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Press Releases from Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) (9 total)

Optimised supply of vitamin D prevents dental cavities

Veldhoven, 9 August 2011 (SRF) The risk of developing cavities can be significantly reduced through the optimised supply of vitamin D. A vitamin D level of at least 30 nanogrammes per millilitre of blood (30 ng/ml) encourages the body to produce its own anti-microbial peptides, including cathelicidins and defensins, which inhibit cavity pathogens. This was the result of a study carried out by William B. Grant, one of the best

Sunshine vitamin boosts fertility

A study reveals that the higher the vitamin D level, the greater the chance of pregnancy following artificial insemination An optimum supply of vitamin D is one of the success factors for so-called in-vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination in a test tube. The results of a scientific study by the Faculty of Medicine at Kocaeli University in Turkey reveal that the higher the concentration of vitamin D in the follicular fluid surrounding

Sun and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 43 perce …

Attested by a study among 70.000 women: the crucial aspect is sufficient UVB radiation; diet or food supplements merely have a supporting function. Regular sun exposure and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by around 32 to 43 percent. The deciding factor in prevention is exposure to adequate UVB rays. Admittedly food that is rich in vitamin D, such as fish, dairy products, eggs and certain

Sperm switch into top gear with the sun

Veldhoven, 19 May 2011 (SRF) Men who top up on vitamin D in the sun or in a solarium, give their sperm an advantage in terms of motility, speed and penetration force. This was the conclusion of a study conducted by scientists from the University of Copenhagen investigating the role of vitamin D in human sperm production. The scientists tested the quality of sperm from 300 men chosen at random and

Tanning provides greater protection from the sun

Veldhoven, 10 May 2011 (SRF). Allowing the skin to slowly become accustomed to UV radiation from sunlight by moderate tanning creates a protective effect. Studies repeatedly find that continuous sun exposure below the erythema threshold (when the skin begins to redden) is essential in helping the human body to build up its natural self-protection mechanism against UV ray overexposure. Pigmentation and the formation of the so-called “light callous” - a

Tanned skin is not a sign for skin damage

Spring has arrived and with it sunny days, enticing us outdoors and inviting us to sunbathe. Feeling uncertain as a result of advice, which mostly encourages them to avoid spending time outdoors, many people wonder: "Is a sun tan a sign of skin damage?” The answer, according to Ad Brand from the Sunlight Research Forum (SRF), is “No”, in fact the human body uses skin pigmentation in order to avoid

An optimum Vitamin D intake lowers the mortality rate

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious, often fatal diseases, including numerous forms of cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infections, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, dementia and heart failure. The mortality rate could be reduced by up to 24 percent if the population was to have an optimal intake of vitamin D, believed to be a value of 105 nano-molecules per litre of blood (105 nmol/L). These findings come from a study published

UV light therapy to combat vitamin D deficiency

During the winter months, when the UV rays are not sufficient to stimulate vitamin D production in the human skin as the sunlight is too dim, the human body can suffer from an acute vitamin D deficiency. For older, frailer people who, throughout the year, spend little time outside and are not able to spend time in the sunshine, the risk of suffering from a vitamin D deficiency is particularly

Sunshine vitamin prevents flu

The vitamin D supply is one of the key factors for the outbreak and the course of influenza epidemics. Norwegian scientists have drawn this conclusion from a study on influenza epidemics, which has now been published in the specialist journal “International Journal of Infectious Diseases”. According to this study, with these influenza epidemics the infection and mortality rates increase with decreasing exposure to sunlight and thus, with decreasing vitamin D

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