has come to the forefront and that company is Vision-Strike-Wear.Com They have taken some of the finest custom and original military art and fashioned military coins out of them for both active duty as well as reserve units and squadrons, commands all across

Military Gift Items & Figurines Take Center Stage at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com

When it comes to military gift items one doesn’t have to look much farther than Vision-Strike-Wear.Com for unique gift items from figurines to banks and other original designs. From aviator skulls bearing a leather helmet, goggles and with a touch of eeriness to skulls riveted with bullets ornately displayed like a Mohawk going down the centerline of the skull to soldiers kneeling and firing, one in combat, one helping a wounded

US Navy Corpsman Tribal Coin Released

Once again a highly detailed and exquisite coin has been released for coin collectors and United States Navy Corpsman! The detailed and highly sought after coins designed and crafted by Vision-Strike-wear.Com has come another amazing coin to be added to your coin collection arsenal: The US Navy Corpsman Tribal Coin. Detailed and bearing the original art of Frost Call, the lead designer of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com and its next level coin and apparel

US Navy Corpsman Tribal Coin Released

Once again a highly detailed and exquisite coin has been released for coin collectors and United States Navy Corpsman. The detailed and highly sought after coins designed and crafted by Vision-Strike-wear.Com has come another amazing coin to be added to your coin collection arsenal: The US Navy Corpsman Tribal Coin. Detailed and bearing the original art of Frost Call, the lead designer of Vision-Strike-Wear.Com and its next level coin and apparel

1-153 Cavalry Rough Riders Receive Deployment Shirts

It doesn’t get any better than when artists get full reign on design and get the latitude to take a concept given by the US Army, put it on steroids and then take it up several notches from there. The 1-153rd Cavalry, Alpha Troop, the Rough Riders gave us this opportunity and were we ever treated to a wonderful opportunity to work with them. From the First Sergeant all the

US Navy Minesweeper USS Excel MSO-439 Released!

Whether your ship is brand new or decommissioned it does not matter when it comes to creating a crisp and professional design for your ship’s shirts and apparel. The history of the United States Minesweepers is a long and proud tradition. They have been an essential part of the fleet since their inception. When the US Navy fleet sails to a distant port, battle area or finds itself in the midst

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