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Press Releases from (4 total)

Awards panorama at the Agilent-DST-CII led India Innovation Initiative National …

• Mr. Gurmit Singh wins 1st prize for innovation, his entry was about A low temperature heat engine/turbine to generate electricity, operational temperature is 80-90 A deg C • 2nd prize winner Ms. Fardaus Jahan , 3rd prize winner Mr. Bijoy Chakraborty were awarded cash prizes worth Rs.75,000 and 50,000 respectively • Special awards were given out to the most commercially viable innovations The National Fair finale of the India Innovation Initiative (i3)

Agilent Technologies’ Modular PXI, AXIe Products Receives Frost & Sullivan Awa …

New Delhi, January 25, 2011 – Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that its portfolio of PXI and AXIe chassis and modules received the Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Enhancement in the Test and Measurement category. “Our award is given to the company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for their customers, focusing on improving the customers’ return on investment,” said Frost &

PVR Nest & MoserBaer Trust join hands to promote clean environment through film …

New Delhi, 11 November, 2010: Cineart 2010, an year long initiative by PVR Nest and Moser Baer Trust to promote the school children as ambassadors for clean and green environment today concluded with felicitation of the winners. Cineart 2010 on Nature showcased 10 movies created by collaborative efforts of the school children from public schools, NGOs and school for special children. This unique initiative, a first for Delhi, brought

Ingersoll Rand India Participates in Agriculture and Food Security Fair Attended …

New Delhi, November 10, 2010 – Ingersoll Rand, a world leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficient environments, was one of the very few institutions invited to display their innovations at the Agriculture and Food Security Expo attended by U.S. President Barack Obama on November 7 at St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai. Co-organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) with the U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S.

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