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Press Releases from (2 total)

Online Retail Management Institute Leverages Technology to offer Retail Manageme …

Student populations are increasingly becoming diverse as the economy changes and technology continues to evolve. In today’s dynamic times, educational institutions continually look for ways to transform the learning environment to adapt to the needs of students. Online degrees are proving to be valuable means for working professionals to continue their education. For professionals in the retail industry, enrolling in online retail management courses in a reputed retail management institute will

Online Distance Learning Boom: On line Distance Education Courses Gains Populari …

According to the United States Distance Learning Association, educational institutions expect the number of students engaged in online distance learning to reach a number of over 2.6 million. In fact, online distance learning education courses are now estimated to be about 10% of the available training. Schools and universities have responded to the trend of online distance learning by increasing their offerings of fully online distance education courses. About two-thirds

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