Press Releases from Education Online Services (2 total)
Test Series for Gate
As the market is not only based on talent any more but demands smart brains scoring stupendous. As just being a graduate from a simple or less renowned college does not make you stand in the market that demands highly educated and professional citizens people are switching themselves for higher education to reputed university and the entrance gate for reputed colleges are only through exams like GATE. People are spending…
Education Online Services Corporation Salutes Progress at Morris Brown College
Education Online Services Corporation (EOServe Corp.) issues statement saluting Morris Brown College’s strides towards re-accreditation
Coral Springs, FL, March 23, 2011 -- In a response to the recent announcement by Morris Brown College President, Dr. Stanley Pritchett, that “We are now an applicant school in the accreditation process. Once we meet all 11 standards, we can become a candidate school. That means students who attend would again be eligible to receive…
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