Press Releases from Kass & Moses (5 total)
Motorcycle Accident Law Firm Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary
Nationwide motorcycle accident law firm Kass & Moses announced today that it recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary as a motorcycle accident law firm. The firm was founded in May, 1992, by partners Joe Moses and Andrew Kass. "In this day and age of law firm dissolutions and break-ups, partners abandoning their firm and partners and associates getting laid off, our firm has weathered the storm and is growing rather than…
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Completes Accident Scene Management Training
Nationwide motorcycle accident lawyer Joel D. Moses, Esq., completed Accident Scene Management Inc. course to train motorcyclists what to do after a motorcycle accident
April 2012 - Nationwide motorcycle accident attorney Joel D. Moses announced today that he completed the Accident Scene Management Inc. class entitled "A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist." Mr. Moses attended this course to enhance his own knowledge about after-accident scene management and also to enable him…
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Kass & Moses, P.C., To Speak At Motorcycle Riding's …
Motorcycle accident lawyers Kass & Moses, P.C., announced today that partners Andrew Kass and Joe Moses will be speaking to students of Motorcycle Riding's Cool in Chicago, Illinois on March 24, 2012 about the importance of obtaining the right type of motorcycle insurance
March, 2012 - Motorcycle accident lawyers Kass & Moses, P.C., a.k.a. 1-800-Motorcycle, confirmed today that partners Andrew Kass and Joe Moses will be speaking this Saturday…
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Kass & Moses, P.C., Releases First "Motorcycle Minut …
February, 2012 - Nationwide motorcycle accident law firm Kass & Moses, P.C., a.k.a. 1-800-Motorcycle, released the first in a series of video clips called "Motorcycle Minutes" on YouTube. The first video instructs novice motorcycle riders on how to "Winterize" their motorcycle. The release coincides with the release of Kass & Moses' blog article on "Winterizing" a motorcycle. "The Motorcycle Minute is just another way we are trying to provide…
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Kass & Moses, P.C., To Speak At Chicago Harley Owner …
Nationwide motorcycle accident law firm Kass & Moses, P.C., announced today that its partners Andrew Kass and Joe Moses will be speaking to the Chicago Harley Owners Group in Glenview, Illinois on February 6, 2012 about the day in the life of a motorcycle accident attorney - "What We've Seen".
January, 2012 - Nationwide motorcycle accident law firm Kass & Moses, P.C., a.k.a. 1-800-Motorcycle, announced today that its partners Andrew Kass…
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