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Press Releases from TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH (3 total)

Pure air when welding large components

TEKA presents new extraction unit for welding shops working with large components How can welders be protected against hazardous particles in the air when working with large components at frequently changing workplaces? Extraction and filter units that capture the polluted air precisely and filter it are the solution. But conventional units are often unhandy and not powerful enough. The new "varioCube" is different. With the unit from the "FILTERCUBE" series TEKA presents

Systematically pure air

Amazone has integrated energy-saving torch welding extraction into the production Metal-processing companies can directly include the planning of ventilation systems when building a new hall. But what kind of extraction and filter technology can be successfully integrated into the existing production, which individually protects employees against emissions and is extremely energy-saving? This is the question that Hilmar Heitmann, project engineer at Amazone at the main production facility in Hasbergen-Gaste (close

Little powerhouse with high extraction performance

Mobile high vacuum extraction unit “dustoo” TEKA developed a little powerhouse with high extraction performance, the “dustoo”. The mobile high vacuum extraction unit can be used wherever a local separation of dry dusts is required. It is especially suitable for the use at a welding gun with an integrated extraction (torch extraction). The system extracts dusts directly where they are produced and filters substances that are dangerous to health out of the

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