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Press Releases from Icinga (10 total)

Icinga Exchange – New Monitoring Repository

26 September 2014 – The Icinga Project joins Monitoring Exchange to present a new open source repository for Icinga compatible plugins and addons: Icinga Exchange. Icinga users have a new address to search and share Icinga compatible extensions. The Icinga Exchange repository created by the Icinga project and Monitoring Exchange features enhanced search functionality and GitHub synchronization. The new repository opens with over 500 plugins, addons and other monitoring related projects, as

Icinga 2.0 Released - Open Source Monitoring Evolves

The Icinga Project released Icinga 2.0, its next generation monitoring software designed to meet modern IT infrastructure needs. Multi-threaded performance, native cluster capabilities and dynamic configuration put Icinga 2 in a league apart from its predecessors, Icinga 1 and Nagios. In a much-anticipated release, the Icinga Project presented Icinga 2.0 stable for download. The new software completes Icinga’s departure from the Nagios code base to provide exponential performance and scalability

Icinga 2 v0.0.4 Released - Nagios Drop-In Replacement

The Icinga Project released a major milestone of their new Icinga 2 monitoring solution for download. Beyond full compatibility with common databases, web interfaces and addons, Icinga 2 v0.0.4 delivers higher performance, a cluster stack and configuration migration script, making it a suitable drop-in replacement to Nagios and Icinga 1.x. Progressing on their development of a new monitoring solution, the Icinga Project presents a formidable substitute to Nagios and Icinga 1.x

Icinga v1.10 Released

25 October 2013 – Icinga the Nagios fork, released version 1.10 of their open source monitoring solution for download. A product of community contribution, the release features performance and usability enhancements in the core and web interfaces, beside intuitive filters and live search in the Classic UI. Usability features high in the new Icinga release. Especially in the Classic user interface, which introduces intuitive, click filters and a new live

Nagios Fork No More: Icinga 2 v0.0.1 Released

The Icinga Project released a technology preview of its new open source monitoring solution Icinga 2, breaking away from the Nagios code base and constraints as a fork. Developed in parallel to Icinga 1.x.; the core framework replacement takes a new approach to configuration, check execution, interoperability and scaling in large environments. Written entirely independent of Nagios code and predominantly in C++, Icinga 2 no longer falls under the typical definitions

Icinga v1.8 Released

Icinga, open source monitoring solution and Nagios fork has released version 1.8 for download. Beyond new reporting features, the community-driven release presents performance and usability improvements in the core and web interfaces, responding to user requests and contributions. Community involvement in the development of Icinga 1.8 was noteworthy in all areas of the Icinga project. In the core, this has lead to optimized handling of check results in large environments;

Icinga v1.6 Released

Icinga the Nagios fork, released version 1.6 of their open source monitoring solution for download. Amongst an abundance of enhancements to Icinga’s two user interfaces, the release features a new, optional extension to utilize SLA data from the database. In a first step towards greater utilization of SLA information stored in the database, Icinga responds to a longstanding request in the Icinga/Nagios community with an SLA extension. This IDOUtils module breaks

Icinga Releases v1.5

24 August 2011 – Icinga, the open source monitoring solution and Nagios fork, presented version 1.5 for download today, kicking off a new release cycle. With a focus on extensibility and quality, the new release delivers an integrated reporting UI module amongst structural changes for simplified addon development. A special highlight of version 1.5 is the integration of Icinga Reporting as a pre-installed Cronk in the new web interface. Based on

Icinga Version 1.4 Released

11 May 2011 – Open source monitoring solution and Nagios fork, Icinga released version 1.4 for download today in celebration of their 2nd birthday. New features abound in the two user interfaces and Icinga 1.4 lays the foundation for future releases. Of all the enhancements, version 1.4 is noteworthy in its development of the Icinga Classic user interface (UI) to be faster and user friendlier. This includes a new log

Icinga celebrates its 10,000th download and 1 year of milestones

NUREMBERG, 1st July 2010 – Hitting its 10,000th stable core download, Icinga celebrates its 1st year as an open source monitoring project, reflecting on development milestones, team growth, conference and trade fair appearances and booming community and commercial support internationally. Since the controversial announcement in May 2009 of a fork from the prevalent monitoring system Nagios, the Icinga team of community developers has maintained a transparent roadmap, punctually releasing 30 versions

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