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Scholarship for Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation in cooperation with “Kurier”

Professional MBA Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Professional MBA Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration jointly offer a Professional MBA Program of international format. This unique program combines technological excellence and business competence and will start on October 1, 2008 for the third time.

The daily newspaper “Kurier” supports entrepreneurs and managers in Austria. As a profound education is crucial in today’s business world it teamed up with the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration for this scholarship in the amount of EUR 20,000.

Target group:

The Professional MBA Program is targeted towards people working at the interface between innovative technology and business and those who want to operate in this area in the future:

· Employees of companies or entrepreneurs who are innovation leaders

· Engineers, scientists and managers working in the fields of product marketing and product controlling

· Employees who have made the first steps in their career and want to be prepared to take over an interdisciplinary, innovation oriented management position

· Potential company founders with technological background


Please contact the Program Management at or visit our webpage for the application materials. Please outline in your motivation letter why you rather than anybody else should be granted the scholarship and how this MBA can make a difference in your professional career.

Please send your application to until April 30, 2008. The scholarship will be awarded by an independent jury on the basis of the applications submitted. The self-contribution is EUR 5,000. No legal recourse.


For questions and support concerning your application please contact the Program Management or visit our webpage at

Vienna University of Technology
Continuing Education Center
Operngasse 11/017
1040 Vienna
Fon: +43 (0) 1 588 01-41701
Fax: +43 (0) 1 588 01-41799

Your competent partner for continuing education

The Continuing Education Center offers a widespread range of products customized to the needs of graduates with technical or scientific backgrounds as well as the requirements of companies. This includes full-time and part-time programs.

"The cooperation with selected external partners and universities abroad additionally ensures permanent expansion and internationalization of our range of offers."
Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Kaiser

The Continuing Education Center will further strengthen its position as a competent partner on the international postgraduate continuing education market by offering professional and high-quality services.

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