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Press Releases from International Tracing Service (3 total)

Debate on the future of ITS is well underway

During its two-day annual meeting in London, the UK-chaired International Commission for the International Tracing Service (ITS) dealt with the question of the future organisational structure and administration of the ITS. Past humanitarian work done by the Tracing Service, the clarification of the fates of victims of the Nazi regime and the reunification of families, is to be continued as long as there is a need for such expressed by

President of the International Commission Visits ITS

Daniel Bethlehem, head of the legal department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) visited the International Tracing Service (ITS) for two days in Bad Arolsen together with representatives from the FCO and the British National Archive. Bethlehem is chairing the International Commission of the ITS since this year’s annual meeting (May 2008). During his first visit to the International Tracing Service (ITS), Daniel Bethlehem was deeply impressed by the content

Testimonies to the Magnitude of Slave Labour

The International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen has completed the digitalisation of its documents on forced labour in the “Third Reich”. The Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw are receiving a copy of the data today. “The documents attest to the monstrous dimension of slave labour during the national socialist reign,” said Udo

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