Press release
Practical Trader Training for Traders with Professional Software
New Partnership between Tradesignal and TwoTwoFiveLondon/Bremen 09/21/2012. If you mix a recognised software producer of technical chart analysis and rule based trading such as Tradesignal together with a proficient Gas and Oil Trader such as the British firm TwoTwoFive, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.
The partnership has arisen from TwoTwoFive recognising the need in the international market for training for entry level traders as well as long time traders. The goal of the training is not only to improve individual trading but also to improve work habits and analysis methods.
Participants are greatly enthused by this concept, after a one week seminar one participant said: „I've learnt so much here in five days about trading, technical chart analysis and trading systems that I can hardly wait to put all this new knowledge to use.“
TwoTwoFive brings its enormous wealth of experience of commodity trading to the courses and Tradesignal brings one of the most sophisticated software products in the international financial and energy market. Along with an innovative practical training system, this combination offers an expansive trading course for anyone involved in commodities trading. The courses are equally suitable for traders, analysts and risk managers along with programmers, system developers and back office employees. TwoTwoFive and Tradesignal are regularly updating and also offer the courses directly to clients worldwide. Participants not only work consistently on techniques and strategies throughout the courses, but also on personal strengths and weaknesses. TwoTwoFive also offers participants the option to stay in contact and receive professional support after the course ends.
Participants can implement their knowledge on every level using Tradesignal in all different areas of Charting, Analysis and Trading Systems development. In this way beginners can make a successful entry and experienced traders can initiate new trading methods. Even those who don't work with Tradesignal will have no problems using what they have learnt in their own work environment. On the question of why TwoTwoFive was happy to partner with Tradesignal, David Glasspool replies: „We saw for ourselves which software offered the most possibilities for programming trading systems and chart analysis, so it was an easy decision for us and one we're very happy with.“
About TwoTwoFive
TwoTwoFive was founded in April 2011 by Stefan Dixon, Paul Terry, Steve Jones, David Glasspool, Chris Holmes and Chris Harper. Previous to this the founders were long-term professional active traders in energy markets and brought with them more than 100 years of trading experience. They have made their vision of a pioneering, customised and innovative Trader Training a reality. Much emphasis has been placed upon developing a new and innovative training program and their trading simulator, Ignite. They also provide consultancy across the energy sector.
For more info on TwoTwoFive go to:
About Tradesignal
Tradesignal GmbH has been among the leading producers of software for international finance and energy markets for many years. The core strength of the business lies in the development of software products enabling rule based trading strategies and technical chart analysis. Tradesignal clients are active worldwide in trading establishments such as banks, energy concerns and trading houses.
For more info on TwoTwoFive und and Tradesignal go to:
Tradesignal GmbH
Linzer Straße 11
28357 Bremen
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