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Email Interview Confirmation Email Example

Email Interview Confirmation (© adiruch-na-chiangmai /

Email Interview Confirmation (© adiruch-na-chiangmai /

If you have been given the chance to interview for a job via email or in person, then congratulations! While the job might still seem like a pipe-dream, this is still a great step you have taken and actually a lot of people will never make it this far!
Now it’s just a matter of waiting and prepping for the big interview right? Well, not quite I’m afraid! There is more that you can do right now to improve your chances of success and specifically, you need to consider sending an email interview conformation message to say that you will be in attendance.

Email Example

This is a great opportunity to make a first impression before you even meet/conduct the interview. And it’s crucial that you follow up in some form to ensure that the organization knows you will be able to attend the interview!

That should look something like this:

Dear Sir/Madame,

Thank you very much for providing me with the opportunity to interview for the role of [JOB ROLE] at [BUSINESS]. I am able to attend the suggested timeslot and look forward to discussing the matter further on the day.

If you require any further information from me, please let me know.

Best regards,


This is short, succinct and to the point but also uses professional language and helps to demonstrate your capabilities when it comes to communication. Make sure to adjust this template to better fit your specific invitation – respond to any points made in their first contact. Likewise, they may have given you a list of possible timeslots, in which case you will need to choose one.

The Importance of Great Communication in Business

If you want to make an impression in business, if you want to build the right connections, and if you want to make sure that you are taken seriously by your contemporaries, then the importance of good communication skills can’t be understated. Business is all about making the right connections and it’s all about convincing people that they need to use your services or products, and if you can’t do that then you won’t get very far.

And these days ‘good communication skills’ 90% of the time refers to good e-mail skills which is where the vast majority of business communication now takes place. This is particularly true of course if you work online and run a website or a web service, but in any case the main way you’ll probably talk to clients and customers and work with your colleagues is likely to be through e-mail.

openPR tip: Having the ability to sound professional in your e-mails then is very important, particularly when you are contacting a client or a business out of the blue for the first time.

This is also why professional emails are so important when you are accepting an invitation! If you get this wrong, then it will appear as though you won’t be able to communicate well once you’re in the organization!

Some More Tips for Great Emails

You won’t be able to find great templates for every single email you ever send in a work setting. For that reason then, you’re eventually going to need to learn to send great emails yourself! Here are some top tips that will help:

Keep it Brief

Busy professionals are famously in a rush and they don’t have time to sit down and read War and Peace every time you email them. Get around this by keeping your communications short and to the point.

Explain Everything in the Subject Line

Likewise, it’s important to make sure that the topic is clearly stated in the subject line and that your audience knows why you are contacting them and what they can expect from the email when they open it.

Use the Right Sign-Off

When signing off from an email, it’s important to use the right formal finish. Best regards or best wishes are considered the appropriate options for business. Don’t be too flamboyant!

Don’t Try to Show Off

Having a big vocabulary is impressive. Trying to show one off at every possible opportunity is not – and in fact it will make you seem like you are unconfident and don’t really know what you’re doing!

Good communication is about… communication. Your aim is to get your point across efficiently! If your potential new boss has to pull out the thesaurus, you just lost the job!

Be Adaptable

As a general rule, you should begin your communication with a business or superior in a formal and polite manner. But if they sign off ‘see you later mate’ or throw in a few jokes, then you should also be ready to adapt your tone to suit. Likewise, some industries use a different tone than others (the internet marketing industry tends to be much more colloquial) and likewise some cultures act differently too. Play it safe until you suss out the situation, but don’t be afraid to show some personality if the situation calls for it.