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Diskeeper Corporation: Defining InvisiTasking

03-19-2007 06:28 PM CET | IT, New Media & Software

Press release from: Diskeeper Corporation Europe

EAST GRINSTEAD, UNITED KINGDOM (19th March, 2007) With the recent release of the Vista compatible edition of the award-winning Diskeeper 2007, Diskeeper Corporation Europe defines the new and revolutionary feature InvisiTasking™.

InvisiTasking was coined from ‘invisible’ and ‘multitasking’ and is a technology which allows any system maintenance task to run invisibly in the background.
To achieve this Diskeeper 2007 works on the basis of real time defragmentation. Therefore the moment that fragmentation occurs Diskeeper 2007 will detect this and search for resources which are not being used to act as a base for handling this. As only idle resources are being used there is no intrusion or effect on computer production.

The ground breaking InvisiTasking technology marks the beginning of a new era for Diskeeper and automatic defragmentation. Previously defragmentation software has been designed to run manually. This meant that whilst defragmentation was taking place resources were being used regardless of other demands on the system. Production would therefore be interrupted and the defragmentation process would take an unacceptably long time. Diskeeper 2007 only needs to be installed and then the software just does the rest.

D. Kastritsis comments,”I am very satisfied with Diskeeper 2007. I am also thinking to upgrade it for the Windows Vista Edition. I use Diskeeper 2007 at Home and for the Office. I also make PC’s for my customers where I install Diskeeper for better performance, that's why I purchase multiple licenses. I think that daily defragmentation is very important to keep the PC running at a good performance level.”

For more information on Diskeeper and our products, you can visit our website at

About Diskeeper Corporation
Diskeeper are Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies™ for Windows NT®, 2000, XP and OpenVMS® operating systems. Diskeeper produces more than 95 percent of the network defragmenters used in the corporate market and selling over 25 Million licences.

© 2007 Diskeeper Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Diskeeper, I-FAAST, InvisiTasking, Terabyte Volume Engine and Undelete are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by Diskeeper Corporation, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Source: Diskeeper Corporation Europe – Helen Bishop -(

Computer Sofware Company

Diskeeper Corporation Europe
Kings House,
Cantelupe Road,
East Grinstead,
West Sussex,
RH19 3BE

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