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Fresh Web Explorer definition

Fresh Web Explorer (©  issaronow /

Fresh Web Explorer (© issaronow /

Fresh Web Explorer is a tool that utilizes the Moz Freshscape Index in order to locate the newest, freshest mentions (fresh mentions) of key terms that are of interest to a business on the web. It also provides a wealth of linking opportunities for businesses.

In this article, we’ll give you greater insight into Fresh Web Explorer and explain the benefits that it can provide for your business.

Starting out a link building campaign can be difficult. It can take a lot of work to get the links that you really want; the links that will do the most for your business. In order to help make the process of link building a bit easier, there are several methods that that can be employed; and fresh mentions are one of those methods.

Essentially, fresh mention links are links that have been built for you by someone else. In other words, the key terms that are of importance to you are mentioned within the content of a site, and all you have to do is find the mention and input a link.

Here’s an example: Your website is (fictional site), and a decorating blog mentions the term “modern furnishings” on their site, by pure coincidence; however, there isn’t any link embedded within the term. Fresh mention link building would let you know that the term “modern furnishings” has been used on that blog and reach out to the blog to ask if they would be willing to link to within the term.

Fresh Web Explorer

How does the owner of find out who is writing about them, and when that writing it taking place? That’s where Fresh Web Explorer comes in.

Created by Moz, the marketing powerhouse, Fresh Web Explorer is a tool that tracks fresh mentions. It comes free with a paid subscription to Moz.

Basically, this tool tracks all of latest and freshest mentions of a brand, a company, specific topics related to an industry, or any other important terms that are of interest. This tool uses the Moz Freshscape Index, which is comprised of more than 4 million RSS feeds and more than 17 million URLs (and those numbers are growing) to find out exactly where and when key terms of interest are being mentioned.

Once you receive a list of fresh mentions, you can then get in touch with the webmasters of the sites that contain those brand mentions to inquire about adding your link to the mentions. Letting webmasters know that you are appreciative of the brand mention and informing them that adding a link to your website would be beneficial for the readers is key to successfully using fresh mentions and Fresh Web Explorer.

In Conclusion

Fresh Web Explorer is very easy to use, as Moz has taken care of all the guess work that goes into tracking fresh mentions. Given the benefits that this tool can provide, it is well worth the investment.