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Press Releases from Alin Media Group (2 total)

Who's Your Valentine?

Krystle Stetson Photography thinks we’ll find out for sure during their Cutest Kid Photo Contest! Livermore, CA, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: When it comes to photographs, everyone is smitten by the sweet innocence and funny quirks of a child. And what parent wouldn’t want to show off their offspring in a FREE stylized photo shoot?! Krystle Stetson Photography is offering a chance for two families to capture a Valentine’s memory that will

Got Art?

HEY – listen up! We have some exciting news!! We’re having a CONTEST! We are looking to find one talented artist to create our T-Shirt Design. DEADLINE: December 1, 2010 – Winner announced December 31, 2010 We’re selecting 12 artists to display on our 2011 Calendar. The Top 3 Artists will be profiled with their entry on our fan page and voting will be open to everyone on Twitter and Facebook! That's right;

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