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Press Releases from Kairos Venture Group, LLC, Publishing Series (2 total)

Dog Allergy Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Discussed on Allergy Dog Central Web …

New website uncovers how itchy, scratchy, dogs are often suffering from dog allergies. Causes, such as environmental allergens and dog food allergies are discussed, as well as suggested prevention and treatment techniques. Dog allergies affect twenty percent of all dogs in the United States. These allergies can cause itchy skin and ears, foot chewing, stomach problems, hair loss, and other canine health problems. The Allergy Dog Central

New Book, Handwrite for Cash, Provides Help to Small and Home-Based Businesses

Frederick, MD – September 17, 2010 – Based on personal experience, Handwrite for Cash: Firsthand Advice from Write On Results, by Ray Hrach, teaches people how to overcome the obstacles that kill most small and home-based businesses. The book was released by Kairos Venture Group, Publishing Series, and is available online at and According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, only about half of the new businesses

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